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Posts posted by PavPPZ1

  1. Here's my plan, i am going to go into the begel joint, and say hi and leave her with a card in an envelope that says this:




    There are just a few things I think you should know. For one I think you are beautiful, smart, funny, and have a one of a kind personality. I also want to thank you for the other night, I had a really good time hanging out with you, "Thank You". Secondly looking back I wish I got your phone #, I had to have been drunk not to. (actually was)


    I just feel really guilty because I can't stop thinking that because of something really stupid that I said or did, could mean I may never get to know you. So whatever it was I take it back.


    If you got to this part of the note, I know there is a possibility you might be thinking this; well don't worry, I wont be switching to a begel and coffee only diet, I prefer meat!!


    Anyway, if you should get the urge to hang out or say whats up, or are boared, or need anything feel free to call me at 222-2222.


    But whatever the case may be Good Luck


    P.S. I look at the painting and I still dont get it. (inside thing with her)


    my name is paul in case you forgot.

  2. there is a saying which has always held true: "If it seems to be so, it probably is."


    an example: If you think your wife is cheating on you then she probably is.


    But in this case there are a couple of factors which you must take into account before making any decision;


    A. Is she hot?


    B. Have you slept with her and was she da bomb?


    C. Are there countless guys constantly around her ready to do whatever she wants.


    D. How hot is she really?


    E. Perhaps the most important aspect of this whole dilema: If you really like her, and she sleeps around while you are gone, will you be capable of keeping your composure when you return, to this effect at least guaranteeing that you can always get a piece from her providing it was possible in the first place, or if you still want a relationship with her, would you be able to put this behind you knowing she cheated on you while you were technically toghether even if only for a couple of days.


    F. A couple of possible outcomes:


    >if you break up with her, there is much less chance you will be able to sleep with her or go out with her ever again.


    >if you dont break up with her she might cheat on you but then you have her by the nuts if she tries to play it cool as if nothing happened.


    so through logical deduction, your best plan of action is to: stay toghether and hope for the best:


    Advisory of Discresion any misinterpreted or interpereted advice or suggestions which are taken as offensive, I do not claim responsibility of elevated emotions or resulting anger, I respect and love all women, but I have a dual personality of which one does a lot of thinking for me.


    Again with all due respect, make the best decision possible with all variables involved in a non isolated enviornment which is life. I simply can give you my take on things which is actually intended with more humor in mind then advice. I am not a psychiatrist but rather a bystander who can only spark your own mind into motion. GOOD LUCK!

  3. Ok, I dont know but I have a feeling that she just called me. Is it a common thing for a girl to do this: after taking a guys number, she will call it in private mode and hang up as soon as he picks up... just to check if the number is real.. This is what happened I am 100% sure no one would call me and hung up from my friends and relatives. 8:30pm got a call on my cell priate call as soon as I pick up, click. Should I wait and do nothing, does this mean she will call again, or should I go to the bagel shop and try to see her again to ask her out?


    any girl advice is preferred!

  4. I disagree, for the initial date you want to pay for it and dont even insinuate that you want her to pay for anything. If down the line you should find out she is only out to use you, you will make that assertion on your own. Do not ask her to pay for anything I always insist on paying for everything, you will come off as more of a gentleman if you pay for everything and insist on it, rather then trying to make her pay for something. Later on she will see you are genuine with her and she would make the attempt to pay for things, if not you would make the decision if she is worth the money t opay for her all the time. Some women cost $100 per hour, so you can pretty much understand that nothing in life is free, and you can absorb the cost, if its worth the price. Paying for movie tickets and ice cream is a small price to pay for a beautiful womans heart.


    This is just my two cents and based on some experience everyone does things their own way, you should too.

  5. Every girl is different, but some main things a girl will notice about a guy right away are things she doesnt like. Then she notices things she does like; If you pass the initial scrutiny of the quick over look, then you should be able to start a casual conversation with her without any awkward moments, make it light, definitly try to portray a humorous side, dont be somber and brute or unemotional... try to smile, just ask about her, then smile and try to compliment her somehow but in a tactful way...

  6. The door unlock test is this: you open the girls door first assuming you dont have keyless entry, while you are walking to your door the girl unlocks your door, I have never had this happen to me because I have keyless entry, but mostly because I have never had a girl in my car..


    anyway, I like the idea that a girl runs out of the car as soon as you pull up to her house... That would be brilliant


    or at a stop light near her house basically the first intersection aftet the date is over, the girl books away I would like this to happen to me at least once...


    The traditional way of being dumped is just getting old

  7. sex helps, but i dont know how old you are... so take this advice only with discretion. If you are too young for that, just try to be friends, I am not really sure what you mean by going beyond casual dating? can you be more specific...

  8. If the guy lives hundreads of miles away, then you are in for a treat. It is so difficult to keep a long distance relationship going, why dont you look for other guys near by... I have been in the long distance relationships and its impossible even if only a couple hundread of miles away, it is such a strain just to see eachother, you have to spend the whole day traveling. Especially if you are not definitly into the guy you might lose interest in him anyway. Although its always tough to know what will really happen, in any case good luck I hope you are happy with whatever decision you make.

  9. ok, this is a standard case of testing the water scenereo:


    A. The guy is flirting just to hone his flirting skills in order to be better at flirting with someone he would want to pursue a serious relationship with. (IE he is just flirting for the fun of it, to get a reaction out of you.)


    B. The guy likes you enough to sleep with you, but does not want to get you confused into thinking that he is interested in you for more then just sex. If you are somewhat attractive this is probably the case.


