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Period only lasted 2 days...

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Just kinda wierded out right now because usually it lasts at least 3-5 days...This time is only lasted 2 and barely even 2 days because the 2nd day I didn't even need to wear a tampon...In the past if anything, Id stop the 2nd or 3rd day but then restart the following day..this time, I stopped thinking id start back up and DIDN'T...I even had sex the day I thought Id start back up which usually will start that baby right back up...Its now day # 5 since its stopped..So I started monday, bled lightly through tuesday and nothing weds, thurs, fri, sat or today , sunday?....


Does anybody know what the cause of this can be or if anyone else has experienced similar?


Could it be an unhealthy Uterine lining? I have no extra money to throw at a doctor so please if you can refraine from telling me to go to one.

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D - you keep posting threads about your health problems, and you really need to see a doctor. If you don't have the money, borrow it.


The more you keep posting, the more it becomes obvious there is something very wrong. You do realize this, right? Letting whatever is wrong go untreated could really cause you some real damage.

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Optimisticgirl: I am not on birth control, I have been stressed on and off for the last year though, so thats prob something to do with it...


Williamforest: Thats definetly re-assuring thanks!


Ariel85: I said I didn't need anyone telling me to go to the doctor...but thanks for the concern...


Soooo, It started this morning, tooo weird...Its gone now though, only needed to use one tampon...Ive never had this big of a wait for my period to start flowing again, so strange the boyfriends penis from the sex didn't start it back up...


Im assuming, Im NOT preggers or anything like that...Uterine lining could be out of wack which is what caused the bleeding for such a short amount of time...I wouldn't doubt it, add it to the other 834978397498 health problems I may have lol...


Thanks guys!

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I would take a pregnancy test just to be sure. I don't think your diagnosis about the uterine lining makes a lot of sense. I do see a gynecologist regularly and we've discussed the length of periods etc and that's never been one of the possible reasons.

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I think this a dangerous game you are playing D. If your that young (MY age) and you are having these probelms, you need to see a doctor. If your in the STates you can go to planned parenthood and they base it on your income. None of us are doctors here. If you want to live your life medicine and doctor free that is your choice but the flip side of that is, no one is going to know the answer to your questions BUT a doctor.

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There are thousands of people on this forum from all walks of life.


What makes you think none of them are doctors?


Even if there is a doctor among our ENA members, any doctor with half a brain in his head is going to tell you you can't make a diagnosis on an internet forum - just as they can't diagnose you over the telephone otherwise, why even go to the ER? Just call the ER up and explain your systems and they'll give you a diagnosis right there. A doctor needs to SEE you, run test... you can't do any of that on an internet forum no matter how high your degree is.

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It's true that a doctor probably wouldn't give advice on an internet forum without some sort of disclaimer but you said there are no doctors here and that's completely different.


Well I guess if your going to be THAT technical about my wording please, let me rephrase:


OP - those of us who have replied to your thread THUS FAR are not doctors and to MY knowledge, we have no doctors on this forum that are members. If we did, they would tell you what the rest of us are telling you - you need to see someone.

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Alleryo: Are you a doctor lol?


Optmisticgirl, I get what you are saying, but I am adament when I say I DONT have the money to pay a doctor....I am going to take a pregnancy test, see what happens, highly doubt IM preggers though... Other thing Im willing to try out is going BACK to see my clinic doctor who only cost 35.00 + whatever it cost for the prescription...


Other than that, Im at a loss because I can't even afford planned parenthood...Check out there website its 80.00 and + depending on what all you are getting done, just as big of a cost as an actual doctors office...

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Alleryo: Are you a doctor lol?


Optmisticgirl, I get what you are saying, but I am adament when I say I DONT have the money to pay a doctor....I am going to take a pregnancy test, see what happens, highly doubt IM preggers though... Other thing Im willing to try out is going BACK to see my clinic doctor who only cost 35.00 + whatever it cost for the prescription...


Other than that, Im at a loss because I can't even afford planned parenthood...Check out there website its 80.00 and + depending on what all you are getting done, just as big of a cost as an actual doctors office...


Have you called them? That MAY be their listed price but most planned parenthoods (eveyrone that I have been to, at least) base it off your income. They have set prices for things but then they will configure your income to see what of that you can pay - if anything.

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If you have a low enough income, Planned Parenthood may be free.


With all due respect, alleryo, we just can't give medical advice. Even you know the importance of a good physical exam and (perhaps more importantly) a good history. We have neither. This woman needs to see her doctor. All the "healthy" foods and vitamins aren't going to do a thing if something is wrong.

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If you have a low enough income, Planned Parenthood may be free.


With all due respect, alleryo, we just can't give medical advice. Even you know the importance of a good physical exam and (perhaps more importantly) a good history. We have neither. This woman needs to see her doctor. All the "healthy" foods and vitamins aren't going to do a thing if something is wrong.


I can vouch for this. I make ALMOST $1,000 a month and my PP is free. I don't pay to have my yearly exam or my birth control.

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My understanding is that once you are sexually active it's potentially dangerous not to get your yearly exam. And could impair your fertility/ability to carry a baby,etc. I was thinking actually of a situation OG posted about of a family member who had a troubling result from her exam -well, thank goodness whatever it is (and I hope it's nothing!!) was caught early -imagine if she hadn't known (and how would she know early on without an exam?). This is serious stuff.

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