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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    The Uplifting Relationship between Character, Resilience and Self-Esteem

    We all know that good character and resilience are valuable traits that bring great rewards, but sometimes it's difficult to put our finger on exactly why. Most of us can identify qualities like kindness, dedication, generosity, and loyalty as all being admirable, yet few people know about the intimate connection between character, resilience, and self-esteem.

    Like freshly laid cobblestones leading in an unknown direction, the clear link between our moral strength, our ability to bounce back from difficult experiences, and our underlying opinion of ourselves is often overlooked in everyday life. But knowledge of this little-known trinity helps us to understand why character matters, and encourages us to cultivate our strengths and values even during times of turmoil.

    At its core, character concerns our behavior — specifically, how we act, think, and interact with our fellow man and the world around us. It's shaped by our beliefs, decisions, and sense of purpose. When we decide to be kind, responsible and honest, and when we're careful to stick to our promises, we develop a strong character. This, in turn, builds trust in others, which leads to stronger, more meaningful relationships and enhanced feelings of security.

    Resilience lives inside the heart of character – it's the courage and determination to keep going in times of troubles and to come out unharmed and stronger for it. When we're resilient, we remain focused on the most important aspects of our lives rather than succumbing to distractions or giving up in the face of adversity. We learn from our mistakes and try again, without allowing failure to rule our lives. When we strengthen our resilience, we also build character.

    The last part of the holy trinity is self-esteem. It's easy to dismiss our level of self-worth as nothing more than an invisible perception of our personal value. But self-esteem provides the consistency that helps underscore the foundation of our character and resilience. When our perception of ourselves is positive, strength of character finds firmer footing and our likelihood of hanging tough to finish what we start increases dramatically.

    So why not combine these three pillars of fortitude and guide our lives with them? By doing so, we open the door to greater contentment, fulfillment, stability, and trust. By engaging in purposeful activities that promote a healthy balance of character, resilience and self-esteem, we create an ever-unfolding path of new possibilities and insights.

    Let's consider a simple example. Let's say we make a mistake at work and get reprimanded by our boss. The combination of character, resilience and self-esteem would encourage us to acknowledge where we went wrong, accept the consequences and the opportunity to learn, and remind ourselves of our worth, no matter what the outcome. This can be incredibly helpful in lifting us up and out of negative situations.

    The journey between character, resilience, and self-esteem is one that travels both ways. When self-esteem finds a safe home in our hearts, our resilience increases and makes us better able to protect our convictions and find solutions when difficulties arise. On the other hand, when our resilience is nourished, it creates a stronger self-esteem that enables us to trust our own thoughts and do what we feel is right. When studied in tandem, resilience, character, and self-esteem merge to create a powerful triad of inspiration and uplifting growth.

    As life inevitably throws us curveballs, managing a healthy balance of character, resilience, and self-esteem can help us push through the storms with greater ease and embrace life's joys with more enthusiasm. By understanding that these three traits go hand in hand, we can savor the rewards of good decisions and celebrate success with joy, forgiveness, and appreciation.

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