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    10 Subtle Signs He's Completely Smitten With You

    In the search for love, it can be hard to tell when someone is really into you. Subtle signs that he's smitten with you may not always be easy to spot, but they are definitely there! By taking note of his more subtle clues, you can feel confident that he truly is in love with you.

    1. He Constantly Wants to Hang Out

    When a guy is into you, he'll make sure to ask you to hang out anytime he gets the chance. This can range from asking you to come over and watch his favorite movie or dropping by your job during lunch time. He just likes any excuse to spend time with you and it shows that he's interested!

    2. He Listens Attentively

    Paying attention to what others have to say is an obvious sign of respect and engagement. But if he does it more with you than with other people, then it's a dead giveaway that he has feelings for you. He'll hang onto your every word, making sure to remember details from conversations you've had in the past and always willing to listen.

    3. He Does Things to Make You Smile

    If he happens to surprise you with a gift, or makes an effort to bring a smile to your face, then chances are he has feelings for you. In a relationship, making small gestures to show your affection and make your significant other happy is key. So if he’s going out of his way to make you smile, he’s likely smitten with you.

    4. He's Always Touching You

    Physical touch establishes deep connection between two people and can be a clear indication of feelings. Whether he holds your hand, wraps his arm around you, or brushes your hair out of your eyes, these gestures demonstrate how much he cares about you. A simple brush of fingers along your arm is a subtle way for him to show his attraction.

    5. He Prioritizes You

    Does he put you first when it comes to plans? It might stem from his thoughtfulness and consideration for you. If he readily rearranges his schedule to make time for you, anticipates your needs and clears up his plans to make way for yours, then there's a good chance he's smitten with you.

    6. He Mentions Little Details

    Remembering birthdays and celebrations is one thing, but if he remembers something you said months ago and brings it up in conversation, then this is a sign that he is truly paying attention and has taken note of things important to you.

    7. He Flirts

    Does he often make playful jokes, tease you lightly or give you compliments? Subtle flirting can be an indicator of his feelings. Flirting demonstrates his willingness to share in an innocent exchange of conversation, signals active interest and shows that he enjoys your company.

    8. His Practical Jokes Carry an Edge of Tenderness

    Do his practical jokes carry an added layer of sweetness or a hint of affection? Pay attention to the type of jokes and humor he uses. If he makes jokes about you in a way that's not mean but rather indicative of tenderness and consideration, it could be his way of expressing his love.

    9. He Shares His Life with You

    One of the biggest signs that he's smitten with you is if he starts to share more and more of his personal life with you. He'll tell you stories about his family, his experiences and anything else that he feels close to. You'll slowly become part of his innermost circle and he'll want to take things to the next level if he's feeling extra smitten.

    10. He Can't Take His Eyes Off You

    Watch his reaction when you walk in the room. Can't help but steal glances at you every couple of minutes? He may just be smitten with that gentle sparkle in your eyes.

    At the end of the day, no matter what any little clues point towards, your gut instinct is really the best way to tell if he's smitten with you. Pay attention to the little things and trust your intuition if you feel like it’s there. Doing so will give you the confidence to know that he truly is smitten with you when, indeed, he is.

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