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MissCanuck last won the day on April 22

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  1. What is the point of this? Stop looking for reasons to hang on or see him again. A phone call to end it is sufficient at this point.
  2. Nah, and no. He very obviously lied about where he was going and why. Clearly, there was no business trip to Scotland. Unless "Scotland" is the new name for "my ex's house." It would be foolish to trust him. He's also apparently quite manipulative. Run. Fast and far.
  3. Nope, I wouldn't go to their family events anymore. And I wouldn't care if they didn't like it. Tough,
  4. In what universe does one need "scientific proof of deceit" to end a relationship with a person they know is dishonest? I would have dumped him already. He's on an escort site? Ew. No. Please get rid of this guy and get yourself full STI/HIV panel of tests. My guess is that gaming was not the only thing he was up to on his last trip. Be done here. A man who's shopping around for sex with other women is bad news.
  5. No, it isn't. This is just what people say when they are trying to extract a relationship from dysfunction. You are making poor choices here. You know this. This man isn't interested in your feelings and tending to your emotional needs. He's just after sex, and it sounds as though he isn't very interested in the sex anymore either. Either he's getting it somewhere else (and I mean, from someone other than you or his wife) or he just isn't feeling it anymore with you. Either way, this is going nowehere and it's no longer serving you. It's up to you how long you want to prolong your own misery.
  6. She isn't interested in dating you, and now you know. She saw you as business potential for herself. Next!
  7. There's nothing to do but him behind you. I know you are hurt and it's understandable. You weren't used, but you have discovered you two were really not on the same page at all. You also have two totally different ideas about what you want in a relationship. You will feel better in time, and eventually you will be grateful that this ended. He wasn't the right one for you.
  8. It sucks that she did this, and it's understandable that it stings. Unfortunately, you knew she was not the most stable or rational individual. And you invested too heavily too soon. Please, slow down next time and heed the red flags. She was waving them even though it was very early. And whatever you do, avoid any and all personal contact with her. Interact with her only when strictly necessary for your job.
  9. Good luck with this, OP. Keep your friends close. You're going to need them when she dumps you again. You are being willfully blind to think this is going to go any other way. This woman is not invested you, and she will not stick around.
  10. I am very confused. You said she didn't talk to you for three months after you posted that. And then you said this: What did you post a few weeks ago? Who is "him"? You're all over the place with this post.
  11. What did you write in this story? You said you got emotional, so I am curious what the content was.
  12. OP, let me ask you this: Does she get some of benefit (personally) if you sign up for a membership?
  13. You are completely incompatible in the bedroom. It doesn't matter that he is sweet otherwise. He does things you are not comfortable with and the sex is bad as a result. Please move on from this and don't waste your time wondering about the role porn plays. Just get out and find someone who is better match and more skilled between the sheets. This guy is a bulldozer who cares only about his own needs in bed.
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