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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Social Media Clues to an Unhappy Relationship

    It is no secret that social media has changed the landscape of relationships, both online and off. We live and breathe by our phones, connected to our partner through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. We live for the likes, comments, and shares that tell us someone outside our small circle cares about what we have to say. But in today's digital world, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to spot potential trouble signs between couples before it's too late.

    Sometimes social media can act as a window into an unstable relationship. Whether it be the subtleties of your partner's behavior, the choices of their friends and family, or even their posts, unearthing potential warning signs on social media can give you a heads up of things to come.

    Here are five tell-tale social media habits which may signal that your partner is unhappy in your relationship.

    1. Abnormal Increase or Decrease in Social Activity: Do you notice that you partner has gone silent? That could just be a normal break in your partner's daily posting schedule. But if the silence continues over days or weeks at a time, it could be a sign your partner is not happy. Alternatively, if you notice your partner suddenly posts more than usual, they may be looking elsewhere for attention and affirmation.

    2. Out of Character Posting Behavior: One quick way to find out how someone really feels inside is to analyze their social media accounts. We all know that these accounts don't always reflect reality, but taking a gander at a partner's accounts can show if they're unhappy in the current relationship. If you notice a deviation from your partner's usual posting behavior (i.e. intense or negative posts), this could signal unhappiness.

    3. Change in Tone or Content on Social Media Posts: On the same note, if you notice drastic changes in your partner's tone, language, or content of posts, this could signify that something is wrong in the relationship; some kind of conflict or major life change.

    4. Hidden Images and Videos: Analyzing your partner's images and videos can reveal a whole host of things. Unflattering images or videos involving another person (especially if they're deleted soon after being posted) could signal a lack of interest or a lack of commitment on the part of your partner.

    5. A Lure of Excessive Likes & Shares: Does your partner seem to be seeking out extra support or likes on social media? Chances are they are. If you notice your partner seeking the approval of others by constantly liking, sharing, and commenting on posts, it could be because they feel lacking in the relationship.

    These are just five potential warning signs that your partner may not be as happy and content as they appear. While social media should never be used as the sole indicator of trouble in a relationship, it stands as an important tool to consult with.

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