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  1. It’s been almost 2 years since the big break up, I’m doing fine time do really heals I don’t have gf yet, and I’m slowly getting back to dating scene. When I came back to CA I left some of my stuffs in FL where my ex lives. Any suggestion of how I can get my things back? I don’t want to bother her as I’ve been doing NC for almost a year and a half now. I talked to her sister the other night and she suggested that I should write to her parents ‘coz she doesn’t have the key in her house. I don’t want to bother her parents, but I think it’s the only way. I don’t know what to do if I should I write my ex or her parents? Any of you got a better idea? Thanks for reading.
  2. I think that is the age that most women are trying to find out what else is out there. She's been with you for six years and after six years she grown apart with you. "If you love someone set them free, if they come back it was meant to be." doesn't work if she left you for another guy and how bad she treated you. The excuse of trying to find herself is just b.s. You're still in the early stage. I tell you everything will get better in time. The feelings that you have for her will fade away if you continue N.C. I know what you're going through I've been there and the one that really helps me a lot is my family. They were by my side during that time of my life. It helps me 'coz whenever I feel like talking they were there to listen and give me advice hopefully you got the same thing going with your family or friends.
  3. I agree w/ bobo85 I feel your pain Frost, I’ve been through that last year, mine is after 7 years and it was hard at first, but as the time goes by it made me a better person. My advice to you is to stop communicating with her and heal yourself. In my experience the more I call her the more she get annoyed. Start talking about how you’re feeling to your family and friends, don’t keep it inside of you. You already poured yourself to her there’s nothing to change her mind. The only thing that you can do is to make her miss you by going NC.
  4. It's very tough for me this year ending my 7 years relationship with my girlfriend in the beginning of the year and then today I lost my Dad.
  5. I like simple girls, no make up, doesn't wear revealing clothes, no highlights in their hair, doesn't smoke or drink. I like girls who are smart and funny. The one who can make you laugh and smile. The one you can have conversation all day and never gets dull. I also like girls who are athletic, and outgoing.
  6. LDR success depends if the two of you really want to work it out. In my experience it's hard not seeing the one you love every day, you have to wait weeks or months before you can see them again. The two of you have to put in a lot of effort, writing letters, emails, talking in IMs, phone bills, long hrs drive or purchasing plane tickets. You'll never know until you try. Just remember communication is the key.
  7. I just need everyone's opinion and advice. My gf of 7 years broke up with me out of the blue 7 months ago and start going out with this guy without telling her family. She sent me packing, and I'm now in CA with my family. We're both each other's first bf/gf. One of the reasons she wants to break up with me is because she wants to be independent without depending with anybody, and concentrate to her studies. I tell you it hurts like hell I was going out of my mind for months. I'm thinking how she can throw away 7 years of relationship for this guy she just met. Fast forward 7 months the other day her sister called and told me that her sister is not doing well. She dropped out of school, quit her job, doesn't take care of the house she bought last March, and because she quit her job her mom have to pay for everything. Her sister said that they lost communication with her and she wouldn't pick up her phone. She is so skinny now like anorexic according to her sister the last time she saw her. She used to be so responsible and this drastic change of personality makes me worry it started when she broke up with me. I told my family what was happening with my ex and their advice to me that is not my job anymore to save her, she broke up with me and she got into this mess, so she's the one who needs to clean this up. I don't know what to do I can't go on knowing my first love is trying to ruin her life.
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