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Posts posted by PavPPZ1

  1. I think I'll have to disagree with that. It's not good clean fun. It's guys talking women into sleeping with them. I've been through that whole thing--although they never got far with me. But they managed to fool many friends and those women were deeply hurt. But guys at your age aren't thinking about that. And maybe girls today are just as selfish. If so, that's not a good thing.


    you make me smile! I dont think anyone is talking anyone into anything. It is always a mutual decision to sleep with one another,andwhy must there always be strings attached? I think it is a game and all good clean fun, you know that better than me, so stop foolin.


    The reality is that at some point, you will run into a guy that you regreat doing astuff with, and that one or a few guys, make you feel like you should not have ever done it. While you know you had a good time every other time. Thats just me, I am sure others will disagree, and will argue the other end of the spectrum, that sex before marriage is forbidden and abstinence is the key. Sex is evil.. yada yada yada.. I am just speaking on behalf of my 23 years..


    So you sound pretty hot, what do you look like

  2. The only thing you did wrong was stay with him longer then you were attracted to him. You should not have dragged it out. The reasons you were not attracted to him are exactly as you explained. In life we are not attracted to people for what they do for us or how they treat us, but rather for who they are and their character.


    You seem like a strong girl, I am sure you will find the right guy.


    Good luck

  3. I have to say, you are looking too deeply into things, and specifically the word game. Its always a "game" because none of us are perfect and likeable. We strive our entire lives to create a perception of our selves to be attractive and desirable, there by its all a game. It all requires skill, which is aquired thrugh practice, and mastered with talent.


    Do not fear it, fight it or try to explain it, just accept it and enjoy it, because after all its just good clean fun. Some of us are good at it and others are bad, the ones who are good are the ones who make you feel that there is no game. Because its so natural you dont even see the evidence.


    Although you are my mom's age, I am not here to tell you anything about life, just share my opinion.



  4. Does anyone notice that this was statutory rape? She is under the "legal" age and he is over it... By law it's rape. He's lucky her parents didn't press charges.


    How is this law helping this girl, obviously these laws are in place for a reason. In this case its freeking rediculous, two high school kids dating and they experiment and had sex, whoopty doo, please man. I dont understand why you would even bring this kind of a point up, where it is completely unnecessary. Its individuals like you that can unjustly ruin peoples lives based on the fact that a law exist. These things require common sense, dense interpretation of the law should be just as prohibited and punishable as breaking the law itself. Moving on!


    Secondly, you should acknoledge your parents, and most importantly talk to your boyfriend, tell him what your parents have said, and get his response. Obviously if you two will be seeing one another its doubtful that you will practice abstinance, especially if you are already sexually active. If you do then great job, its never easy to say no to sex when its readily available.


    Third you should be careful about sex any time you have it. This is probably most important, if you chose to have sex on your own volition its likely that you are indeed ready for it. Especially since you started having sex with someone around your age. There doesnt seem to be any manipulation or cooersion. These are all good things!


    Lastly If you feel like you wont be capable of not having sex with others, then you guys should perhaps put your relationship on hold, until your bf gets back from school or you guys aretogether again.

  5. Ok, at this point, she is trying to take control of your group, and eventhough there are no leaders in this. You are the creator and you started this organization. You need to stand up to her and tell her straight up, If she does another thing without discussing it over with you, she is out perminently. You need to tell her this asap.


    If she wants to take the role of leadership and organization, that will be fine but if she plans on trying to take control she is mistaken. Because otherwise everything you have done will fall appart. You need to take a stand and be very stern on this, tell her if you see another incident of this you will kick her out. She seems like she has some natural leadership abilities, but she doesnt have a first clue about respecting others invovled. This is giong to creat internal turmoil, and you should put a stop to it ASAP>


    Let us know what you think and give some mroe input...

  6. Lastly I will add that he was writing threads on this it was in a forum, you can assume that perhaps he was embelishing or making a point for the sake of his argument, dont take a forum thread soliterally and really its not as big a deal as yo usay. The main consern is what kind of aperson is he, is he trustworthy in you day to day relations? if not then you do not need the form to determine what you need to worry about, if he is then you should be looking to leave him anyway

  7. So here's another question... to all...

    If a woman had started a thread where she generalized about guys (the gender) in the same way, called them crazy, described how she lied to them, stood them up, and was boosting her ego with all their attention, would she have gotten congrats in the same way?


    It just may be that my imagination is very limited, but I can't imagine the same thread written by a woman would have resulted in so many patting her on the back, and telling her that she had found the magic formula, and that she should continue to enjoy herself.


