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  1. I asked her if she wants to meet just us, she said she’s not sure she has time
  2. Fair. Thanks.
  3. So this same girl started texting me again after a few months, now she calls me quite a lot, 3 times in the past week. Can someone make sense of what’s going on?? Is she just being nice and appreciates me as a friend, considering she basically rejected me?
  4. I have been deliberately talking to her less for two reasons: 1. she gave off the vibe that she didn’t always like our deep conversations. She also would rarely be the initiator 2. I think it does bother me to connect with her and know she’s not interested She sort of picked up on my distancing, asking me “Why are you so annoyed?”, etc. I don’t wanna come across as mean by not talking to her … It also does make me feel weird doing so But if I did talk to her as much and as deep as before; it would frustrate me, knowing she’s probably not interested. What should I do? This is all assuming she’s not into me, which I don’t have absolute guarantee of. I could just behave with the knowledge that I don’t know.
  5. That’s a good point. Yes, at least slightly. How should that affect my thinking?
  6. My plan is just to continue talking. She told me that when she asked if I had a girlfriend she was just making conversation. It’s almost certain she doesn’t like me, but I really enjoy speaking with her and the fact that she doesn’t like me doesn’t bother me too much. We’ll continue talking. When the context is right, I’ll ask her explicitly.
  7. Yeah I’m pretty sure you’re right. Thanks.
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