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Helping children cope


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Recently split with child’s father. Very long and toxic relationship (read previous post), however I’m trying to help my daughter deal with it. Currently there is a TPO in place until 10.17 and he cannot visit her, but he can talk to her. He hasn’t attempted to call yet, I imagine because i put him out that his pride is hurting. This morning she said she misses him and wants to see him, and I don’t want her to be in school sad. What can I do to make this process smooth. It’s only been three days since I officially put him out and got TPO (temporary protection order).

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Family therapy would help you cope and help you communicate with your child about parents splitting up. Do not let a child's emotions run to your separation but address them promptly with expert family counselling.


You also need to get a supervised visitation order in place and child support. Do not let him pick her up or visit at school, etc. Abductions in violent situations are very common as a pawn. Is the protection order for only you? Or only your home? Does it encompass your child, her school and your workplace? Get your ducks in a row legally to protect your child and do not let the understandable musing of a child stop you from protecting her and yourself. Be smart.

she said she misses him and wants to see him
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