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Cherylyn last won the day on July 11

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Community Answers

  1. Be straight forward. No sense wasting your time and energy on a woman who is already in a relationship. Of course, exercise tact. Find out early.
  2. Just because she's not a people person socially doesn't mean she doesn't have interest engaging in a conversation with you. I wouldn't read too much into it. However, her interest in you is either waning or her communication with you goes in spurts. Sometimes there is time and energy invested with long correspondence or conversations and other times, perhaps she's tired and bored or both. Don't over do it with texts or phone chats. Too much familiarity breeds contempt. Have some mystery so you're more intriguing and keep the relationship fresh. Prevent relationships from growing stale.
  3. I agree with others, seek another specialist such as a highly rated orthopedist and do your physical therapy per protocol.
  4. It's not a good idea to contact her. There is too much of an age gap and she will wonder who this stranger is reaching out to her out of the blue? She would feel this is weird. Best to be with women within your age bracket.
  5. He enjoys the benefits such as sex with you. It's your call.
  6. I'm a very picky eater. I generally eat prior to any event so I'm not starving by the time we meet friends or family for dine out meals or any type of occasion at their houses. I'm not allergic to anything either so I'll order something I can eat and if I can't finish it, I'll take it home for the next day's lunch. If potluck type festivities are at houses, I eat what I want only. I don't receive comments either.
  7. He's a slob and a helpless mama's boy. ๐Ÿ˜  He's still a boy in a man's body and never grew up yet. Be glad he's not your husband. Now that you know what it's like to live with him, you can envision a future with or without him. It's your choice. ๐Ÿ˜’
  8. Love bombing is a tactic used when a person is trying to get into your good graces. They over do it with compliments, flattery, perhaps gifts, attention, "help," ingratiate themselves to you. Love bombers demonstrate over zealous behavior towards you for the purpose of gaining favors from you or you benefit them somehow. I'm well versed regarding the subject of love bombing. It has happened to me and some people whom I know. It's a sneaky tactic and typical of narcissists and / or sociopaths. Any time a person acts unnaturally nice and generous, I become immediately suspicious because this is not normal behavior. ๐Ÿซข ๐Ÿคจ
  9. C is unreasonable. No, you're not obligated to choose a coeliac friendly restaurant. I agree with @SophiaG. C should eat before dining out so she won't be an imposition on the rest of the group. Or, she should bring snacks or her own food to eat so she's not hungry when the majority prefers to eat out at a restaurant of their choosing including when you organize dining out. It's unfair to accommodate C due to her very strict dietary restrictions. It ruins it for everyone.
  10. Amen to that @JoyfulCompany I couldn't agree more. ๐Ÿ˜Š According to my experience, it is very rare for some people to have remorse and actually take it to the next level with admittance, a sincere apology and put forth the effort to make amends. In an optimal world, there would be humility and a 'happily ever after' scenario. In a realistic world, perpetrators (or narcissists) expect you to endlessly move on with amnesia. Offenses, insults, rudeness and obnoxious disrespect are never addressed. This expectation of pretending no offenses ever occurred is no longer viable. ๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ˜ 
  11. Don't say anything. Go with the job which will secure employment for you otherwise it is a gamble and you could lose both potential employments. Be conservative. Secure the job and then go from there. It's better than no job.
  12. Do it on the fly meaning think on your feet as the conversation flows. During other times when you're by yourself, think of interesting topics this other person would be interested in. This is what I do. Be interesting and if you can't think of anything to say, be a great listener because everyone loves an amazing listener. Never interrupt. Whenever you allow them to speak a lot, let them do all the work. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  13. Treat her as a friend. Continue being a real gentleman, mind your manners and respect her stance. Since you work together, think of the future should a relationship with her go awry. Then you still work together and it will be awkward and uncomfortable. ๐Ÿคจ Remaining friends or better yet as acquaintances is safer as long as you work together. If you want more than friendship, it's risky especially with a colleague. Best to pump the brakes by remaining professional yet cordial without getting chummy, no more "friendlies" outside the work environment and be wise. ๐Ÿซข
  14. I've known plenty of women who have husbands or boyfriends who are either under 6', at 6' or 6'+. No tricks with therapists and psychologists. You would benefit from their professional help.
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