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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    The Unexpected Side of Sexless Marriages: 5 Myths Busted

    Often, in the quiet corners of my office, I have sat with couples grappling with a myriad of marital challenges. Among these, the issue of 'sexless marriage' has been a frequent visitor. As an experienced relationship therapist, it's important to clarify what this term encompasses: A sexless marriage is commonly defined as a marital union where sexual intimacy occurs fewer than ten times a year. And, contrary to the hushed whispers and hidden discussions, it is far from being an uncommon phenomenon.

    According to the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, approximately 15% of married couples have not had sex within the last six months to one year. Yet, despite its prevalence, this issue remains cloaked in secrecy, often shrouded by a mix of embarrassment, confusion, and, at times, despair. As a society, we're programmed to equate marriage with sexual intimacy and the lack thereof with failure or dissatisfaction. But, like every relationship complexity, the truth lies far from the realm of these generalized assumptions.

    Over the course of my career, I've witnessed firsthand that each sexless marriage holds its own unique narrative, punctuated by individualized circumstances, emotional landscapes, and coping mechanisms. The layers of understanding needed to comprehend and address this issue cannot be understated. It is crucial to challenge the stereotypes and misconceptions that surround sexless marriages, as they often hinder the path to resolution, understanding, or acceptance for those experiencing it.

    In this article, we will unravel the complex tapestry that makes up a sexless marriage, busting common myths and exploring the intricacies of navigating such relationships. no two relationships are the same, and a cookie-cutter approach rarely fits when it comes to the deeply personal world of marital intimacy. So, let's delve into this often-misunderstood aspect of marriage, one myth at a time.

    Myth 1: Sexless Marriages are Uncommon

    If the phrase 'sexless marriage' sounds alien or rare to you, you're not alone. The silence around this topic often leads to a false perception of its rarity. However, the reality is surprisingly different. Various studies, including the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, estimate that about 15% to 20% of marriages in the United States are sexless. That equates to roughly one in every five couples! Globally too, the figures are comparable, making it clear that sexless marriages are far from uncommon.

    So, why do we perceive them as such? It's predominantly because these marriages often go unnoticed, the 'sexless' aspect carefully concealed behind closed doors. Discussions about sexual intimacy are often considered taboo or uncomfortable. They're rarely part of casual conversations or public discourse, leading to the illusion of scarcity. Furthermore, societal norms and media portrayals idealize the sexual aspect of relationships, creating pressure to fit into the mold of a 'normal' relationship. This, in turn, contributes to the stigma and silence surrounding sexless marriages.

    But, like any issue left unaddressed, the silence has its consequences. Lack of awareness and understanding can leave those in sexless marriages feeling isolated, as though they're alone in their experiences. They might feel a sense of shame or embarrassment, making it harder for them to seek help or support. This issue may even cause confusion, as couples might not realize that their marriage falls under this category. It's essential to remember that acknowledging the existence of a situation is the first step towards understanding and navigating it effectively.

    Interestingly, the advent of the internet and the rise of online communities have started to change this narrative. More and more individuals and couples are finding solace in online forums and support groups where they can share their experiences, concerns, and coping mechanisms anonymously. This has significantly helped in destigmatizing the issue and making the conversation more mainstream.

    Breaking this myth is not about normalizing or dismissing the challenges posed by a sexless marriage. Instead, it's about acknowledging its existence, fostering understanding, and dispelling the loneliness that may come with it. Every marriage, sexless or not, has its unique dynamics, and understanding this helps in creating an empathetic and non-judgmental discourse around these relationships.

    In the following sections, we will debunk more myths surrounding sexless marriages, helping to clear the fog of misunderstanding that often clouds this topic. Through this, we aim to offer support and guidance to those dealing with such challenges in their relationships.

    Myth 2: A Sexless Marriage Equals an Unhappy Marriage

    The equation of sexless marriage with unhappiness is another stereotype that needs dismantling. It's common to assume that a marriage without sex is one devoid of happiness, fulfillment, or satisfaction. However, as an experienced relationship therapist, I can assure you that the correlation between sexual activity and happiness isn't as direct as we're often led to believe.

    When people think about relationships, they often think about sex. This isn't surprising, given the societal emphasis on sexual activity as a crucial aspect of a fulfilling relationship. From romantic movies to novels and pop songs, our culture frequently equates sexual intimacy with relationship success. However, in reality, the elements that contribute to a happy, successful marriage are numerous and diverse, with sexual intimacy being just one piece of a much larger puzzle.

    Emotional intimacy, mutual respect, shared goals, good communication, and companionship are some other essential elements in a relationship. A lack of sex doesn't necessarily imply the absence of these other ingredients. In fact, I've encountered numerous couples in sexless marriages who have found a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment in their mutual companionship and shared life experiences.

