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  1. Allright, for the passed (almost 4 years I have been with him, when we got together he said that he always wanted to comunicate. Fine. I can comunicate. He also said that whenever we get made at each other we shoud take some cooling off timebefore saying anything, fine. Well, he stayed home from work last night (he works 3rd), and slept all night. He took me to work this morning because we only have one car. I had a horrible day at work today. I think I am close to getting fired, and I haven't even had this job very long. So at the end of the day I was ready to get the hell outa there. I waited and waited and waited, and he never showed to pick me up. So I called, and he was still in bed. So yes, I was pissed. SO I called a family member to come and get me. When my family member showed up 1/2 hour later I asked her to drop me at my friends house down the street. I figured I would hang out there for a few, and then walk home after blowing off some steam. Well my friend wasn't home, so I went home. When I came in the door I said Hi, but he didn't answer. So I put my headphones on and went into the kitchen and started cleaning. Well I was doing this he left. He didn't say anything to me, he just left. He slambed the door so hard it about broke. When he got back I asked him where he went, he wouldn't tell me. I asked him why he is upset with me, wouldn't sy a word. THIS IS HOW IT ALWAYS GOES!!! There is never any resolution. NOthing ever gets talked out, he gets pissed off and won't even tell me why, and I'm SICK OF IT! I hate when he does this, comunication my ***!!!!!!! After all these years I am feeling like Iv had enough! I am not even a smoker, but tonight I have smoked two of his cigarettes, and I am drinking too. My heart is pounding really hrad and fast. I am having chest pains, I feel dizzy... and I felt this way before the entering of any outside substances. I am so mad I don't know what to do. I feel like I want to break somethin, kick the wall, smash some plates, anything that gets the anger out. And right now he is just sitting on the couch watching TV like nothing is wrong. I'm so tired of this crap, all these years, its enough already. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
  2. Ahh, yea, I already thought of that. I have to be at my current job at &am, can't call the possible new job until after 9am. You are seeing my dilema the same as I am.
  3. So, let me take you through the chain of events... I found tow ads in my local paper a week ago today, bit were jobs I got very excited about, so I applied for both online. Friday I got a phonecall on my cell while I was out and about from one of the jobs. They told me they wanted me to come in Monday (tomorw) and work one day for a contract project. I got very excitred and told them I would do it. She asked me for a price, and I gave her a price. She said she would call me back in an hour to confirm. She also gave me her email addy. So, thinking it would probably be confirmed, I called my boss at my present job (which I can't wait to leave) and told her what was going on and that I probably wouldn't work Monday. She was fine with that, and told me if the other place confirms this one day projct to just leave her a message Monday morning. Well, an hour came and went and the one day contract person never got back to me. When I got home there was a message on my machine about the other job (because I applied for two jobs) wanting me to get back with them ASAP about setting up an interview. Problem was, the office closed at 5 and it was 20 after five. I don't want my boss (who doesn't like me) to have the satisfaction of knowing I didn't get the contract job. I also want to be able to go to the interview the first time they offer me (which will probably be tomorrow. Also, I will have a hard time calling to ste up the interview, getting dressed up for the interview, getting directions to the place, etc, if I am at work. So, I realise this exhibits a bad work ethic, but should I just stay home tomorrow? It seems like things would be so much easier if I did. Why let a job I hate get in the way of a Job I would love? What do you all think?
  4. I know it's not unusual. But he could have told me the truth. It's not that he was interested that made me mad. The fact that he took me to the party just because she would be there and then acted all pissy when she wasn't was what made me mad. That argument we had was when he told me "I only see her at the store." When (acording to her) they saw eachother outside the store several times. I also found out last night that she likes guys who are taken. And now I know she knows where we live. YEs, I am wondering how big this one might get. He has lied in the passed, and his lies always snowball. So lasnt night I found out this chick was in our house with him. Next will I find out he slept with her? Well he is asleep I am calming down. I was silently fuming last night at the club. So I released some of that in the mosh pit. Then I came home and slept. Before posting here this morning I played my guitar a little bit. Now after a hot shower I feel better. As for your question about his honnesty I think I already answered that one above. He is a snowball liar.
