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Posts posted by PavPPZ1

  1. The bottom line is that whatever it is you truley desire, will be the final outcome. This is infact a very interesting scenereo, in that it is infact a psychological decision, with a very deep ruted cause.


    As I said before to sleep with men or women is a personal choice, and no one is either gay or straight. If that makes sense, because my understanding of a gay man and a gay woman is someone who has sex with the same sex. The physical act itself is the indication, the rest is psychological.


    Your situation is very unique, in the following ways, which I shall describe here. One very obvious problem in your sexuality which is apparent is that your family is strictly against homosexuality. This something you have been raise with your entire life. This is your conciencious internal argument against sleeping with men. The second very strong internal argument which is brewing within you is the fact that you are having very strong sexual feelings towards men. Lastly an argument in neither direction is that you do not have strong sexual feelings towards women.


    The issue here is that it can be argued that sexual desire is one of the strongest forces known to man kind. As for your internal struggle you have very few arguments that I can see of at this point which are going to sway you for sleeping with women since you do not have a sexual desire for them. Your family is everyday becoming a much smaller argument to sway you because you no longer depend on them for your livelyhood. You are a grown man who can provide for himself. In fact its miraculous you have followed in these footsteps to this day.


    I have not majored in psychology or any other aspect. I will although venture to make some arguments on the above notions. The fact that your sexual desire is towards men is not an indication that you are gay. This is an inclination for you to become gay, through the act of sleeping with other men. If you have a desire to remain straight, then you must find a trigger factor within yourself which will turn on your desire for women. I will tell you no matter what it is you think may be the case, every man has the builtin genome, to be sexually attracted to women. This is what our underlying genetic build up comes down to. I can only say that the reason you do not have sexual desires for women is because you have turned it off internally, weather its because of your family history, or some other external factors. The key is turn it on, I personally do not know what your switch is, but as a human you have extraordinary mental power over your own feelings and thoughts. The key is to unlock your potential and allow yourself to think with clarity. In laments terms this is known as thinking outside the box.


    I will be glad to help you explore other mental possibilities, with any knowledge I have to share with you. Thisis as far as I can make an argument to the case without knowing more about you.


    Share your thoughts on what you think!@

  2. since you are keeping the baby, tell them ASAP, they have the right to know. But do not let them badger you, if they start to try to make you feel awufl about it just walk away. This is the point where you are grwoing up very very quieckly, being a young girl is going right out the window in about 7 - 8 months... So you need to accept this and start by being an adult with your parents. Taking responsibility for your actions, or get an abortion and accept the fact hat you are not ready. If you are scared of your parents badgering, tthen you are not ready. You need to be able to stand up to people, if you plan on raising and standing up for your kids.


    Good luck

  3. Wow, there is no easy answer to this question. I will flat out say that your parents are acting very stupid by saying for you th choose between your boyfriend and them. What do you think will happen if you choose your BF? Honestly taht is the correct choice, because in an ideal situation it should make your parents realize that they are wrong in saying that. They would see how serious you are in your decision.


    Life is not fair sometimes, but having a child at a young age is only a good thing, its only bad when youcant raise and support the child and they die or wind up on the streeets. Its admirable when somenoe has a child and supporst them, it shows their responsiblity, courage, selflessness, and so much more. Its sad to see that sometimes parents can be so shalow in their understanding of their own kids and life. I only hope its a scare tactic, please find out more and give us some feed back


    Good luck

  4. Ok,


    I can see that you ahve some confusion within yourself. I dont believe that someone can either be gay or straight, everything is a psychological process. I dont think there's sucha thing asbeing gay or straight. Some people chose to have sex with men others chose to have sex with women. Because its simply a choice, and there is nothing physicallydifferernt in a gay man or a straight man. So gay is a lable for the choices you make.


    Do not try to find cumfort in anything, it is normal to have feelings for guys and for girls. I will be very honest. Some guys are so good looking, that I can look at them and say damn even I am attracted to them.


    From what you have described, you are neither gay nor straight, I say this because you have never had sex with a man or a woman. You have never had sex with a woman how can yousay you are gay?


    What if you had an opportunity to have sex with a very sensual and beautiful woman, this would immediateley change your perception of how you view your sexual orientation at least to a degree. If you first have sex with a man you will right away have a predesposition to think you were right in that you are gay and you made the right choice.


    Here is my viewpoint, based on your family structure and your lifestyle. You will save yourself a lot of possible embarrassment, and lifestyle change, since you have lived your whole life as a straight man, with some hidden feelings. You need to have sex with a beautiful woman, get rid of the fears you have of women. This will help you to move forward and make a decision as to your sexual orientation.


    If you feel like you are not getting satisfaction then try sex with a man, which is very easy to find.


    Regardless good luck... I am not a homophobe, I have many gay friends who seem to think I am gay, I will never understand this.

  5. I believe I had a depression, I overcame it on my own and without medication, I wont go into the details of my situation, but I went through some things which I dont know of anyone else who has, it made me stronger, and I look at life quite differently.


    Lets say when problems arise I look to myself for solutions now...

  6. Baby,


    I will say that there are some options, but really its so hard when someone has your heart, and thats the power of love.


    You need to think about yourself and becoming a better stronger person. Do not think of him.


