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Posts posted by PavPPZ1

  1. hekc yes we do, the best thing in the world is a girl you like to come to you and tell you that. But if he doesnt like you then he will let you know in a nice way, and you might be best friend # 2 but most times, if a guy is nice to you to begin with he already likes you, otherwise you guys would be noticing eachother in the first place.

  2. Ok, a lot of girls have been discussing this issue for a while now, first off; Justahuman, your encounters with this woman are enchanting, I am mesmorized and I have not even seen either of you. It seems like you two are indeed inlove with one another on a very sensual level.


    The both of you are obviously very sexually attracted to one another. Considering that both of you are at work, its difficult to over come the initial boundry of your professionalism. Think if both of you were naked in a bed together, would there be any of this difficulty? I doubt it.


    Here is what should happen, the two of you need to go out for drinks. This will lower your inhibitions, which will result in the two of you kissing, you will start kissing in your car. This will lead to possibly a hotel, where you will slowly begin to corress eachother, and look deeply into eachothers eyes. Again this will all happen and you will have no control over it. I will not go any further, but you get what I am saying.


    You have spent months dreaming of this woman, from a realistic standpoint as much as this is great it is a huge weight in your life, you neeed to get it out of your way, and have sex with this woman.

    As a guy we have to go through these things on a daily basis. Just the same way that women are difficult to read for you, they are just as difficult to read for a guy. But obviously there are not the same hurdles, you work together and even though I think two women dating and doing stuff is very sexy, to you it might be intimidating and scary/or not. Either way I think you should do what your heart desires. It is passion and passion should not be ignored.

  3. It seems like the 3 of you guys are just cuddeling and having fun, why dont you plan for all 3 of you getting toghether and dating, that way there is no jealousy, and its that much more fun...


    perhaps this is not the answer you were looking for, but maybe you shoudl think outside the box. Are you planning on marrying these girls, it sounds like you guys are experimenting and having fun, dont wait for boyfriends or anything just do what is natural get together and have fun.

  4. Here's the reality, I think he was trying to sleep with you. Now he realizes you might be interested in something more. There was initial confusion, eventhough you said you did not want to date an old white guy. (how old?) he was perhaps never out to date you. Tell me if this is what happened? The two of you were at your place in the evening you were watching a movie, and you guys were getting affectionate, then thjings started to turn towards something more, and you told him you are not looking for a relationship and he was possibly too old, he realized that night he was not going to get any further with you. So he figured that is alright. He now sees that you see something in him that you like and perhaps want more, maybe not, but either way he is not goign to try to work for sex with you anymore, in his eyes he has already wasted one night.


    This is the reality of the situation, I wont give you BS.



  5. you need to get up and over, do not tell her your true feelings women are smart and she already knows, you will only realize the fact that she is going to be forced to tell you the reality of the situation. You need to get up on your feet and get over her brotha, its the only way. I shudder at the fact that you are not over her after 2 years, must get over her. She is over you, and ther is a quote out there: "If the arts have no desire for me, then I have no desire for the arts" well thats kind of cheesy but you get the idea. Move on and stay strong. Think of ways to better yourself, get books, think personal growth. and you will come out victorious.

  6. listen to elila she is a smart young girl. Secondly you really have to find a time that you are with these girls, because just because you are walking in the same hall way and in the same time frame is not always easy to say hi, or start a conversation. Look for the right situation to say hi and introduce yourself.


    Otherwise you have to be creative, maybe give her a note in the hallway, it will be spontaneous and neat, she will at least read the note. If you see her in the hallway; It might be difficult to stop her and talk to her, but you can say hi, and pass her a note. If I am not mistaken this seems like a harmless way to send a message. But give her a note, telling her who you are and tell her you want her to meet you somewhere after school or on lunch break, but give her a time and place. Keep the note misterious, do not tell her exactly what is going on. When you see her, you might be inclined to be nervous and scared, well dont be. Think of this; you and this girl are both the same age, and probably share some common interests.


