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Wiseman2 last won the day on May 4

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Community Answers

  1. Sorry this is happening. Please see a physician for an evaluation of your physical and mental health and get some tests done. Ask for a referral to a licensed qualified therapist for ongoing support. You can also reach out to mental health hotlines just to talk to someone. Does this have anything to do with this past disappointment?
  2. He's seems like a last minute type of planner. It's ok if he invited you because someone else bowed out. . He also seems interested in picking up women and wants you or anyone else as a wingman. That's fine if you want to go just have fun and don't take his last minute planning or looking for wingman personally.
  3. This is all you need to know. She's not interested so leave her be.
  4. It's unfortunate but a lot of people don't get along with their in-laws. It's your son's grandmother and your husband's mother. You don't have to like her but the hating could eat at you. Let your husband and son have whatever relationship they want with her and you can avoid her.
  5. Is this the man who sends you memes all the time that annoy you and you've asked him to stop? You don't have to block him. Platonic dating isn't a good idea and leads to too much confusion. All you can do is reset your social media and step back since you don't seem ready willing or able to date him (or anyone else?) at this time.
  6. How did you two meet? What type of service was this? A dating app or matchmaking situation? Definitely mention that you don't mix business with pleasure. She seems really into networking. However she can't sell you anything you're not interested in and it doesn't sound like a marketing scam. All you can do is decide what you want out of this and not be seduced by charm and looks into something you're not interested in.
  7. Unfortunately you're compatible. He makes you feel physically and emotionally in pain. You've already spoken to him about it. This isn't about porn, it's about he's Into BDSM and kinks that are painful and upsetting to you. Please don't vanilla-shame yourself into thinking you have to acquiesce to his wants.
  8. Sorry this is happening. How do you know each other? Do you work or go to school together? Who is this other man? Is she dating him? Unfortunately when someone blocks you you need to respect that and leave her be. Blocking doesn't mean she's into you. Please date other women who are available and interested.
  9. Please see a physician for an evaluation of your physical and mental health and get some tests done. Ask for a referral to a licensed qualified therapist for ongoing support. Especially to sort out your family and childhood issues. Your husband seems supportive and caring but can't fix all your issues especially wanting to cheat. Therapy could help you replace bad decisions with more productive healthy thoughts and actions that won't harm you, your husband or this guy you're cheating with.
  10. Please consider setting yourselves free. You're not happy and you seem to want to be single.
  11. It's definitely not worth bringing a date to an office party. Especially as some sort of game. As far as this coworker. Hopefully you'll feel better about the situation and not like he's a horrible ogre because he forgot to remind you. It was kind of him to invite you even if you were anxious about it. He apologized because he's human and also tried to make you feel comfortable. It seems like you really didn't want to be there anyway..
  12. Sorry this is happening. LDRs are difficult, lonely and frustrating. Especially for your husband who you left behind. Cheating is not the answer. Please rethink what you are doing. Looking for quick fixes could jeopardize your marriage. Perhaps you can get it annulled if you want to "feel like a teenager" and play around?
  13. Did he apologize for forgetting to remind you? What happened when you got there and spoke with him?
  14. That's a good idea since your impression of him has soured so much. He seems casual and just invited you along with a group. Perhaps he doesn't date coworkers.
  15. Neptune Is Getting Hot Tonight 🪐 WRONG 🔇
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