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Everything posted by starstacy

  1. I always feel pressured when someone gives me the 3rd degree- question after question after question- sometimes about things that are seriously none of their business at that point in time. And especially if you push someone to talk to you about something that they have already said that they weren't comfortable in discussing
  2. If you aren't happy with the way your partner looks, chances are he isn't either- one way to help yourself and him is get into the habit of going to the gym together- help him. If you guys live together this will be easy- tell him that you want to be healthier, and thereforeee he will follow. Help him without helping him- get me? In other words make it look like you are doing it for yourself- but dragging him along. People shouldn't break up over trival things like this, unless of corse he wants to be fat and you can't stand that- lol Good luck
  3. Sometimes in ones life you might feel as if you haven't accomplished anything or are being held back by something (or someone) and you need to kind of put things on a "pause" to figure things out in your head- you only live once, do it right. It might not seem fair to you, but he did tell you that if you find someone he understands. I know that right now you feel as if you aren't looking and don't want to but you have to understand that he needs his space for a little while. I would give him two months, and then rediscuss with him where y'all are standing. Also just because he told you that he doesn't love you doesn't mean that you have to get depressed- just know that that word wasn't meant to be thrown around.. if that is the way that you feel about him then great, but don't expect anything back- you will only be let down. I would rather have someone tell me they didn't feel that for me then to lie to my face! Give him some time!
  4. Please please please please please- Don't try to or plan on having sex with her on you official first date- one she might not give it up that easily (hopefully) and two she will think that sex is all you want. If you are wanting to give her an exotic flower make sure that you order them, don't expect to just walk into a flower shop and them to be there- you will only be disappointed. Not to mention flowers die- I mean I like to get flowers, but I would rather have something that I had mentioned in previous conversations that is more creative. Also instead of eating in why not make her (or if you are not a great cook buy her and pack) a picnic on the beach? Don't be too touchy feely just try to have a good time enjoying her company if you are wanting this relationship to progress!! Let us know how it turns out. PS things come up and people cancel- all that matters is that she is still talking to you and she wants to go on this date with you. If anyone held a grudge for everytime someone did something as insugnificant as that they would be very lonely.
  5. It's always hard to let someone know that you are not interested, especially if you know that they like you! DONT EVER COMPROMISE ON WHAT YOU WANT- EVER. If you aren't attracted then you aren't.. that simple. I would just call him and tell him straight up that you really enjoy his company and you would love to be his friend, but right now you are needing some "me" time. That's the easiest let down I can think of, but don't lie... take what I said and tune it into you.. Good luck- don't worry you won't hurt him too badly!
  6. One yes you are only 17 but you are the right age to be dating, having fun (legal fun) and "hanging" out with girls. You need to sit your parents down and tell them that you want them to meet someone special to you for whatever reasons you have.. there should be no problem.. every couple has to meet the "other side" sooner or later. Why are you so afraid of your parents anyways? What are you afriad that they will say... or Do???
  7. I was with the same person for 5 years, from when I was 15 until a year ago.. 2 years into our relationship he noticed me looking at a white gold ring with a pearl on top (it was about $250) for Christmas he got it for me (me not knowing that it was going to be a promise ring) and told me that he loved me, and will always love me no matter what I do or where I go. I don't think that you should get her a cubic z. because it looks too much like a diamond, I think that it should be a simple ring that she can wear everyday, and yes I wore mine on my left hand.. Also do not think that you need to wear something, this is not a marriage, just a gesture of your love to her!!
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