    C. The guy is already seeing someone else who he's happy with, and doesnt want to break it off but enjoys flirting on the side in a harmless manner.


    D. You are unattractive. example: I sometimes flirt with girls I find repulsive, but i will compliment them and say nice things, so its never mean.


    E. The wold is a phigment of our own imagination, where there is no actual continuous and connected logic to justify means and ends, so as a result is a confusing chaos which really has no real explanation or reason. This can be justified because every person is as unique from the next as every drop of water is as different from the last. Either way I tend to side with this explanation, because in reality there are no Isolated explanations that absolutely render a solution to a question, things sometimes just dont make sense.

  10. If the dangerously cool guy is single go out with him, its going to be physical, do it a lot. When you realize he is not into it for the long haul take your losses and pick yourself up and realize he is not ready for that yet.



    Find the second guy which should be in a matter of weeks maybe a couple of months, and start a long lasting committed loving relationship, get married, have kids, gain 25 - 50 pounds, buy a house, gain another 20 - 30 pounds, get through a marriage on the rocks for a year or 2, then lose 20 - 70 pounds, fix your marriage, send your kids through college, buy a nicer house, support your less desirable husband through his midlife crisis, sell his underaffordable porscha, buy a boat move closer to a lake, and live happilly ever after with your kids and grandkids.


    There are other options I could go on forever, how does this one sound?

  11. Phil,


    At your age, you may consider making friends rather then looking for relationships or dating. A possible way you can do this is to join clubs, or organizations at your school. When you find organizations which you have interests in, join up, and try to have fun in a respectable way. Always treat people nicely, dress well, keep clean, brush your hair, and teeth. When you can accomplish these things as well as treat people around you with respect, you will find others will gravitate to you. This will boost your confidence because when you treat others nicely they will treat you the same way. In return you will feel better about yourself you will make friends.


    If there are girls who you like just say hi to them, and maybe try to talk about something they find interesting, like about their pets, or their favorite subjects in school. You will find that if you are successful at talking about something that they are interested in you wont have to worry about yourself, they will do all the talking at this point you just have to listen and smile at the right times.


    When you have made friends with them, you will have no problems asking them to go see a movie with you or maybe going to a sporting event after school. Just remember dont think of it in a way that they have to like you, try to make friends and when you do you will find that they truley do like you.


    Most of all, try to be the best at being yourself, and when you can work off of your own strong points is when you will be the closest at reaching your maximum potential in meeting girls, or getting the right job, or anything that you set your mind to.


    Lastly, since you are still a young man, I will just say, when I was your age I went through a time where I was very conscious of myself. So you are not alone, dont worry if you are. Another suggestion is get into reading it always helps when you are a good communicator, girls and people in general really like it when you are easilly understood and the best way to become good at that is to read more.

  12. This summer I visited my family in Ukraine, while there I went to a vacation resort for 1 week, where I met a beautiful girl, 22 years old. We spent every day and night toghether for the entire week, when I had to leave to go back to my mothers home, she went home but I got her tickets to come to see me at my mothers place where I rented out a hotel for a week where we could be toghether. It all happened so quickly, but we both told one another we were in love and we wanted to be toghether and so on and so forth.


    She is a beautiful and smart girl who I really think that I fell in love wth. Now that I am back in New York, I have been buisy working and with my daily affairs. She has made many attempts to contact me, we spoke on the phone she seems very eager and the fire within me has kind of died out. The main reason for this is that I know I will not get to see her as for an indefinite amount of time. I realize she is extremely beautiful she can have any man she wants, I am very jealous by nature. So I have kind of subconsciously tranqualized any feelings I have had for her.


    At this point I still know she is the greatest girl I have ever met and I still think we might be perfect for eachother. I am not sure what I can do as I am still 22 and still want to date, she has told me she doesnt want to look at other guys when we spoke on the phone, but I know thats not possible and she meets guys all the time especially in her line of work she travels a lot.


    I dont know what to do.. I am torn because I still want to be with her, but I really dont know if and when it will be possible.

  13. thanks for the advice, I will give it a go, but if i had confidence in myself I wouldnt be here. I lose confidence in myself with a girl as soon as she does something which is an indication she is no longer interested, and at that point its hard for me to recover, and she will never get to know me... after I have sex wth a girl I no longer would have that problem, but if something happens before that, I act weird, like I am intimidated, and especially since she has a strong personality it will show. Am I the only guy who has this problem? anyone else how do you deal with it?

  14. I NEED ADVICE: I met an 18 yr old girl, at a local store, we came accross eachother through a random situation. We hit it off talked for 30 minutes in the parking lot, we decided to hang out. I invited her over my place, where we went after the store we spent about 1 hour there when my roomate showed up drunk, he interrupted our evening and tried to join in, although it didnt help he is an idiot, so she asked me to take her home. At her house she asked me how we would see eachother again, I was in a bad mood at that point, i said I dont know, when she offered me her phone number i said why dont you take mine instead, she took it.


    Today I was thinking about her because I realized how much I like her, and went over to her work, where I bought a begel, and it was obvious I came over to see her, I offered her a ride home she said she cant she has her bike, and I insisted slightly, then she said "I cant leave the bike here, I ll see you around".. at which point I left...


    What can i do at thois point to try to figure out whats up between her and myself. What is the best way for me to go about letting her know I like her without coming off as being desperate or something, i am starting to suspect she is thinking this.


    (side note, she is not an average 18 year old, she thinks and expresses her self as a mature 25 yr old woman, and is very whitty, so its not a case of a young confused teenager at all. )

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