    Take the concept of 'compersion,' for instance. Coined by the polyamorous community, compersion refers to the feeling of joy one experiences when seeing their partner happy, even if the source of their happiness doesn't involve oneself. Compersion can exist in all types of relationships and can play a significant role in sexless marriages. A partner might find happiness in seeing their spouse engage in activities they love or simply in sharing quiet moments of companionship and shared understanding.

    Moreover, it's essential to recognize the multitude of reasons why a marriage might become sexless. Some couples may be dealing with health issues or age-related changes that make sexual activity challenging or unenjoyable. Others might be navigating changes in sexual desire due to hormonal changes or stress. There might also be psychological or emotional issues at play, such as past trauma or anxiety. In some cases, couples may mutually agree to a sexless marriage because they find fulfillment in other aspects of their relationship.

    However, this doesn't mean that challenges don't arise in sexless marriages. Many couples struggle with feelings of inadequacy, guilt, frustration, or loneliness. But these struggles aren't exclusive to sexless marriages. They're part of the human relationship landscape, and they can be addressed with understanding, open communication, and, if necessary, professional help.

    So, does a sexless marriage always equate to an unhappy one? Absolutely not! It's a nuanced issue with countless influencing factors. By acknowledging the diversity and individuality of relationship experiences, we can start to break down this pervasive myth and open the door to a more compassionate and understanding discussion around sexless marriages.

    Myth 3: Sexless Marriages are a Sign of Infidelity

    One of the more damaging misconceptions surrounding sexless marriages is the notion that a lack of sex automatically indicates infidelity. The equation is simple in the minds of many: if a partner isn't having sex within their marriage, they must be seeking it elsewhere. However, like most relationship issues, this one too isn't black and white.

    There's no denying that infidelity can be a cause of decreased sexual activity within a marriage, but it's far from the only reason. Various factors can contribute to a decrease in sexual intimacy, ranging from physical health issues to emotional distress, stress, and changing dynamics in the relationship.

    For instance, chronic illnesses, hormonal imbalances, or medications can significantly affect a person's libido or physical ability to engage in sexual activities. Emotional factors like depression, anxiety, past trauma, or unresolved relationship conflicts can also play a significant role in reducing sexual desire. In such situations, the focus should ideally be on addressing these underlying issues rather than jumping to conclusions about infidelity.

    Furthermore, studies show that most people involved in extramarital affairs continue to be sexually active with their spouses. The assumption that a decrease in sexual activity within a marriage equals infidelity is not only oversimplified but also often unfounded.

    Blaming a lack of sexual intimacy on infidelity can be detrimental, causing unnecessary strain and distrust in a relationship. It can prevent couples from addressing the real issues at hand, obstructing their path to understanding and resolution. A more productive approach is open communication about the changes and challenges each partner is experiencing.

    communication plays a pivotal role in addressing issues related to sexual intimacy. Partners must feel safe and comfortable discussing their sexual needs, concerns, and changes in their desires or abilities. Such conversations can lead to a better understanding of each other and can help prevent misunderstandings, misconceptions, and hurt.

    Counseling or therapy can be instrumental in facilitating these conversations and helping couples navigate changes in their sexual relationship. A skilled counselor can provide a safe and non-judgmental space for partners to explore their feelings, concerns, and expectations, thereby strengthening their relationship and mutual understanding.

    while infidelity can be a factor in some sexless marriages, it's incorrect and potentially harmful to assume it as a universal reason. Sexless marriages, like all relationships, are complex and influenced by a myriad of factors. As we continue to debunk myths surrounding sexless marriages, it becomes evident that understanding, empathy, and open communication are the most effective tools to navigate these challenges.

    Myth 4: The Lack of Sex is Always a Problem to Be Solved

    Another pervasive myth is that a sexless marriage is always a problem needing resolution. While a lack of sexual intimacy can indeed be distressing for some couples, it's crucial to understand that not all couples perceive it as an issue. The value and importance of sex in a relationship can vary significantly between different couples, and even between partners within the same marriage.

    Some couples might find that their bond and satisfaction stem primarily from companionship, emotional intimacy, or shared interests and goals. For these couples, a lack of sexual intimacy might not affect their relationship satisfaction or happiness. In fact, I have counseled many couples who consciously choose to have a sexless marriage and find fulfillment in other aspects of their relationship.

    For others, sexual intimacy might play a pivotal role in their relationship. These couples might find a lack of sex distressing and challenging. In such cases, it's crucial to address these feelings and explore possible solutions that consider the needs, comfort, and boundaries of both partners.

    Often, discrepancies in sexual desire or expectations between partners can cause tension. One partner might be perfectly content with a sexless marriage, while the other might feel unfulfilled or neglected. These situations call for empathetic communication and mutual understanding. Both partners' feelings are valid, and they must work together to find a solution that respects and addresses their individual needs.

    Therapy or counseling can be a helpful resource for such couples, providing them a safe space to express their feelings, understand each other better, and explore potential solutions. Self-help books and online resources can also provide valuable insights and strategies for navigating these challenges.

