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  1. Ah ha! Okay I lump these types in with the "I'm a vegan." It's like they want to make people uncomfortable, or humble brag about this sort of thing. So keep in mind they want to share, you just happen to be a listener.
  2. I think his taking a peek is just an internal reason for a culmination of various things that just weren't sending you over the moon about this guy. If you were really into him, he could have had his tongue hanging out and panting, and you could have ignored it. Okay not you specifically, but a lot of us will ignore flags when we are all really into someone on the other end of the table. It's okay to just pass on the guy if he's not your cup of tea. I think this is a topic where a level of projection we all paint this kind of action as a relationship killer.
  3. I'm remembering that one. OP I think what you need to do is just find a way to just stick with business while at work. Tell them you have a deadline or something along those lines when you have hit your limit. Kindly shut them down, no need to just be abrupt.
  4. I agree if this has become obsessive or intrusive you should consider getting postpartum support. That said, I can understand why something like this would prey upon your thoughts. If you are religious or spiritual, do something within the dictates of your creed to honor those lost children. But you need to shift focus back to your baby and it's father. It's not a bad thing you care, but you cannot dwell.
  5. I doubt it's "simply" jealousy. There is a deep conflict in the relationship due to social media. We're only getting a very small part of the picture, while I'd rather hand waive this on going turmoil as just jealousy; there has to some very deep seated miscommunication here. OP, you need to have a open conversation with your BF, and see what is at the root of this.
  6. There is a simple solution, one that isn't going to belittle your feelings, ask her to teach you. It will show her that you respect what she can do, and gets you up to par on your normal feelings of being a young virile man. Or if that's not for you, learn a different discipline of martial arts.
  7. For the sake of this discussion I'll break it into, White knight/Simp, the Gent, and the happenstance man. Working from last to first, the happenstance man typically will see a woman in a situation of need and help; he has no motives, nor even contemplates there could be any ramification than being genuinely helpful. They will help just about anyone in need. The Gent usually will go out of his way to help a woman as he has an internal code of honor. Now he won't go to extraordinary lengths once the situation has resolved, but he will have a paternal nature to how he thinks about a situation. The Simp Knight will do anything thing he can to keep his presence around a woman known. He will see a female wanting something, and just give it to her to try and win favor. Basically they are a sex pest, who don't get sex, but think by buzzing around a woman's orbit he will eventually win the prize of her. There are a lot of women on social media who will seek the Simp Knight, mostly to exploit their wallet. These "men" are more than willing to throw money.
  8. I think you're responding to someone else.
  9. This on the surface would seem like solicitation to your BF. Jealous or not, a lot of guys would jump to that conclusion when it's done through social media. No matter how innocent it comes off that way. Your BF over reacted by blocking you on social media. But he's not entirely wrong for viewing this negatively. This to me says how overly reliant people are on for social media for validation.
  10. It's one of those moments you are interested, she's occupied elsewhere. Just be polite and let things go as they had been. If she comes around later great, if not, you have someone to say hi to.
  11. You need to start thinking strategically, while beating this guy to a pulp would be cathartic what will that get you in the long game? Your cheating wife getting full custody of YOUR kids, and this guy getting to sue you or other legal problems. What I recommend is backing off of vengeance and going for revenge. What should that look like, using her cheating to seek full or primary shared custody of your children. Law-fare is your ultimate tool here, use it to maximum effect. It is far better right not to lay hands on this jerk. You could even seek legal remedy against this guy for the costs of your divorce, it may not have good standing, but it will draw him into legal troubles. Also with the evidence you need to collect have your lawyer get into contact with this man's wife, don't do this yourself. But let him answer to his likely angry wife and suffer those consequences. Ruin his life legally, and without raising a fist.
  12. I think it's part of the whole OLD dating conundrum, basically trying to weed out someone as quickly as possible. Having been on the receiving end a few times of that sort of probing question, I just kind of concluded that someone is looking for a flaw to move on, rather than get invested.
  13. While I disagree that those two quote of mine are in parallel, I do agree that it’s a discussion worth having in terms of dating. I also disagree with feminism being the baseline between all female-male interactions should be measured. Then again I also draw a very distinct line between feminism and suffrage. The Suffrage movement really is difficult to compare with the Radical Feminist movements of the 70s/80s and beyond. It’s also a lot more complex than it is usually reported in the history books, then again the world from 1900 to 1920 is where I spent a lot of my historical research. Kind of blew my mind that some of the most ardent detractors of suffrage were women. I would also venture to say that some men (not all) going along with other radical feminist movements since then were of a malicious compliance; you know the trope of the predatory male feminist up to no good. I would be curious as to what nations you are comparing the US to. To put such a blanket statement out I think is deceptive in the details of where things differ. You mention abortion, which have legislation variances across the globe. It’s a hot button topic for many, but this isn’t a “gotcha” moment for our discussion. I reject your framing of ‘radicalism” being in regard to life and death circumstances. You want to paint giving a dam about women as only viewed through a feminist lens; I think this is grossly unfair and specious way to go about this discussion. If one thinks men only care about women as a provider of offspring, I don’t think you understand most men. With this last paragraph’s argument, you poisoned the well. I think this is a horrifically bad faith position to take. Just as not all men are anti feminist, not all women are feminist; your position is so sadly narrow, that a woman who is a anti-feminist would be under worse scrutiny than any man.
  14. Bolt and YogaCat, “Strong and independent woman who doesn't need a man" more of a meme on the internet at this point, to describe women who hate men. I would say our age differences probably play a role in our perceptions of that phrase. Radical Feminists like Andrea Dowrkin, Clementine Ford, or Bell Hooks; who made a huge splash in the public sphere with their man hating rhetoric in the 90s through 2010s. The radicals who had this weird Eugenic mentality to get rid of men that didn’t conform to their kooky beliefs. Being self-contained and content is one thing, many people are like that. It’s a few women, like a few men; who have disdain for the opposite sex that I’m calling out. I don’t think you hate men from all of your posts through the years. I don’t think you’d go WGTOW, which would mirror MGTOW; a movement which I view as treating women as sex objects due to personal damage.
  15. If I remember my textile history, the key is looking for "selvedge" when it comes to jeans, better weaving process.
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