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Will he ever change or commit?


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Okay, I've been with my boyfriend or whatever for over a year, almost 2. He pulled a fake engagement on me a while back just to shut me up I guess because we broke up for about a month and when we did, he told me I forced him into that that he doesn't wanna be tied down. Well, we got back together. Now we live together and have for a while We've had problems this whole relationship with him adding other girls and talking to them on Facebook and his phone. He says it's not a big deal all he said was hey but to me, that doesn't seem fair. I don't talk to other guys why should he talk to girls? Anyways... His ex his mom still likes ALL of her stuff and I keep catching him adding her back on Facebook or looking her up ALL the time on there or Instagram.. It's like he's still in love with her or something.. There's also this girl on his facebook favorites on messenger and she's the first one on the list, he claims he's never talked to her but all of my favorites are right. He is the first one on my favorites.? Well a while ago he got me a ring he surprised me with, but he didn't ask me anything at all. He said he was going to wait to give it to me until we went on our trip but wanted to just go ahead and give it to me. I thought maybe he would ask on the trip, he never did and still hasn't. That was about 2 months ago... Will he ever commit? Or ever change on the girls and his ex? Am I just wasting my time hoping for a future with someone who doesn't want the same with me?

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To me you have a very specific desire and this i the only way you are going to be happy. You want him to change to live up to this ideal, which he is not doing at present. I would suggest that it is probably never going to happen the way you want it to with him, so I think you are wasting your time.

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Okay, I've been with my boyfriend or whatever for over a year, almost 2. He pulled a fake engagement on me a while back just to shut me up I guess because we broke up for about a month and when we did, he told me I forced him into that that he doesn't wanna be tied down. Well, we got back together. Now we live together and have for a while We've had problems this whole relationship with him adding other girls and talking to them on Facebook and his phone. He says it's not a big deal all he said was hey but to me, that doesn't seem fair. I don't talk to other guys why should he talk to girls? Anyways... His ex his mom still likes ALL of her stuff and I keep catching him adding her back on Facebook or looking her up ALL the time on there or Instagram.. It's like he's still in love with her or something.. There's also this girl on his facebook favorites on messenger and she's the first one on the list, he claims he's never talked to her but all of my favorites are right. He is the first one on my favorites.? Well a while ago he got me a ring he surprised me with, but he didn't ask me anything at all. He said he was going to wait to give it to me until we went on our trip but wanted to just go ahead and give it to me. I thought maybe he would ask on the trip, he never did and still hasn't. That was about 2 months ago... Will he ever commit? Or ever change on the girls and his ex? Am I just wasting my time hoping for a future with someone who doesn't want the same with me?


Hahahaha.. 70% of your story resemble mine.. fake engagement.. say I forced him.. let me say 1 thing.. this men are adults.. no one can force them to lift even a finger.. we don't carry gun anywhere.. for me, I can't see myself with someone making me wonder about my self value.. so I broke up the relationship.. I respected and put him in priority.. anything less than same treatment couldn't be accepted.. and I don't like false promise.. and in addition the way he lead me to broke up is kinda nasty, he cut the communication just because he can't face me? I don't know.. but I know I'm worth more than where he put me..

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Sorry to hear this but what is a 'fake engagement'? Were you pushing for marriage?


If he 'doesn't want to be tied down', why do you live together? Are you roommates with benefits in an open relationship?


How old is he? Why are you monitoring his social media this much? He can talk to other people but if he's actively flirting with random girls and exes it's as much of a red flag as "fake engagement".

He pulled a fake engagement on me a while back just to shut me up he told me I forced him into that that he doesn't wanna be tied down. Now we live together and have for a while We've had problems this whole relationship a while ago he got me a ring he surprised me with, but he didn't ask me anything at all. He said he was going to wait to give it to me until we went on our trip but wanted to just go ahead and give it to me. I thought maybe he would ask on the trip, he never did and still hasn't.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you talked about the future, timeline or rules of the relationship? Has he said that he wants a monogamous relationship that will lead to marriage?


If you want a life partner for yourself then you are not getting it from this guy. Buying rings to shut you up is not sure behaviour. You should talk calmly what type of behaviour you expect in a relationship and what type of future you want. If those don't match then you should move on. Well your boyfriend sounds like an idiot so you should.move on anyways.

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