  5. Ok, well it seems so trivial, but here goes... When he started dating me, he was trying to hook up with this other chick, L. She worked at a music store that we both went to a lot. Rumor has it he started dating me to make her jealous, because she didn't want to date him. Well one night he took me to this party. He said he took me to "show me off to everyone"... When we got there it became apparent that wasn't his intent. He only seemed interested in where L was, why she wasn't there, etc. He was all pissed off because he was told she would be at this party and wasn't. He asked the host of the party for her new cell number so he could call her and ask why she didn't show. When we left he told me that going to that party was a waste of time because he only went to see her. This pissed me off, we argued about it. I asked him if they ever had any contact outside the music store where L worked, and he told me they didn't. He said the only time he ever saw her was in that store. Just a note on timing, this all took place years ago. Well last night me and a couple friends went out to a club. My other half couldn't go because he had to work. Well guess who was there, L! She came running up to me and gave me a huge hug and kissed me on the cheek, saying she misses me and blah blah blah. She asked where he was, I told her he was working. She started saying what a perfect couple we are. And in my stupid loose lipped drunkeness, I siad "You know when I met him he was trying to date you." she said "Well I had a feeling, but I just didn't want a relationship then." Then she said "he is so easy to talk to. When I would go see him we would just sti and talk for hours..." I said "You went to see him?" she said "YEa, I went to his apartment a couple times just to hang out." I showed no hostility toward her. After all it isn't her fault. When I go home from the club at 4am I was drunk and pissed off. He was still at work. I put a post it on the computer monitor that said "I caught you in another one. I'm tired of you lying to me." Then I went off to bed. NOw he is sleeping, probably won't be up for another five hours or so. He knows something is up because of the note. So we will most likely have words about this. BUt if he doesn't ask about it, I'm wondering if I should even bother. It will just open up old wounds...
  6. Telling her may devistate her, but if he cheated out of boredom then he obviously doesn't truly love her, and it's a safe bet he'll do it again. So if she finds out now it will save her a lot of heartache in the long run.
  7. So last night I caught my other half in a lie. He told this lie a long time ago, and what he lied about isn't exactly relevent now. But my feelings are still hurt, and I am still a little angry. So should I confront him? Is it really worth arguing over? Do I have a right to be mad? Luka
  8. I don't see why everyone thinks I am pressuring him for sex. What because I asked him for it? Last night his excuse was that I was bleeding (when I wasn't, as clearly stated). TOnight he was too tired before leaving for work. I see so many guys on here whining about how their women don't give them enough sex, but I whine and suddenly I am pressuring him? I just don't get why people are always jumping to conclusions...
  9. The fact that he doesn't want to while I am bleeding doesn't piss me off. It's the fact that I am not bleeding now and he still won't. I am tired of these three/four week times in between sex. I have a sex drive too and it seems all he wants to do is masturbate and look at porn. But that is another thread in itself. And tonight was our two year aniversary too.
