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how do i tell her i like her?


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soo im walkign to school with the girl i like tomroow morning and im planning on letting her know...ive talked to my friend already and hes okay with it so im going to tell her...but how??can someone give me like a real life conversation example of what i might say??for some reason i am really really nervouss

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You: "So what are you doing this weekend?"


Her: "Oh, I don't know." or "Going to the mall with some friends"


You: "Well, maybe if you have time we can hang out"


You don't have to come right out and tell her you like her right away. And if you don't know her feelings I would say it's better not to. You should first see how she responds to you wanting to hang out with her. If she seems interested, then that's a good sign. Then I would tell her when hanging out that you like her.


Otherwise, if you really want to tell her you like her tomorrow morning, then just come right out and say so. The worst that could happen is that she tells you that she hates your guts, which doesn't seem likely since she's willing to walk to school with you.

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Is there a reason you want to tell her your feelings? Like she has a boyfriend? Because I don't think you have to be so direct and tell her that you like her. It kind of puts her on the spot and makes things awkward. Asking her out like Meow suggested will probably be a lot easier and you won't seem all dramatic.

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As long as she's single, ask her out. You have nothing to lose.


Plus, asking her out and getting a no is better than liiving in regret and wondering "what if."


Since you're going to ask her out while walking with her, my new little "quiz method" won't help you. Instead, be strong, be confident, have a smile, and suggest that you two go out, like "Let's go out this weekend" instead of somethink like "Wanna do something this weekend?" If you know a specific place you would like to take this girl, then include that as well so it goes, "Let's go to (place) this weekend."


Of course you'll probably want to build on that, but a basic foundation like that should definitely help.

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no she doesnt havwe a bf but yea im prettyy much asking hre out


From psat experiences, I highly advise being bold and to the point. Getting an ambiguous answer from a girl is really annoying, so without forcing it, try to get a definitive answer out of her.

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Setting: Two kids are walking down the road to school on a warm sunny morning. The air is full of misty dew fresh off the grass. The birds are chirping and cars are burring by...


You: Bicycles!

Her: What!?

You: Oh, I just thought of an awesome idea in solving global warming.

Her: Whats that?

You: Ok, you know how all of these cars and trucks are polluting the atmosphere and people are becoming exponentially obese?

Her: So I've noticed...go on.

You: Well, bicylces would be a worthy investment. Think about it, they don't require gas, so not only do you save money, but you aren't polluting the air.

Her: But how would you travel long distance wise? I sure don't want to ride my bicycle 20 miles away to another town.

You: Oh don't be so lazy!

Her: [Laugh] Oh shut up!

You: I know a beautiful park just few miles away. Want to go for a bike ride?

Her: Maybe...I'll let you know...I don't have your number...Call me...

You: ....Ok, so I'll give you a call later then.


Silence is in the morning air the whole walk to school. The boy has an utter horrible feeling in his gut. The boy feels empty and sad.

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Silence is in the morning air the whole walk to school. The boy has an utter horrible feeling in his gut. The boy feels empty and sad.


What happened there? Why is he sad, did he realize he didn't ask for her number?


Anyway, Blink_guy, good luck asking her out!

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emit please explain what you are trying to say

do you guys think i shouldnt tell her?i mean we are very good friends and the people aoround us say that she acts as though she likes me as well


You should NOT tell her. NEVER confess your feelings.


Look bro, you can deal with matters without bringing that matter directly into the spot light. Think about this quick comparison:


Scenario 1:

Guy: *nervous* "Barb, there's something I have to tell you... I... I like you as a girlfriend."


Scenario 2:

Guy: *nervous but pretending not to be* "Barb, do you want to go out to dinner Thursday Night?"


In Scenario 1 you are flat out putting her in an awkward position. Not only that, but you are showing weak Social Skills, low confidence, and are coming accross as childlike.

In Scenerio 2 you are still letting her know you like her, but you are doing so indirectly. Directly what you are saying is that you want to take her out, but indirectly this also means you like her. She picks up on this. It shows good Social Skills, it shows that you are taking the initiative by planning something, which in turn shows a higher level of confidence. It is by far the better way.


Now if she doesn't like you like that then she doesn't like you like that. However even in such a case Scenario 2 is a lot less awkward. You're not flat out spilling your guts that you crush on her so if she says no to you she's not under the impression that you're hung up on her. However if she rejects you in Scenario 1 she knows you're hung up on her and it makes things even more awkward and weird.


Never confess your feelings. Ask girls out.

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okk diggity good thin she was sick today then. but the thing is her and i are friends soo she will probably just think that im wanting to hang out. how do i let her know that i liek her more than just that?and ugh i just get so nervous


You're already in the friend zone. It's not going to happen.


She will shoot you down and say, "I don't wanna jeopordize our friendship." or something to that effect... Too late, you dropped the ball.


Yell it out with me : "NEXT!!"


Another situation that can be solved by 'Go find/fvck ten other women" (GFTOW)

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well shes had bfs in the past and all the oens that she lasted with were ones who were close to her in the first place. gusy that just asked her out of nowhere she said that she wanted to be friends with him first and so they hung out with every1 together for like a month or so then started going out. liek ehr last bf she was with for 3 months they were friends since gr 8(we are gr 10s now) and ya 3 months isnt that long but they still had a funt time together

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oh jeses. You're still in high school... I should have seen that coming.


The difference between the friend that she dated after 3 months and yourself, is that the guy she dated spent that 3 months probly flirting with her, or otherwise letting it be known that he was attracted as more than friends...


This really is a stabe in the dark, since this question is beyond the scope of my knowledge, because I didn't start to understand the dynamics going on until years after high school.

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