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So I am in a "fun" situation. I posted about her before, but here we go. She has a Boyfriend...


We were at a party... we came close to kissing. I pulled away. Next time we were at a party she stayed near me, and we kept conversation on our own most of the time.


Well, then suddenly she contacted me out of the blue... and we started talking. I flirted and she did back... it kept going on and on... then the last night she and I were talking... and I wanted to get to the bottom line. I led the conversation in the direction. She said she was attracted to me... but that she was in a relationship and there was nothing she could do. She said that sometimes these things overlap.... can't help it. While I agree with her... and we talked for another good couple hours... I'm at a loss.


I don't know what to say... I told her I wouldn't come in between her relationship (which I already have essentially)... and I told her I didn't know what to do from here. And neither did she. So... I don't know... do I just run? do I keep talking? do i... ugh... wat to do.

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Tell her if she ever breaks up with her boyfriend to give you a call.Otherwise I would move on and find a girl without a boyfriend.


Yeah I have an opportunity with another girl... I can't decide which to take or which to wait for.

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Who knows if she has a boyfriend or not. She could have used that as an excuse after you stopped being "fun" and started getting "serious" on her with the pulling away from kissing (huh?) and then pulling her into a "discussion" about the "relationship". If you would have just went with the flow and avoided the drama, she probably would have kept going with you. Girls don't respond well to guys who get serious and boring with having to sit down and discuss things instead of just leading the way and having a good time. Something tells me that she doesn't really have a boyfriend. Any way to verify?

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I've met her boyfriend. And I was the one to pull away.. I didn't want to cause drama. Finally I don't know if its considered waiting if she is attracted. For instance, what if I'm there for her, and she breaks up to be with me... (which is risky cuz i could become rebound material). But then if I talk to her she may learn to "not like me in that way"... so do I just stop talking? is that the safer bet?


cpc... i've considered that... but I'm pretty strong in myself and in what I do... if she ends up doing so, then that is her perogative. I always keep a safe distance unless I'm 100% about a girl. I've been cheated on twice before... the second time I had a much easier time dealing with it as I prepared myself... and stayed careful.

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I've met her boyfriend. And I was the one to pull away.. I didn't want to cause drama. Finally I don't know if its considered waiting if she is attracted. For instance, what if I'm there for her, and she breaks up to be with me... (which is risky cuz i could become rebound material). But then if I talk to her she may learn to "not like me in that way"... so do I just stop talking? is that the safer bet?


cpc... i've considered that... but I'm pretty strong in myself and in what I do... if she ends up doing so, then that is her perogative. I always keep a safe distance unless I'm 100% about a girl. I've been cheated on twice before... the second time I had a much easier time dealing with it as I prepared myself... and stayed careful.


Yes, stay away. I don't care if she says she wants to jump your bones, she's got a man and thereforeeee she's unavailable. If she's cheating on him with you then she's a cheater. She'll cheat on you too.

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take the single chick path. stay away from this chick. these things overlap? pffft. not they don't. yeah you meet people you find interesting or potential mates. but it is very disrespectful and shady to be doing this. keep it up and it will happen to you in the future.

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