    In cases where health issues are affecting sexual intimacy, it might be helpful to consult a medical professional. Certain medications, therapies, or lifestyle changes can often help address these issues. However, any such decisions should be made with the full consent and comfort of both partners.

    it's essential to remember that every couple has the right to define the parameters of their relationship. Whether a couple chooses to have a sexless marriage or aims for sexual intimacy, their decision should be respected and acknowledged. There is no 'one-size-fits-all' approach to relationships, and what matters most is the mutual happiness, respect, and fulfillment of the partners involved.

    We've come a long way in debunking some common myths surrounding sexless marriages. But our journey doesn't stop here. The more we understand, communicate, and empathize, the better we can navigate the diverse landscapes of human relationships. And perhaps, most importantly, the better we can foster an environment of acceptance and non-judgment for all types of marriages, sexless or otherwise.

    Myth 5: There's No Way Out of a Sexless Marriage

    A final myth that desperately needs debunking is the belief that a sexless marriage is a dead end with no possible solution or way out. This misconception can fuel feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and despair among those in a sexless marriage. However, this belief, like the others we've tackled, doesn't reflect the complexity and potential for growth inherent in all relationships.

    The notion of a 'way out' can take different forms for different couples. For some, it might mean finding ways to rekindle their sexual intimacy, while for others, it could mean finding fulfillment and satisfaction in a sexless relationship. Then again, for some, it might mean making the tough decision to part ways. What's essential is that all these paths are valid and should be explored based on the unique dynamics and needs of each couple.

    For those who wish to reintroduce sexual intimacy into their marriage, several options exist. Couples therapy or sex therapy can be instrumental in understanding the roots of the issue, addressing any emotional or psychological barriers, and finding ways to reconnect on a sexual level. Self-help books, workshops, and online resources can also provide valuable insights and practical tips.

    Physical health issues affecting sexual activity can often be addressed with the help of a healthcare professional. Hormonal treatments, lifestyle changes, or medication adjustments can sometimes significantly improve sexual health and desire. Again, it's essential that such decisions are made consensually and respect both partners' comfort and boundaries.

    For those who choose to embrace a sexless marriage, the 'way out' might involve finding ways to deepen their emotional intimacy, strengthen their companionship, and derive fulfillment from other aspects of their relationship. Communicating openly about their needs, concerns, and boundaries can be vital in this process. Activities like shared hobbies, meaningful rituals, or couples counseling can further solidify their bond.

    In some cases, couples might choose to open their marriage or explore polyamory as a way of addressing their different sexual needs. This option, while not suitable for everyone, can work well for some couples, provided it's based on mutual consent, open communication, and respect for each other's feelings and boundaries.

    for some, the 'way out' might mean parting ways. This is undoubtedly a challenging decision, filled with emotional turmoil and logistical complexities. However, if a couple finds that their differences in sexual desire or expectations are leading to resentment, unhappiness, or a breach of their relationship values, separation can sometimes be the most respectful and self-caring choice. In such situations, it's crucial to seek support from professionals, friends, and family, and to approach the process with as much kindness and understanding as possible.

    the belief that there's no way out of a sexless marriage is far from the truth. There are always options, avenues, and possibilities, each reflecting the unique needs, values, and circumstances of the couple involved. The key lies in open communication, mutual understanding, and the courage to seek help and explore new paths.

    With this, we have come to the end of our journey of debunking myths about sexless marriages. As a relationship therapist, I've witnessed the resilience, courage, and creativity with which countless couples navigate the complexities of their relationships. Their journeys have taught me that every relationship is unique and deserves understanding, acceptance, and respect. I hope that through this article, I've been able to share some of these insights with you.


    In our journey to debunk the myths surrounding sexless marriages, we have explored various facets of human relationships. We've discussed how sexual intimacy, while significant, isn't the only pillar of a fulfilling marriage. We've also delved into the various reasons why some marriages become sexless and why it's not always indicative of infidelity or an unhappy relationship.

    Through my professional experience as a relationship therapist, I've observed that the heart of a relationship lies in understanding, communication, and respect. Each couple is unique, with their own set of values, desires, and expectations. Thus, every marriage should be viewed through a lens of individuality and respect for the choices made by those involved.

    So, whether you find yourself in a sexless marriage, know someone who does, or are simply seeking to broaden your understanding of human relationships, there is no 'normal' or 'right' way to have a relationship. The diversity and complexity of human relationships are what make them challenging, enriching, and incredibly fascinating.

    With these reflections, I leave you to ponder, question, and hopefully, understand a little more about the intricate tapestry of human relationships that we all are a part of.

    Recommended Reading

    1. The Sex-Starved Marriage: Boosting Your Marriage Libido: A Couple's Guide by Michele Weiner Davis
    2. Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Esther Perel
    3. Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love and Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships by David Schnarch

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