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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Finding Wholeness After Infidelity: A Path to Healing

    Infidelity takes a devastating toll on a relationship, both concretely in terms of the immediate pain inflicted on its victims, and abstractly in terms of the emotional repercussions that can haunt survivors for years to come. After one partner admits to cheating – or being unfaithful to the other – the reverberations can be profound, leaving scar tissue that may never be mended. when a relationship is ended due to infidelity, it can be tremendously difficult to pick up the pieces and move on. It is important for those affected to remember: no matter how deep the hurt, there are ways to heal and regain a sense of wholeness.

    The darkness of heartache can feel inescapable for someone grappling with the emotional devastation of being cheated on. Even so, hope resides in knowing that with time and effort, such feelings can eventually be relieved. The first step in healing is to take the grieving process seriously and allow yourself to experience the full range of emotions it engenders. It is understandable to want to cover up pain with forced smiles and apathy, but in order to truly mend, it is important to let out the anguish and sadness buried inside. Whether through journaling, talking with a therapist or simply venting to close friends and family, putting words to the hurt can provide relief and make way for recovery.

    There is a unique complexity to coming to terms with unfaithfulness. On the one hand, it can cost a person dearly on an interpersonal level, yet on the other it also helps to develop strength and resilience. Even if it feels like it at times, it is important to remember that letting go of a partner who has betrayed you is not weakness. Rather it serves as a testimony to courage and the willingness to put forward a healthier future for oneself. After all, no one should remain in a toxic relationship.

    The situation may seem bleak, but it is important that those dealing with cheating by a partner don’t give in to hopelessness. With hard work it is possible to learn how to forgive, both the unfaithful partner and yourself. Though forgiving is difficult and may take months after the event, ultimately it can help to end the cycle of anger and resentment, and serve as an emancipation from suffering. Remember that “forgive and forget” does not mean bearing the burden of whatever wrongdoing was done to you, or ignoring the gravity of the situation. It means releasing the person who wronged you from any expectation of making things right.

    No one should carry through life the debilitating pain of infidelity and its consequences alone. A circle of supportive individuals can provide the invaluable gift of empathy, guidance and positivity. Though it is hard to reach out in such moments of vulnerability, it is important to do so, perhaps in the form of seeking out a therapist, or joining a support group. Furthermore, studying new hobbies, taking up a sport or trying something daring and out of your comfort zone are all reservoirs of healing that can graduate one to the next chapter in their life.

    Above all, learning how to keep faith in the prospect of finding love again is essential to recovering from a relationship ended due to infidelity. Though it may take time after the breakup, it’s possible to find joy, peace and udnerstanding as you move forward.

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