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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    How do you handle conflicts with your partner?

    Conflict is simply a normal part of any relationship. It’s important to remember this and not become overwhelmed if it arises. Each partner involved should be patient, understanding and open-minded, ready to meet each other halfway. If a couple can find mutual respect, they are more likely to resolve the issue at hand.

    Conflict resolution begins with figuring out how disagreements arise. Often speaking openly and honestly can help identify what led to the conflict in the first place. Couples should be aware of the strong emotions that can accompany compassion, or lack thereof. Forcing your point or avoiding difficult conversations can lead to accusations and feelings of betrayal, leaving both parties feeling unheard and hurt.

    Once the problem has been identified, the couple must agree to actively work on resolving it. When discussing the issue, it is essential to listen attentively and respond with empathy. This helps minimize defensiveness, which in turn can facilitate a positive outcome for both individuals. In addition, all parties should try to be mindful of potential triggers or misunderstandings before engaging in any debate or expressing anger.

    It is also important to develop healthy communication habits. Communication should be respectful and focus on understanding rather than blame. Make sure to keep calm and focus solely on the problem at hand. Leave judgmental statements outside of the conversation, while instead attempting to connect with the other person’s emotions. A compromising attitude is also beneficial, as it requires you to understand the competing interests without losing sight of your own position.

    No matter what the issue may be, it is important to take time away from the argument if necessary. This is especially true when the situation becomes heated, in order to give each party space to cool down and think rationally. Remind each other of the things you love and admire, reminding each other of the common understanding that gets you through the hard times.

    Conflict can bring two people closer together in ways they couldn't have expected. It is an opportunity to strengthen your bond by learning how to communicate effectively, forgive, and move forward. Despite how difficult it may be, remember to appreciate and be kind to one another. Doing so can allow the two of you to reach a resolution while maintaining the peace and harmony within your relationship.

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