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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    The Hope of Healing a Broken Heart

    Heartache. Few feelings in this lifetime can compare with the intense sorrow that rips through a person when faced with the heartbreaking reality of separation from the one they love. When the wave hits and you feel like you can’t go on, how can you cling to hope?

    The experience of heartbreak is one of the most devastating and challenging traumas that life can bring our way. It can feel paralyzing and as if nothing will bring relief. Just surviving the pain can feel overwhelming. But there is hope – a hope for a new start, a better beginning.

    One way to cope with a broken heart is by accepting the pain without judgment. It’s human nature to try to shut out negative feelings like heartache, but it’s important to be mindful of the fact that they are part of the overall healing process. We have to explore and understand our own unique journey in order to get to the other side of it.

    Identifying the root causes of the pain through self-reflection can also help bring healing. It’s possible to examine our beliefs around relationships and love, and discern why we may be having a difficult time reconciling our deep feelings about the situation. In particular, repeating destructive patterns or placing unrealistic expectations onto the relationship can often be at the root of these feelings.

    Self-empowerment is the key to freeing ourselves from the effects of an unwanted break-up or divorce. Creating a new vision of how we want our lives to look once we’re past the current suffering can provide focus and direction. That vision can include goals such as reconnecting with old friends, practicing improved communication skills in future relationships, or engaging in activities that break the daily routine and give us joy.

    Finding healthy ways to move through the pain is essential in the process of healing. Going outdoors, exploring new places, taking up a hobby, or scheduling time to spend with family and friends are great ways to switch gears. Talking to a professional—a therapist, life coach, or someone recently divorced, who can offer guidance and support—may also be beneficial. Above all else, be gentle with yourself throughout the process and extend compassion to your own struggles.

    The pain of heartache can be eventually overcome, no matter how much it hurts. While it can take time and a little bit of courage, sometimes all it takes to heal is the willingness to let go of what wasn’t meant to be and embrace what’s next. Remember that love starts with you – if you work through the pain, joy and love will await on the other side.

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