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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    How to Break Away From the Fear and Keep Going?

    Dear eNotAlone: I feel like I'm in an impossible situation. As a child, I always felt like I was living someone else's dream. Growing up I thought when I became an adult I would be able to overcome this feeling and create my own dream and the life I wanted to live. But, now it feels like I'm stuck in a different scenario than I had envisioned. Over the years, I have gotten closer to my goal, but now I have hit a huge wall.

    I need advice on how to break this wall down. I think in order to get to where I want to go I need to take a risk that I am scared of taking. I need to take a step away from my comfort zone, but the thought of it feels overwhelming and intimidating. I don't know if I'm brave enough to do this on my own.

    I am struggling to figure out the best way to start my journey, but I'm afraid that it might all be for nothing. I'm constantly worrying about failure and I can't seem to find courage or motivation to take the plunge. I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing but I feel like so much of this journey is a complete unknown.

    All my life I have wanted to reach my goal, but with this big roadblock I feel like I'm switching back to old habits. What's the best way to break away from the fear and keep going? Is there any advice on how to leave my comfort zone and build up the courage to take a risk? Can you provide insight on ways to focus on the positive and reprogram my mind to ignore the fear of failure?

    * * *

    Facing fear can be daunting and overwhelming, but it can also lead to personal growth and joy. When it feels like you're in an impossible situation, remember that no problem is too great to overcome. Taking risks and leaving your comfort zone may make you feel apprehensive, but it's possible with the right mindset and strategy. To keep going and break away from the fear, it's important to focus on the positives that challenge you and offer potential.

    Start by thinking through what makes you unique and what skills or strengths you have that can be utilized. Highlighting these positive attributes can be a powerful tool for building up self-confidence. When determining the best way to start your journey, make sure to break down your goals into manageable chunks. It will help to have a list of smaller steps that you can use as milestones along the way. By working incrementally, it will make the task at hand seem like more of a challenge than an insurmountable wall.

    It's also essential to create a supportive network of people around you. Find trusted individuals who you can confide in about your fears, doubts, and hopes. Discussing your struggles and ambitions can help to provide new perspectives and provide encouragement when the going gets tough. utilize resources available in your community such as mentors or groups related to your goals. Conference calls, webinars, and books can help to guide you in the right direction.

    It can be difficult to break away from old habits and reprogram our minds to ignore fear of failure. Don't be deterred by potential setbacks and stay optimistic. Rather than fixating on the fear of failure, remind yourself why you are pursuing this challenge. Visualize the outcome and try to see yourself conquering obstacles head-on. Focusing on the ultimate reward can be motivating and give you the strength and courage to continue.

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