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She's religious. I'm not.


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I met a nice girl a couple of weeks ago. We've hung out a few times and I really like her, although I haven't made a move on her yet. She's just my type, very pretty, down to earth, great laugh, outgoing. We have good rapport when we're together, long conversations, lots of laughter, etc. We don't have a TON of things in common, but we aren't polar opposites, and the things we don't share in common we're able to have a constructive dialog about. She's very different than my last girlfriend (who was a real piece of work). This girl is nice and caring whereas my last girlfriend was cold, negative, and snarky. I'm not used to this nice behavior yet, as this is the first girl I've been on more than one date with since we broke up. But I really like this girl.


There's one problem, though, she's a practicing Christian, church on Sunday type. I'm an agnostic. I'm not anti-theist, and I'm not the type to hold a grudge or make it my mission to disprove and discredit one's religion. Although I know I will never be religious again (born and raised Catholic) I actually respect it. I suppose that her being Christian isn't the worst thing in the world, and it certainly isn't a deal breaker, but I wish she weren't.


She's brought up her beliefs more than once, more in the context of saying "I woke up early and went to Church" rather than rubbing it in my face saying "JUST SO YOU KNOW, I'm Christian," but I have not expressed my beliefs. Deep down I know that I would never hold it against her, nor would I ever judge her or try to make her become agnostic or atheist. I respect her beliefs, but I don't know that she'll respect mine. Being religious isn't a deal breaker for me, but if she starts telling me she denies evolution I might just have to let her go.


I don't know....I suppose this is more of a rant than looking for advice, but what would you do? Are you non-religious but have/do/would date a religious person? Vice versa? I know it can happen successfully. A dear friend of mine actually dates a Christian girl and he's atheist, and he said "she stopped talking about it." They've been together for 6-7 years.

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Unfortunately when push comes to shove she will get serious with a Christian guy. And they will wait until marriage for most things. It sounds like she likes you but at most, as a friend.


Perhaps her positive attitude in general is refreshing after your ex and that is the lesson here as to what to look for.

We've hung out a few times and I really like her, although I haven't made a move on her yet. she's a practicing Christian, church on Sunday type.She's brought up her beliefs more than once, more in the context of saying "I woke up early and went to Church"
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You've only known each other for two weeks. I know many practicing Christians that aren't die-hard "preachers", they are non-judgemental towards those who aren't, had sex before marriage, lived together before marriage, and even those that are same sex couples who go to church Sunday. This takes time to know how strict a Christian she is, I wouldn't write her off just yet. Having religious beliefs that match each other helps, but it's not the end all be all, as noted with your dear friends who happens to be an atheist.

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