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Chris K

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Everything posted by Chris K

  1. It sounds to me like she is looking over her shoulder.... right now she is with you but feels there is something better out there for her and thus feels bad a bit because she also ties you down... but when not with you she feels alone and does not want to fully give up on something that you have both invested so much time in. Dont know if thats the case or if this possible perspective will help you... but thats what i get out of what you have written Good luck, and I hope things go the way you want them to
  2. You said he is the kind of guy that is really shy right. Maybe he feels the same way about you but is also afraid of being turned down. What you have to remember is that everyone percieves situations diferently... maybe he figures that he isn't good at making moves and thereforeeeeeee is waiting for you to make one, but because you didn't.... You also dont have to reaveal just how strongly you feel to him, just let him know that you are interested... tell him you really enjoyed the cuddle and was wondering if he wanted to go out some time. The ball is more than likely in your court. Now you have to decide if you will shoot or just drop it and walk away. If you do decide to walk though you may never know if you really missed out on something great. If I were you, I would take the shot!
  3. The first thing you should do is make some positive changes. Do things in your life that make you happy whether you are good at them or not.... Truth be told if you do something enough you will eventually be good at it. This in turn will make you even more happy. You also say that you have done anything for others. This is most definitely wrong... Have you not even once made someone smile or laugh because of something you did for them. This alone, although it may be a small gesture, has improved a persons attitude or made their day that much better. I have been where you are... all things work themselves out in the end. Just Hang in there.
  4. The first thing that I want to say is that every situation is different and I dont want to get your hopes up to be let down one more time. However, I believe from what you have posted that I may be able to relate to your ex-girlfriends situation. Truth be told she may just be worried about losing a friend in whom she trusts so much of herself when that is all she wants. The other possibility is that after such a long relationship she is unsure if she still feels the same, so she wants to explore. She wants to kind of keep you on a back burner so to speak... this is how i felt throughout a five year relationship that ended w my ex girlfriend 8 months ago. Now, unfortunately, we cant get back together and its my fault (A long story why). However, I think the biggest downfall was that i didnt think i could ever lose her. Now I would marry her if we could get back together. The point is she may think she can always have you yet still look over her shoulder... My advice would be to tell her if you are breaking up than you need to be apart for a while... force her to leave you alone for a while... a couple months even. This will give both of you time to think without eachother there to provide influence. Keep yourself busy during this time period so you are not depressed and resist the urge to contact her and if she contacts you just say you are not ready to talk yet. (THIS TAKES A LOT OF WILLPOWER). The end result is after a couple months you will both better know how you feel. Now when you talk to her if she really loves you she will be more than ever ready to get back together... the downfall is that she may realize its really over... truth is if it is over than it would have endded anyway... maybe later, but it would hurt that much more. All I can say that I was in your ex-Gf's position and after a couple months apart I was begging my Ex to take me back... Too bad for me we had other complications in between. Wether or not you want to try this plan out is your decision, you know your situation better than some stranger on the internet. So hope for the best, but be more than prepared for the worst. Good Luck
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