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Everything posted by inspiration

  1. thanks - runner's high followed by that makes for a pretty good day.
  2. i just think throwing text and possible connection away on a chat program is really pointless.
  3. well I met this person online and they live where I go to school and work... we hit it off well and have alot of common interests but I don't want to throw it all away in an discussion online. is it awkward to ask her to coffee or for her number in a brief chat? just curious and thanks! -.ins
  4. didn't call her. doesn't matter now. being blunt is good. nothing really matters now. i've heard some of the dumbest things over the past 24 hours and i just don't care about alot of people who i had respect for before. i don't know what happened to people's ability to think things out rationally but it's obviously been lost.
  5. Well I don't know what to say. I'm not going to call her... since I haven't yet. But I'm just slightly lost on this whole friends situation. It seems as though one cannot want to be friends w/ the opposite sex. Don't know and don't care to know why not. Would it be wrong for any guy to go play w/ her? it seems as though talking is okay but then if you two spend any time together that's prohibited which I find complete bs... but what do i know anyways?
  6. i'll listen. but what if i just go to go... with no goals of anything other than a friendship.
  7. it's off. no more need for this thread. I'm sort of glad how it all turned out. thanks for the info all
  8. Well I had a second date with someone but she called it off. Not a big surprise and I don't regret anything I did. But then I know of this other woman who I really do not know all that well. I sit down by her in the library @ school. She asks where I've been and I ask her the same question because she never comes to class. We discuss how we are both doing and really nonsense chit chat. But ever since I met her she wants me to go play a sport w/ her... I have her number but I never call. We are still sitting there then I state I'm getting a haircut... that's when she starts running her fingers through my hair... Okay this is pretty awkward but I didn't really mind it. But it bothers me that she can be so pushy with me and have a boyfriend. I just don't understand. Should I call her to just hang out? (never see her in person) I don't want anyone to get hurt but i'm stuck with the "what if there is something there" thoughts again. input would be appreciated. take care
  9. okay i have a second date w/ a girl who i'm really into coming up. i wouldn't mind some pointers on when to move in and how to go about the first kiss w/ her. thx
  10. It's a go! got some italian place then mini golf.
  11. thanks, that's pretty much how I did it the first time. calling her up tomorrow. i'm just glad i don't have the nervousness like i did before. i figure i have nothing to lose. I did not see her today, and I will not tomorrow so i'll have to hit the phone up.
  12. Call her? Or should I do it in person? Thanks
  13. Okay so it went excellent. I picked her up...we went out to dinner and then sat and talked for about an hour. She played w/ her hair a couple of times but wasn't like all over it. I couldn't really tell if she was keying. But overrall we had shared some laughs. We had something and some good conversation. If she does feel the same way I don't want to let her down by not asking her back out. So at this point I feel I'm pretty much in a position with my balls to the wall. How should I followup?
  14. shaving is good... but don't get all of it. ohhh and don't use a razor with 5 blades to do it either. hahaha becareful!
  15. well tomorrow is the day. i'm picking her up... i was already invited in... heh. dunno it feels as though it's going to turn out really really well. i'll let you all know!
  16. this is pretty much my first "serious" date. I mean... I've had a couple before but I wasn't really interested. This one time a girl wanted to eat at wendy's and i didn't appreciate that too much. anymore tips would be greatly appreciated. i'm trying not to run anything through my head... but i'd rather not do anything really dumb.
  17. What's good to wear on this first time out together? I have an assortment of nice button downs and polos. The button downs are all assorted colors. I have a ton of jeans and some black dress shoes... unfortunately none of my shoes are very nice besides my chrome adidas all stars and the dress shoes.
  18. is there a type of woman that doesn't dress up? haha i have to ask.
  19. Words cannot describe how I feel today. I finally worked up the nerve to ask someone who was interested out to dinner. I was so incredibly nervous and waited till the last second but it worked for the best. It's really hard for me to find people I like and I hate finding those people and just letting them go w/out pursuing anything. so i finally did something about it. i guess you just have to do it... there is no beating around the bush involved... you just have to straight up ask and pray for the best. take care, -.ins
  20. wow it's been so long since i have visited enotalone. it just seems like spring has sprung and washed away all the problems and questions from fall and winter... and it's time for a fresh start. this makes me overjoyed... i'm so happy it's most likely dangerous but i guess one deserves to be like this sometimes. i've been contemplating speaking w/ this woman @ school... and i think she has been thinking the same thing. she got to it before me and that just brings the biggest grin to my face. i don't know this is more or less a feel good ramble... ultimatelly it boils down to figuring out what i want i think... and not having to take shots in the dark to figure out what others want. okay... that's enough for now though. must go enjoy the 50 degrees of coldness... but atleast the grass is green
  21. in order for anything to be kept up I have to be miserable. i swear it's pathetic. i feel sad, lonely, and depressed, would you hold me in lower spirits, if I said i'm everything but impressed? i have walked with you and clutched your hand. now i'm nothing more than a forgotten soul. nothings more frustrating than feeling my heart turn cold. i saw spoken words in the cool winter night, but wish i never heard them. if i could win you over, i shall not stray from what I hold true. but it's hard to win anyone over... because now... my respect just doesn't fulfill what you think others could do for you.
  22. been awhile. When does this race end. When does insomnia begin and tiredness cease. Confused…confused. Blank stare at a white wall… Nothing there… Nothing but memories I miss. Missed memories in a white wall. I must be losing my mind. Losing my mind… My mind is always spoken and never lost. I’m tired… of all the attempts to get better. Tired of everyone around me. Tired of having no one around me. Tell me something…. Tell me what it takes to be. To be someone other than me?
  23. Yea - that's really cool. Anyways. She got back together with her boyfriend so I guess it really did not matter anyways.
  24. Well... I made a thread in the attraction area not too long ago. Monday was good... we shared laughs at she showed me pictures of her ex. I'm not one to judge but she really wanted me to judge him based on appearance. Well I have concert tickets and she hints on wanting to go but then her excuse is always "I would like to go, but I do not know of the band." I told her I have three... and no one is going with me. So I think to myself, "great this girl knows I have ZERO friends." However she found it interesting one would go to a concert alone... but I just played off the conversation and we began to just speak of things. Now... I have this feeling I should ask her if she would like to go w/ me tomorrow. But I'm thinking maybe I should just try to get her out to lunch or dinner first. I do not want to get shot down because "I do not like the band." I'd rather have a cold hard "no" and be for certain she is not interested. I'm confused but either way something has to go down tomorrow because this young woman really has the best part of my mind. win or lose I'll be happy.
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