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Posts posted by PavPPZ1

  1. But if you aren't the easygoing and outgoing type, do not try to be that. You don't want to be something you are not just to have girls approach you. They still might not even then. And it's better to be appreciated and noticed for you who are then for what you try to portray.


    But you should always strive to better youself being introverted has never gotten any a date or a meeting with a girl.


    If you can try to be outgoing and social, it always helps.

  2. Tell her life is great and you are very buisy, gotta go glad you are doing well too... create some mystery and she will at least be curious, but dont beg or ask to be with her or ask to talk on the phone, your best bet is to act reserved and buisy.

  3. Actually if you want to play hard to get he will be more inclined to try to get closer to youagain. Although we dont have enough information for the bestdecision to make. If you are after just some casual sex, or if you still have strong feeligns for him, you should decide based on that. If he broke up with you he might be loking for someone else. Think of what will happenif he finds someone, you might be left alone and hurt. But if you are interested in just casual dating whatever then its fine the way ti is.

  4. heres the scoop, he really liked youand was attracted to you, when he opened up and tried to date you, you dumped him, basically shat on his heart. Eventhough it didnt hurt you he was hurt, at this point he found somone who appreciates him and doesnt think he will be ther no matterwhat. As in changing her mind abotu dating him and so on and so forth. He is man enough to say he doesnt need you and stand up for him self. In the adult sense of the word, if you were older and grown up, he would probably still sleep with you and then probably use you and try to play with your emotions. Because at thispoint in a guys eyes you can not be trusted again, and you shouldnt be. So learn from your mistake and dont play with guys hearts. Iwas young once and I experienced a similar situation. It hurts... even at a young age.


    Then again, he might eventually fall for you again, but right now he has definitly put up some walls against you.

  5. Maybe if you had stopped to ask something about the girl and her personality and past experiences, instead of assuming you knew everything that she was thinking, you would have gotten a better understanding of things and found out that she is someone who would pull back when things were going good.


    This doesnt make any sense, in reality. I will have to quote diggitydog here: dont worry about what is said, but rather concentrate on the result, because that is the actual intent of the message. Someone can say 101 different things, but its their actions and the result that matters and is the truth.


    Stick to that

  6. Here's what I really think nut not sure of; When I spoke whith her, obvioulsy we have never met and she was standoffish to just meet alone. So she decided to bring 2 friends, when we met, we talked for about 2 minutes, she asked if I knew who she was; I replied yes you are Brook, then we talked about what we were going to do, and she said she had to drop of her friend. I figured the girl in the back of the car was not game, she looked kinda weird. So I had to believe that, while her friend in the front seat was all smiles, looking over.


    From there I said alright cya, call me when you are on the way to my place. I took off, she calls not 5 mins later, hey did you think any of us are attractive, I hesitated but said yea ll 3 of yo uare. I shouldnt have said that perhaps, only that she was. Either way, I dont think they planned this as a joke because we talked abotu meting for several days. Although when she brought her friends, it was probably too much for them to handle. None of them knew what they really wanted, and at least 1 of them knew she was going to be left out. Eh, its no matter I figured it was something like that, but didnt understand why she called and asked if if I thougth any of them were attractive. Was she in need of at least some valuable input before she blew me off? dont get it...

  7. Thats not the idea, look past your feeling and seek trouth and reality brotha. Stay strong we are only here to give you facts and truth not mushy stuff to make you feel better.


    The sooner you realize the reality of things the better youwill handle these situations because agree, life is too long to dwell on this one case, there will be pleanty more it seems like you are an alright mate, and time is on your side.


    Good luck, dont get down, unless you are going down, but even then know your role.

  8. Again, Diggity is on the money; honor, courgae and respect would be everything portrayed if you dont lie and keep it real with the girls. This will make them desire you even more. The strong girls will create some space, but keep you in mind. While the others will stick around no matter what. I do not think you are doing anythign wrong, but truth, honor and courage are always the best route.


    Good luck

  9. Diggity is right, always look to the simpleranswer as the correct one, what she issaying doesnt make sense. Even if you do begin dating its only if she accepts the fact that you are so nice and she should date you eventhough initially she thought you were not dating material for her.


    Dont get down move on if thats the case

  10. Two things she hasnt called and talked to you, the fact that she has sent you a text an email or anything or evencalled doesnt mean that much, because she is not trying to see you. She is feeding you next week, where she will feed you another next week and so on.


    Think about it, when you want to be with someone you wont push things off, you will try to get on with it. You will do your thing asap, because you like being around that person, IE interest level is high and wild. In the case of your girl she is on the opposite spectrum, and in fact she is perhaps feeling guilty because she led you on, and now she has completely turned everything off. But she doesnt care she got the attention she needed, and now she is not into you, can you blame her? No because its not her fault she is no longer attracted to you, go better your self find out whta you did wrong adn do it it anymore.


    Basically here is the deal brotha, you have to face the music and let it go stop thinking about it. As diggity said at this point any interaction on your part can only hurt your chances with her. You need to show her that you have respect for your self. For one try to find other girls, dont give in to her. For two completely stop getting in touch with her and move on.


    Dont make excuses at this point why she might be interested, make excuses rather why she is not interested. When you first meet somenoe, you reverse that, because girls are very discrete about their feeling at first, unless they ultra super like you. when they are trying to brush you off they are nice, but pushing you away at the same time. Because they are lentlemen, they cant be mean.


    neway good luck, do what your heart tells you buddy, but dont say we didnt warn you

  11. ah, and people wonder why people look outside of their relationships for fulfillment. Sex is super important he doesnt understand that, tryto spice thigns up some how are you guys both in good shape and consider yourselves attractive?

  12. Last week, I got on the phone and called up a date line, where I talked to a girl, we decided to meetup one night. We met at a parking lot I was in my car alone, and she with 2 other friends. We talked briefly, and she said lets go to your place but first I have to drop off my other friend who was with her. She called me back in 5 minutes and asked if I found any of them attractive. When I saw them I was kind of standoffish because there were 3 of them, but I said yea I think all 3 of you are attractive (they were not). So from there she didnt call me back. I didnt want to but called to find out what happened, when they picked up the phone all I heard was them just going crazy and laughing, obvoulsly it turned into a girls night. Why did she call me backto ask if I liked any of them, why would she do that? She didnt call me back because she didntthink I liekd her? I didnt understand taht outcome...

  13. its still just a word, the reality is how the two of you are together, eventhough they are such strong words, I woudlnt put so much emphasis on them. If he loves you you should feel it with your heart not your ears, this is something you will always realize to be true.

  14. Brotha, how old areyou? how long were you together, from what I see you need to find a way to stop talking to her and find enw things to do. I know its hard, but your life revolved around her, when you find new things to do to spend your time you will recover and move on. There is so much more to life then this... Dont give in...

  15. Hi honey,


    you should definitly consider letting this go, and do your best to move on, as you have been. I think all I can do is tell you that he has lost interest when he started dating another woman, and his love for you is no longer there. He has moved on, and he doesnt have interest in being with you. As terrible as this sounds this is the sad reality of life sometimes people just dont last, and things break. But you seem like a nice girl, and I am sure you will find smoeone else, but first you have to let go and move on. You should not have sent this letter, and you should not send any more, this is your way of making excuses to prolong this. There is no reason to do this to yourself. You should gather your strenghths, and move on, If he responds to you it is not an answer to any question, it is perhaps courtesy thats it. Please do not waste your time or energy on this.

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