    Make the meeting spontaneous, infact, you arrive after her, just look to see her coming and then you meet her, dont wait in one place for her, this will make it awkward for you and you will be nervous. The ideal situation is arrive about 25 seconds after her. This will be just enough time so she doesnt leave, but perfect entrance for you. Putting you in the drivers seat. Secondly Think of a creative place to meet her, perhaps behind the school, where ever it is make it so its semi-private. When you meet her, say hi by the way I am "name" at this point she will tell you her name, you can say I am glad you came, and ask her if she will join you for a walk to the local pizza shop, or perhaps through the school, anythign that willallow the two of you to walk and talk will be idea. Because you are already doing something and will be occupied this should help with awkward silences. Now the second thing is QUESTIONS you should be prepard to ask her questions; such as so who's your favorite teacher? whats your favorite subject? what sporst do you play? are you from around here? any brothers or sisters? observe her and pay attention to her responses this will give you clues to possible other questions: But most importantly of all of this is that you are calm collected and in control. Feel like you are the guy and you are just having fun.


    This is just some ideas, again the best thing is for you to be creative on your own, and figure out what might be best.


    This will work there is no way it cant, if it doesnt come back here and we will give you some more tips, but remember you are a nice young man and you have nothing to worry about. The only thing that can possibly make things go wrong is if you are mean or not nice, otehrwise she will at least eb your frined. Lastly try to keep it short, after you get pizza or walk around the block, thank her for joining you and tell her that you will see her tomorrow in school. Now you have created a starting point for your friend ship from here you can do anything you want.


    Good luck

  7. start using those damn talk lines to practice talkign to girls, then take it outside into the streets, practice practice practice.


    and have patience as your main virtue some day it will come to you and you will have success with the ladies... its not easy

  8. Ok,


    This sounds like a critical moment, if you are questioning her interest then its quite possible there is a reason to. Perhaps you had her interest when you were not paying attention to her. But as soon as you noticed her and began to spend time on her she maybe started to pull back and try to take control of the situation. Right now you need to hold back, and be your self still be funny, confident, and cool. Concentrate on being social and active, but not on her. She will light up once again, you will see.



  9. Man, that brings a tear to my eye, someone is actually doing this and has figured it out and all at the age of 20.


    I have to say this is exactly how 90% of women spend their entire lives, in control of the show. I will be honest with you, there is nothing wrong with what you are doing, and there is nothing wrong with women who do the same thing. Its all about control, who ever has it will dominate the game. You have put yourself in a position of power, I do not know how because I suck at the whole dating thing and I am probably missing some key pieces of the puzzle. I have to say, I am very interested to know more about what exactly it is you are doing except for the fact that you are showing just enough interest to make the women go crazy, but not enough to come of as being attached or clingy at all.


    The second question I have, is are you a super good looking guy perhaps to go along with this? this I hear makes a big difference...


    All of this probably has to do with the fact that you have a really good mom, who has instilled the right qualities in you for you to be desired by all women. I have to say I am happy to see this actually does happen, and I know it does, just not to myself. I contrarilly to you tend to lose my confidence at the dumbest things; I was at the grocery store, and I was buying healthy food, as I went to check out there was a beautiful girl working as a chashier. I got terrified because I began to think she might think of me as a panzy if she thought I was trying to eat healthy, instead of eating like a guy. I really tried to overcome it, but I could not, and it was so freeking obvious, that kind of stuff just kills me. But its my reality and I have to deal with it.


    Regardless, Please take the time and describe exactly what it is you are doing, because you are doing something right, take the next few weeks and analize yourself and your actions, perhaps you have something unique about what you have done, and can share it with the rest of us guys.


    Well, good luck

    Let us know how it goes..

  10. I agree, and furthermore disagree.. I agree that morally this is an improper and a reprehensible act. From which her boyfriend stands to be emotionally hurt. Although I still stand on the notion that her boyfriend will gain from this perhaps more then anyone. Because Trusting people as much as it is a good thing it can very often be your greatest failure.



