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  • kamurj

    Staying Balanced in an Ever-Changing World

    As the old adage goes, “the more things change, the more they stay the same”. In many ways this has become so—so long as one follows the conventional norms and expectations of society, there is a sense of comfort in that although the times may change, certain constants remain. But what happens when the balance tips and the traditional norms begin to shift? When societal behaviors and beliefs begin to change, it can leave those who are living according to best practices feeling confused, overwhelmed, and unable to fit in. The idea of “normal” begins to blur, and being “normal” suddenly becomes harder.

    The evidence of this trend is everywhere. We often hear reports of people who are labeled “atypical” by their peers, colleagues, friends, and family members for exhibiting behavior or beliefs that don’t quite conform to the norm. This could range from someone having an unconventional appearance, career choice, relationship status, or even a mental health issue. What was once considered uncommon, unconventional, or even strange is now becoming the new norm and accepted in mainstream culture.

    This ever-changing definition of “normal” is resulting in increased pressure on individuals to conform, even if that means having to go against the grain. We are constantly bombarded with messages from various sources telling us that in order to fit in, or even be accepted, we must live up to an increasingly difficult standard of normality. Consequently, we have begun to depend on the approval of experts, as well as diagnostic categories, to validate our struggles.

    At the same time, individuals are feeling isolated in the midst of these shifting norms; the very norms that allow us to feel connected and find belonging in our social circles. It can be difficult to distinguish between “normality” and “difference” in this context and sadly, anyone who is different or struggles to conform is judged and ostracized. This doesn’t necessarily make it any easier for individuals to adjust to the ever-changing social norms.

    Given the harsh reality we are faced with every day, how can we all make sense of this transition and stay balanced as a collective? Firstly, it is important for all of us to move away from the notion of “normal”, and instead focus on what is healthy and acceptable to us personally. We need to stop relying on external validation and focus on our own internal sense of self-validation—our individual set of values and beliefs that make us unique. Secondly, we need to have empathy for those around us and offer support where we can. Instead of narrowing our worldview and judging those who are different from us, we should create a space of understanding, openness, and acceptance within our circles. Finally, it is essential to remember that the only “normal” is the ever-evolving one and we must strive to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

    We must remember that life is about more than just fitting in and trying to conform to the ever-shifting societal norms. As we collectively navigate this uncharted territory, it is important to embrace our differences and use them to lift one another up rather than tear each other down. That is the only way we will build a future of acceptance, joy, and hope.

    Let's commit ourselves to creating an environment that celebrates our collective uniqueness and acknowledges the power it can have when we come together as one.

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