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I am really confused right now. What does this mean?


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So, recently I talked to this girl I've known for a few months. She knows I like her, and she's said she likes me too, but the problem is she's in her first year of college and she said she can't handle a relationship right now. So I said I was fine with that, and eventually I started acting a little needy. This bothered her a bit, and so I promised I wouldn't push the relationship anymore, and told her I was fine with being friends. We agreed that we can still go on dates but she can't really commit to anything serious right now.


So... what does that mean for us??? We're both good friends, we both talk to each other every day, she knows I like her, and she'd like to try going on dates with me... But she can't commit. I've never tried holding her hand or hugging or kissing on a date before (we've only been out once) but I'm wondering if she'd be okay with that. She doesn't want to move too fast and she can't commit to a serious relationship, but she likes me and can go on dates with me. I don't really know how to go about this from now on. So, I was wondering, the next time we go out... What will it mean to her? And should I try to kiss her on the cheek or something or hold her hand or put my arm around her? I need to know how to go about this. I don't want to try and rush into things because she doesn't want to, but at the same time, I want to know what she thinks of all of this. What she sees us as.

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Could mean a lot of different things. Maybe she only wants to focus on school, or maybe she wants to feel free to date and sleep with different people, or maybe she doesn't exactly know what she wants. If there is a possibility of anything physical between you and her, I'd say you'll have to be confident and make a move. Hold her hand, or if she'll keep eye contact with you and the moment feels right, kiss her. If she goes with it, great. If she stops you, then you know she's not interested in you like that. Then you can say it's fine and that you'll just be friends, or you can go your separate ways.

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I think you should take her at her word. She just started college a couple months ago and I think she's smart to not get into a relationship right away so she can focus on school and meet new people. I have male friends that I enjoy hanging out with sometimes. I'm cool with getting dinner together sometimes but I'm not interested in being in a relationship with them. She basically told you that the most she can and will do right now is be friends and I think you should accept and respect that. If you are looking for a relationship I think you need to start looking somewhere else.

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She doesn't want a relationship with you. That's really all there is to it, she's trying to be nice about it. As per your other threads I think you need to back off and leave this girl be for your peace of mind.


Get involved in your college, go learn a new activity or join a group. Get your mind off of her. She's not interested and you are, prolonging this "friendship" while your holding out for something more is only going go up in flames. Maybe after some space, like a few months, when you're over her you can rekindle a friendship.

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She's on the cusp of her adult life... You're chasing her like a child afraid to make a move, and seem to be on a completely different plane in terms of education and life experience...


Why should she want a commitment with you?


Furthermore, where are you in your own life? What do you bring to the table for her?


Relationships need a mutual exchange on many levels...


A lot of people in university dissociate with old family and friends because it's a time for independently choosing your own path and social environment.


Sounds like she likes you as a persons, but you're just not a matching click for her....

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Talk like friends do.. with no expectations.

Don't hound her for dates...


Now n then you could maybe suggest going out to dinner or something... BUT you have to remember.. Respect.

Accept the fact she may say no.. not this time.

Accept the fact that she is at School now and is aiming at her 'Studies'. So don't be in her face too much.. or overly text.


Just be nice.. make it casual. See IF you can handle that.

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What will it mean to her? And should I try to kiss her on the cheek or something or hold her hand or put my arm around her?


Also don't do all the above. That is all relationship related and an expression of how you feel. Your best bet is to just be a friend and respect her by accepting what she asked you.

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