    People by nature are evil, and will do harm onto others when the opportunity presents itself. Having blind trust in others is a very bad and potentially dangerous to an individual. The act of this girl cheating on this boy will in fact be the best thing that could happen to him. He will learn a very valuable lesson for the rest of his life. The fact that to say that this will have irreversable damage to either of the two of them is highly unjustified and highly not likely. The mind is a very complicated piece of flesh, which can not simply be damaged by whitnessing or interacting with something. In fact I believe that even murder is good for the mind. Although in that case I would never advocate killing someone, but I do think someone should have the ability within them to kill another if necessary, for the purpose of preservation. The same will apply here scaled down several degrees, but no less important in value. This girl will do something "morally bad" for the purpose of experimenting at a young age, and as I said if you explore phsychological research, you will also discover that any new interaction for a person will only expand their understanding of life. We as people learn by example and trial, this is not a secret. I do agree that people can learn from example, instead of personal actions, but reality teaches us taht most people dont learn from example and will not learn from example. thereforeeee infact she will be better off by actuallydoing it.


    Again I see your points and morally they are very accurate, this will cause pain and discomfort for many. But in the bigger picture this will be a very highly valuable lesson for everyone involved.



    Best regards,


  11. Alright, Since I have already made this reply, I will preemptively devend my point and develop on it further.


    Here is the basic reality of this situation:


    Regardless of what may or may not happen the reality is such: This girl is young, she is just starting to get a taste of life, as it is out in the real world. I am guessing she is 14- 15, I hope not younger. Then parents should really be stepping in and my advice should not even be for her eyes.


    Regardless, the reason I say she should cheat is this: She stands to lose nothing, and everyone involved only stands to gain something from it. I dont like to deal with ideas, theories, concepts, or hypotheticals. In actuality maybe 5 years from now, this girl will not be in here asking us for this advice she will have already cheated and moved on, and this will not have phased her. There is nothing wrong iwth that this is the reality of life. Some people cheat some people have morals some people dont some people care some people dont. People get hurt people suffer people learn and peopel move on.


    I am looking shearly at the benefiting factors for this girl, who by doing this will gain a few things right away. If she will go through with this she will see what deciept is like when you use it against someone close such as yoru significant other. If things go wrong, which hopefully they will, she will be in a conflict, she will be forced to think her boyfriend will be hurt she will be hurt. It is giogn to create some kind of a small disaster, and everyone involved will have to learn something and come awaywith something learned. I will add that in reality as far as I am conserned this girl has already cheated on her boyfriend without going forward and performing the actual act which will be the actual "cheating" The main thing is why not go all the way and actually learn something from this. That is what life is, you dont know not to touch fire until you actually get burned by its heat. Anyways, this is where I stand on this. I hope again that this girl is not too young, because then Its not up to us to be giving her advice on this in the first place.


    Lastly, on the most important aspects:


    To the girl:


    You seem to be already sexually active:


    If you plan on having sex or doing these acts you must use protection

    condom/ abstinence do not put your self at risk at such a young age for early pregnancy or disease, this is perhaps the worst thing that could come out of it.


    Other then That Good Luck,

    let us know how it goes.

  12. You are young, do what ever you want, the only to learn in life is to break things and fix them, might as well try it now... I say cheat... eventhough its a terrible thing its a good lesson in life. Dont kill me people

  13. And look at it this way, would you rather go around acting a certain way just to try and attract a girl (even though the majority of people you encounter still won't be attracted to you and those that are it probably still won't lead anywhere) or would you rather someone be attracted to you just as you are, without you having to do anything? You deserve to have someone be attracted to you not because of the act you put on, but because they like the real person inside.


    You raise a very good piont here, but I have to say peopel are people, and my agrument goes back to fixing aspects of myself that are unattractive. As anyone else I think the idea is to better yourself, this is what I am trying to achieve. And thats whyI am asking about these qualities if you have none then youwont get noticed and you wont get up to bat. The more attractive attributes you have the more chances, this is how I look at it. But dont get me wrong, it seems like I do get chances, just not with the women I d like to.. so Obviously my skills and attributs are not up to par with all of them.



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