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My 20 year old son is going to the DR. this afternoon for the first time in like..four years. He is very stubborn and would not go in for check ups or anything after he turned 16 or 17. Last night he took me aside and asked me to take him in, he has an acute pain in his stomach area...so tender that he would not let me even palipate it to check where it was. I am thinking maybe ulcer..but would an ulcer give you an acute pain in a localized area? He had no fever...he also said that he has had pain in his abdomen for a very long time. ( I asked the mom questions about bathroom, etc...he said that was fine.) Could this be possibly an ulcer? :sad:

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I had gallstones attacks and eventually had my gallbladder removed, but the pain was more in the lower chest than the abdomen. It is not uncommon for the pain associated with an attack to be mistaken for a heart attack.

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It could very well be his appendix- I had to get mine out at age 16 and the symptoms were similar. Another thing that comes to mind is kidney stones.


At least he's going to get checked. I'm sure he'll get some answers.


On a side note, how in the world do you have a 20 year-old son? If that's you in your avatar, you look so young! Wow. PM me with your beauty secrets. lol

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Wouldn't appendicitis be more dramatic and sudden? I also thought that a person would have a temp because appendicitis is basically an infection inside the appendix...and from what he says, he has had this kind of pain for months...many months. I dunno...I hope it is simple of course...but then again you worry about it being something more serious. My bio father had ulcers at an early age, and my brother and i both had different forms of cancer very young...so far my sons have been very healthy.

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Thanks Bella...and yeah..that's me. I am holding up so far, but after three teenage boys and a few more years of worry, I might age about 30 more years in the next four ! My only beauty secret is to eat healthy and to go to the gym.

Thank you for your posts. Hopefully we will get some answers here in a few hours. I will update you when I learn something...

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UPDATE: (a little too dramatic eh??)


The doc drew some blood for tests and put my son on Zantac for a month. So I suppose it could be acid reflux, (GERD) or possibly an ulcer. So he is going to live, but he needs to take better care of himself. I did not know this before but along with all the other things smoking does to you...it causes ulcers ! (yes, my son drinks and smokes... ) He also needs to control his temper and stress levels...which add to acid production. How do you tell a 20 year old (who knows everything..) that the things he chooses to get upset or angry over, aren't really that important in the scheme of things? I guess when I find out that secret I will write a book and make a bazillion dollars....

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How do you tell a 20 year old (who knows everything..) that the things he chooses to get upset or angry over, aren't really that important in the scheme of things?


You probably can't...but you can lead by example. Get him to start going to yoga or meditation classes with you. Coax him to go hiking, walking, or biking with you. Just introduce him to some physical outlets that can help him work off the stress, basically.

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