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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    Overcoming Negativity & Pessimism For A Brighter Future

    Achieving lasting happiness in life is no easy feat. Each of us runs the risk of getting dragged into the quicksand of our negative habits, like pessimism and depressive thoughts, leading to a feeling of despondency and low energy. Yet, it is possible to get back on track by fighting off these tendencies, as your future depends on it.

    Most people have heard the phrase "fake it until you make it", yet it is especially true when it comes to eradicating pessimism and negativity. By focusing on a more positive outlook and believing that good things can happen, you can gradually start to change your mentality, as well as your vantage point. This can be a long and winding path, but by changing your behavior one day at a time, you will see great results over time.

    Start by understanding what triggers your negativity and strive to replace those impulses with positive thoughts. Make an effort to pause and consider the consequences of each of your decisions before acting upon them—approaching the situation without the weight of negativity can lead to better outcomes. One study even showed that simply maintaining a sunny attitude can lead to activating different regions of the brain associated with resilience, implying there is a genuine power afforded to our psychology when we nurture optimism over pessimism.

    Of course, it isn't all about psyching yourself out as if you are playing a game of chess. Taking constructive steps towards improving your mental health can also be incredibly helpful in creating a more positive mindset. Committing to physical wellness means taking care of your body and its needs while incorporating healthy eating habits, exercise, restful sleep, and enjoyable pastimes into your life. Moreover, make sure to prioritize time for yourself and engage in activities that bring you joy, contentment, and solace.

    In addition to establishing a system of self-care, try to look around and spread love towards yourself and those around you. It can be easy to focus on the negative things that happen in daily life—something that presses us further away from positivity—however, if you take some time every day just to appreciate the little things in life (a beautiful sunset or a kind gesture from a friend) then you can use this cycle of appreciation to inspire more good vibes and further stave away pessimism.

    Though many people feel like they don't have control over their negative thinking process, engaging in activities such as meditation and mindfulness practices can help enhance our ability to master our minds and displace negative thoughts or feelings practically on demand. Yogic traditions have utilized exercises like Trataka—in which one gazes at a single object such as a candleflame—to quiet the mind and restore tranquility. maintaining inner peace leads to clarity of thought so that pessimism has no chance to surface.

    The quest for being optimistic instead of pessimistic is a battle worthy of waging—as your future really does depend on it. Think about having excess energy and spritely joy just waiting for you around every corner; you may not be able to get rid of all negative thoughts completely, but by abiding by these practices one day at a time you'll understand that living a more positive lifestyle is not only possible but actually quite desirable.

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