  10. Guys, (or girls) whoever wants to answer) will you have sex with a girl while she is on her period? Tonight was a pretty special night for the other half and I. I am pretty much done flowing this month. I bled a few drops all day today. He won't touch me. He says that if we have sex it will make me bleed heavier. I told him that isn't true. I am pissed. I am embarrassed asking this. I just want to know other opinions about it. Luka
  11. So I posted this thread here asking for advice about this woman I work with. She is a clingy person who is starting to really get on my nerves. She always asks me all kinds of questions about what I am doing, where I am going after work, what I did the night before. I know people reading this are probably thinking it's just friendly conversation. But it doesn't come off that way. I feel like I am being interogated. And when she talks to me she gets right in my face. She alsways sits beside me at break and she sits way too close. I have a real problem with my space being invaded. The other day I was bending over sitting a box on a pallet and I guess my lower back was showing. She came up behind me and pulled the back of my jeans up! I didn't like that at all. I don't like being touched, especially when I don't see it coming. Today when I was standing in the clock out line she started fidding with me hair. I just dyed it, she said she was looking at the color. She doesn't need to touch it to see the color. She ran into my Mom at an Italian Festival in my town last week. She said to my Mom "I was thinking of getting some of my friends together for a party, and I was wondering if we could have it at your house?" My mom politely told her no. I should mention that this woman lives at the salvation Army, so she can't have a party at her house. And it was a whole bunch of SA residents she wanted to invite to this party. She has only met my Mom once!!! Then the next day she came to work and told me "Oh your Mom and I were talking about having a party out at your house." She said this like it was already planned and my Mom was ok with it. She has also referred to my Granma as "Grandma" like she is talking about her grandma. She met my Grandma at the italian fest where grandma was selling sandwitches. She hasn't been picking me up in the morning anymore. When I came downstairs two days in a row and found her sitting on my porch waiting for me I had to put a stop to that. I was polite about it though. But here is the kicker... this made me really mad. A family member of mine just died less then a month ago. Well, this chick at work has found an apartment. (She found the place yesterday. Today at work she had the gaul to ask me : I really need some pots and pans and cookware for my new place... IS your *******'s house all cleaned out? Do you think maybe I could have some of their kitchen stuff?" This made me freaking livid. I didn't even answer her. Then she goes on to say "My husband left me with nothing, and I can't sue him for my stuff back because I can't afford a lawyer." I told her "Apply for legal aid then." and walked away. Help! What should I do? I feel like this person is fixated on me! PLease keep in mind that I am female and straight. My last thread got a lot of misguided advice because people thought I was a man. I am DethmetalDOLL, not DethmetalDUDE, lol. PLease, I would appreciate some advice... Luka
  12. Yes, I am female, and I'm actually not single. Why has this thread been moved to attraction and flirting? I'm not gay.
  13. There is this girl who just started working where I work. She sat with me at lunch one day and we had a pretty interesting conversation. One dau she saw mw walking (I woalk to work) and offered me a ride. She is absolutely miserable because her husband left her recently. She was complaining about not having anywhere to go on one Saturday night. Well that Saturday my parents were having a party. So I invited her. Ever since the party... Every morning when I levae out of my house to go to work she i s either parked in front of the house or accross the street waiting to give me a ride. My walk to work is the only excercise I get, and I enjoy it. Where I live is not on her waqy either. So I don't feel right turning her down. SHe called me three nights in a row last week asking me to go swimming with her (at my parents house). I don't live with my parents, so I find it kind of strange that she would just invite herself to my parents house for the evening, and expect me to invite myself there. I told her no all three nights because I was doing other things. One night I was going to a coffee shop to meet a friend of mine. I told her that's where I was going, and she showed up there. At work she insists on working beside me every day. When I go out for break she follows me. Sometimes I just like to sit by myself on break, but she is always right behind me. I gave her my cell number in case she couldn't find my parents' house, and now she is starting to call more frequently. So, is this weird or am I weird. Am I just not used to people warming up to me this quick. She is also about 20 years older then I am. Usually people that age are scared of me. PLease tell me what you think... Luka
  14. I sent it by e-mail. At the end of the interview he asked if I had any questions. I couldn't think of anything. Now I am kicking myself for not asking how long it would be before I heard anything. I am really excited. I really want this job. It also pays over twice what I make now. I am tired of working for beans and having like$3 in my account once I get all my bills paid for the month. This job would mean financial security and that is a very comforting thing.
  15. Well I actually speak a little German already. I am not fluent but I could probably be allright as a tourist over there. I just figured the software would be quicker and cheaper. The faster I learn it, the more opertunities that would open up for me at this job.
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