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Everything posted by Wiseman2

  1. Various Attorneys Plead In Denial 🧑‍⚖️ HARPS😇
  2. The "tension" you feel is her not being interested. If she were open to anything, she wouldn't have said she has a BF and dates only one person at a time.
  3. Sorry this is happening. Is this a distance situation? How often do you see each other? How the relationship and communication otherwise? Was he ever a big texter? Are you worried there's someone else or that you have to text-tether him or keep tabs? Why not set aside a specific time to catch up evenings rather than random texts?
  4. Understanding Science Has Entered Reality 🔬 GERMS 🦠
  5. Even though you have a crush, when someone says they're dating someone or otherwise not available, it's best to step back and move forward. Waiting in the wings is usually an exercise in futility.
  6. Try And Be Interesting Everyday,😎 PRIDE 🏆
  7. Unfortunately he seems to still have all the possessiveness and red flags as before. It's perfectly normal to accept professional appreciation. Please don't let your BFs silly jealous snit ruin your day.
  8. He seems to high maintenance to bother pursuing anything except casual hookups.
  9. Yes, he's supposed to be happy for you but immaturity and jealousy like this are red flags.
  10. Sorry this happened. What inspired him to suddenly make this urgent confession? While he asked you to keep it private, you're not his therapist so he can't expect confidentiality. He's responsible for what leaves his mouth.. It's not your job to second guess his therapist and he shouldn't have asked you. Please stay out of his business and don't get involved with with mental health issues therapists and marital problems. He seems to be looking for drama putting people in ridiculous situations. Let the dust settle.
  11. Sorry this is happening. How long have you been dating? How is your relationship otherwise? Is he usually controlling or jealous? If it's a gift for nurses week there's nothing wrong with accepting it. It's unfortunate you can't share a simple kindness with your BF without this over reaction. Is the same man?
  12. Rabbits And Birds Instigated Drama 🐰 FARTS🌪️
  13. Quite Unusual Ostriches Ran Amok 🦘 FLOES🚢
  14. If you are interested in her as a date don't tag along with your parents. Get tickets for the two of you as a real date. You can explain to your parents. But asking her to buy a ticket and tag along with your parents isn't a date, so it depends on if you just want a music buddy or something more.
  15. Sorry this happened. You must feel betrayed. Unfortunately you two hit it off well and only then did he reveal his deception and only upon confrontation. Hopefully you will be able to either let go and consider the relationship or more forward.
  16. The oldest profession is all about that. There are high maintenance divas and divos everywhere. There's also prince charming fairy tales.
  17. Many Animals Need Organized Runs🐈‍⬛ VIPER 🐉
  18. It goes both ways. There are plenty of rescuers that are women. They mother and coddle men. Agree that both the rescuers and the "fragile" have major self esteem issues. Still not sure what this rant is really about with the switch hitting from men are "simps" to women are damsels?
  19. Manners are still alive and well in some circles so if I open a door for a lady I would hardly call that being "simo" or toxic. Depends on how you were brought up an what circles you travel in.
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