    I only hope another man can pick you up, to let you down from this easy.


    Lastly, as much as this is bad, it is good this will give you an opportunity to grow to become stronger, and to learn more about yourself. You have the opportunity to fulfill within yourself that void which is now left since he left. Life is about equilibrium, and you have pain because without him you are unbalanced, at this point the way to balance yourself out is to make these qualities presnet and strong within yourself, makeyourself happy. It is possible, yopu just have to want ti and pursue it, go get it baby, and good sex in the mean timme cant hurt.


    Good luck

  7. Hey man,


    I think you need to build up your self confidence, by this I mean that you need to believe in yourself. You need to enhance your better qualities, and work on becoming a stronger and better person. In this I mean standing up for yourself, this girl left youbecause you seem not to hold any self respect for yo0urself. All I hear from you is self pitty, you really have to be strong. Do not look for fault in your surroundings but inyourself. Life is about survival of the fittest, there is very much truth to that. Never give up never surrender, or you will prove to havebeen the weaker. Moveon and stay strong, you have so much more when youstill have breath in your body.


    Good luck!

  8. In fact, he was even considering to not go into the military because of me, which I would be so unhappy if he did due to me.


    I will just say that, this would have been the greatest thing you could have done for the guy. I have not met many guys in the military who are all there... perhaps thats why they joined in the first place. Please dont misunderstand, I just think people join the military for the wrong reasons.


    Regardless, you should just be straight forward with him, tell him that you are not attracted and you two will never be more then just frineds, why do you have to lie, just be frank.


    Women, they think they are being nice by doing this, but its actually worse for the guy in the end because he doesnt see your underlying message and he continues to hope, instead of pursuing a real and meaningful relationship with someone else.


    Why cant u see that...

  9. If she doesnt want a friend, then you didnt lose her but she lost you, brush it off and never let anyone push you away, because when they do that its an indication that they are infact losing you. Always have respect for yourself and value, you seem liek a great guy dont let it get to you. Move on..

  10. Think of it like this, if you have a conversation where you accuse him of not playing you and he ends up saying anythingbut the truth. This will be worse for you, and you will wind up with less play time in the end. The fact that he said sorry already means he feels bad aboout it, and he will want to do soemthing about it. You should say this, Coach: you sat me last game, and I am not asking for you to play me, but help me to get better, I do think that play time should be based on how helpful we are on the team, So I want to get better and get more playtime.


    This shoudl be your approach.


    Do not try to teach the coach on how to coach, this will get you no where, and create negative feelings ebtween you and teh coach.


    Good luck

  11. Hey,


    This does suck, but sometimes coaches are like that. A coach will sit or play someone based on their abilities. I dont agree that he should have sat you the whole game and it sucks. But this is an indication of something. Do not go about it the wrong way, which is to get mad and say stuff to the coach because this will not get you more play time, and you will actullay lower in his eyes. At practice try hard and practice well, he will see your efforts and start to play you more. This is a good exersize in being a man, dont throw your self apitty party but rather overcome this difficulty and get stronger and better,.


    Good luck

  12. Some guys feel that if they contact the girl then they seem weak, or desperate so they dont contact them based on that reason. This is basically from past experience, women seem to get a misunderstanding sometimes if a guy is out going and tries to make contact. But I am sure there's more to it then that... So just follow your heart, what ever it is telling you to do go with that.

  13. Ahh, PavPPZ1, this is such an interesting comment from you. I also appreciate your frankness as well, very much indeed. I genuinely find it hugely valuable when men are this honest. And it seems I'm still learning so much from this thread.


    Where did Miss M say or imply she was manipulating guys?


    This is just my intuition speaking, she has a similar auora as an ex I used to date, and she was infact manipulating and so on...


    Seems like Miss M has found some reason to critisize and put down fctex's good fortune with women.


    If he was hurting or mistreating them he would not have them coming back to him.




    Miss M wrote:

    If I didn't want a meaningful relationship I know I could have all the guys that I could want. There's plenty of that kind around in both genders, and it seems it's a lot easier to find lots of companionship when you don't want anything deep and meaningful.


    This basically leads me to believe you are this kind of a woman, you could have all the guys you could want. I doubt that, and this is where all this interest in this thread is coming from, at least as for the negative responses.


    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, yours is not wrong, in fact its quite agreeable, but its motivations should be brought to light. What you have said has nothing to do with helping fctex, but rather voice your loathing in avery polite way. Well I just dont buy it.


    The only positive comment for fctex would be: Stay positive, do not mistreat women, but rather create a happy enviornment around yourself for them. The fact that they get back to you is proof that they are cunfortable and happy with you. So good job... that is what oculd have been said.


    Best Regards,

  14. Fctex keep doing what you are doing, just dont hurt the girls. Obviously if they continue to come back to you they are happy around you. As simple as that, you are a ladies magnet.


    Miss M is just mad that you are the kind of guy she will never have control over. She is used to manipulating guys and doing what she wants with them. Well getting a possible taste of her own medicine has already made her naucious* regardless. There is no wrong or right, consider the fact that you are doing what guys around teh world are dreaming of doing. Being in control of your dating life, its a great thing keep doing what you are doing, and expand on it. When you know what you have done add more info we are very curious to read more.


    Good luck

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