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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    What are some ways to stay connected with your partner when you have busy schedules?

    Schedules can be tight but relationships need to be kept alive. Why? They are the backbone of social interactions and their significance cannot be understated. So when two people have busy lives, keeping connected can be challenging. But it isn’t impossible. Here are some ways to stay connected with your partner even when schedules are hectic.

    Finding time together, even when it's little, is essential. Updating each other about your plans and goals, sharing ideas, and talking through struggles can help you better understand your partner and become more entrenched in their life. Making an effort to stay in touch will also prevent doubts and suspicion from creeping into the relationship.

    Communicate frequently. Even if it means just sending a text or calling between classes or meetings, checking in lets the other know you are thinking of them. Listen actively and respond, whenever possible, as quickly as possible. Instead of going through the motions, make an effort to ask questions and show interest in the other person’s experiences. Knowing that another human being is caring and attentive can do wonders in bolstering morale and reducing stress, which in turn can build trust, loyalty, and respect.

    Technology can provide optimal assistance in uniting two busy partners. Skype, Facetime, or Zoom sessions can give the couple needed face-to-face capabilities, allowing them to feel close even if not under the same roof. Other apps can keep each other informed with daily updates while media-sharing platforms such as iCloud, Dropbox or Google Drive, can share photos. Of course, don't ignore the power of genuine love letters or postcards sent old-school style.

    Schedule time together. Regardless of whether long-term plans are in place, allocating time specifically for the partnership and its needs can be beneficial. Find activities or events you can both enjoy, preferably one where you can talk and spend quality time together. If possible, try to take regular vacations together to really expel busy life from your thoughts and nurture companionship. Just as important as forming a connection is maintaining it, so set aside nights where you carve out intentional time to create a sense of normalcy and simply enjoy each other’s company.

    Exercising creative connecting methods can also yield positive results. Coming up with fun and unique ways to interact will keep the relationship invigorated. Play online games together. Share your favorite recipes. Exchange playlists and create songs together. Grocery shop by delivering each other’s items. Watch movies and discuss them afterward. Take turns planning surprise dates or days out. Every so often, plan a double date or join online communities or events jointly. Be as inventive and imaginative as possible.

    Being with someone who is busy shouldn't be a burden. It should motivate the parties involved to make communication and connection a priority. You may be occupied but strive to make room for your partner. Open up, pay attention, and listen, and stay engaged. These simple commitments will go a long way to sustaining a strong bond, even in the busiest of schedules.

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