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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Dare To Hope: Choosing Life in the Face of Adversity

    The phrase rings true that it is only those who stubbornly choose to believe in good who survive this world; they are the people who dare to hope despite life's cruelty and adversity. The rest choose death when they do not think they can fight it any longer.

    Each night, the sun sets a little sooner, bringing a bitter chill that occasionally turns the unwary into icicles in the shadows. Those who bravely move forward cling to the last of their courage, their dreams of survival and hope of a better future. They refuse to succumb to circumstances, even when the odds are insurmountable and drive to try something different or turn their troubled situation into a positive one. To them, hope is the spark of life in cold, unforgiving darkness.

    Every day brings about new tests, both mental and physical. One must find a way to navigate even the toughest of challenges and strive to stay in the path of goodness despite all odds. Trials that come along will test a person's strength, their spirit, and their faith in their own potential, but the mark of those that make it through lies in their capability to accept the hard knocks while believing that a brighter outcome is just around the corner.

    Each journey of life must come to an end eventually, be it sooner or later. However, those who survive its challenges derive unbreakable joy in knowing that they have found the courage to keep going and courageously stood up to the obstacles in their way. They may not always win, but they learn valuable lessons in the process, and they never fail to move towards the positivity they seek.

    For some, continually hoping that all will be well carries a burden of its own - worrying and wondering if their efforts will bear the fruit of a glorious, successful outcome sometime in the future, if everything will eventually be alright. The truth is that even in our darkest hour, we can have faith in ourselves and the universe that a better tomorrow might be just around the corner. We can hold tight to our optimistic outlook, even if life feels like it is crumbling around us.

    At the very core, it is through humanity's ability to remain open, vulnerable, and accepting of support from others, even during times of struggle, that those few individuals will face down their own mortality and refuse to part with life despite it being hard and tumultuous. It is their mindsets of resilience and optimism comes through in facing life's tough challenges, proving to themselves and the world that good will triumph in the end.

    So, gather around my friends, stand side by side and know that no matter what comes your way, you will find a way out, because you are strong and capable. You may not win every battle, but you will use those tough moments as foundations for a brighter tomorrow. Believe in the power of hope, endurance, and the courage of progress. It is up to each of us to choose life, no matter how desperate the situation may seem. Let your hearts let you go beyond your doubts and obstacles, embrace life and its surprises - because at the end of the day, it is only those who dare to bravely hope and withstand the storm who will survive.

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