    Hope this doesn't sound hostile, cause I'm trying to understand something here.


    I can see where the confusion in what I said may come, But when I said congratulations, I mearly am speaking upon the success of being able to interest so many women and keep their interest. I do not say its in any way good to hurt and mistreat anyone, weather its women or men. Congratulations are very specific in this, not in a general way of saying congrats on being a prick, that is not where I was going with that. Either way, when someone is being confident and successful on what they are doing they deserve a congrats.

  8. He's said he's never done anything like this for anyone except you. He has lied. And regardless of the extent of a lie, there is reason to worry. If he can lie about something as such, what else can he lie about?


    Ok, he lied but its a white lie, and everyone lies, I dont care who you are, not a single person in teh world tells the truth every single time.


    You can confrunt him on this, and you will see two things either he will say yes I liked because I watned to make you feel special. This would he the only good answer, and what can you say in a response, well uh, you bastard how could you? comeon let it go or throw yourself a pitty party. I dont know your bf, but if he is a good guy and he treats you well, you should be looking at the important things instead.

  9. He's said he's never done anything like this for anyone except you. He has lied. And regardless of the extent of a lie, there is reason to worry. If he can lie about something as such, what else can he lie about?


    I could not disagree more here, this is the classic femanine insecurity speaking, let it go and see where it goes. Everyone has the capacity to lie weather they have or not. This should not be the judge of his character. If you are unsure of the kind of a person he is that is another thing entirely. If you feel he will lie when it counts then you need to re-evaluate your relationship, otherwise do not bring this up becaue it will perminently reflect on your relationship, or you might as well end it now.

  10. Hi Pav,

    how do i go about that? should i act less interested or just give him a hard time? or make him think about what life would be without me?


    Well there is no easy answer for this question, but basically you need to play reserved and confident in yourself. Still be nice and affectionate to him, do not stop that, because that will also push him away. But you have to do it in very small amounts, to the point that he misses it. Still keep in touch, but make sure he calls you less then youcall him.


    From here, try to play hard to get; essentially you have to create some distnace, without him thinking youare distancing yourself. Just make it seem like you havea life and you are doing other things whichkeep you buisy. Go out with friends, maybe even date someone. These are all possible ways.


    Good luck

  11. Honey, you need to calm down, realize that you are not the only girl in this world. The fact that he is taking the care to make you feel special and he is with you is the important thing. If you decide to leave him, he will find another girl and make her feel special. He sounds like a nice guy, and you are being selfish, try to come back down to earth, and look at the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that you and him are just twopeople in a very large world, where there are many guys and girls. Either one of you can find somenoe else that is not a big secret, its being able to understand one another and make one another happy regardless of that fact that matters. Do not do anythign dumb, just try to look past these petty thoughts you are getting. I am infact feeling sorry for this guy because he is taking a risk for being with you, since you are stirred by such insignificant things.


    I do understand why you are mad, you think he has the power to siduce other women, and you hate it. Well if he was unable to then he wouldnt be with you in the first place. thereforeeee you should appreciate him and respect eachother, otherwise it wont work. Lastly if you want a guy who is not a threat and wont find another girl, you should find a nice retarted boy, and he will be all yours


    Good luck

  12. I'm not understanding how that could be flattering because I've always felt insulted when I've been propositioned by someone who is already in a relationship.


    This has something to do with a male Ego, you sound like a girl and you wouldnt understand. This goes beyond social and moral reprehension, how its bad to do this or that. Its about taking a lioness from one den and bringing her over to your den. I understand, not saying its good orbad, but it is flattering. Hope that makes sense. Secondly these women dont have low self respect, it just seems like, they like you to the point that they will put up with things. That is sometehing to be proud of... not that you should hurt people, but it is a sign of doing something right.

  13. Oh man, shysoul I have to say your ideas on the other side of the spectrum. Reality should be what you base your theories on, the fact is she's gone and she is not calling, (no interest) I dont nkow what else to say.


    Why create excuses for why she is not there, just face the music she is not there, and she lives, no interest. If she has mental problems why is it that you should look deeper into that. Let it go and accept that she doesnt have interest, or I will venture to say she might have mental issues, otherwise its not possible.

  14. It sounds like there is potential for the two of you, but your best bet in getting what yo uwant is to hold back and be more reserved, while still showing affection. Its complicated, but you dont want to make it seem like you are desperate to be with him again.


    Guys do not like that, if there is one thing that holds true we will always be fans of the chase.


    Good luck

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