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  1. awesome....very inspirational....thanks.......it touched right where it needed to.
  2. what can i say....the time you have spent with her is something that will be in you forever.......i suggest reading this book by Debbie Ford....called spiritual divorce.......please all i ask is just look it up........i have been divorced now for 1 1/2 years....my ex had an affair and lied about it....anyways long story......the pain is going to be there no matter if u separate or get a divorce....it's going to be really hard......much emotional turmoil.......but time does heal......at least there wasn't a child involved........the book i aforementioned helped me out tremendously and i am not an avid reader. the book is not only about divorce....just read it......and let me know what you think....
  3. first of all, how old are you? secondly how old is he? and what are the experiences the two of you have had in the past sexually? most guys(not all) especially the young ones think with the penis.....there is two ways to look at it 1.) seduce his ass...get him excited and ways that a guy woould be or 2.) if u want to have a healthy relationship with this guy...just open up the feelings and talk about it....if he is shy it woudln't be a good thing to pressure if you do then they feel like pressured stressed whatever....just ask him about and let him put the moves on when he is ready......what ya think
  4. come on now.....open your eyes....he feels like he made a mistake by letting you go...now he wants to be part of your life again.....maybe after he made his mind up that he didn't care about you anymore...he wanted to explore other options and when that didn't work out.....he came back to you......and did your sister invite him over on New Years or what? u can play the game or be honest with him....your call
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