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Guys Im in really bad need of advice on how to know if a guy fancies a girl?


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Guys Im in really bad need of advice on how to know if a guy fancies a girl?


Guys when your head over heals in love or a really big crush, how would a girl know?


If you like her as a friends, how differently do you treat her than someone your attracted to?


What do you do when you think she's repulsive?


ok, last question, how differently do guys act when there in-love versus in-lust, whats the difference?


i really need a "real" man's advice or ladies what do you think?!

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Never wait in your life, go and ask him out, just goto him and say ' i don't want to freak you out or anything, but i think i've fallen in love with you' , its a win win situation for you, if he rejects you you can move on with your life and say to yourself 'at least i tried' and if he says yes you got a date. So take the initiative, again never wait in your life, because you never hit if you never shoot right?

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Well, telling him that you love him might be a bit too intense. But, I do agree, you should tell him that you think he's a great guy and someone you would like to get know better. I've learnt that you can guess all you want, you can read into every gesture or smile or whatever. But it just becomes a guessing game and so many "signs" can be misread. If you like him, ask him!

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Guys when your head over heals in love or a really big crush, how would a girl know?


For that you would have to ask a girl.


If you like her as a friends, how differently do you treat her than someone your attracted to?


To be honest, I've never really given this much thought. I'm a believer in the direct approach, so I guess I'd have to say I treat her differently by asking her out.


What do you do when you think she's repulsive?


I try not to look at it that way. Even if she is 900 lbs., a wart the size of a watermelon on her nose, and worships the devil, she is still a perfect 10 to somebody, somewhere. Calling her repulsive would be like judging that guy's taste. Who am I to do that? I respect her the same way that guy would, but also make it clear that she is not my type.


how differently do guys act when there in-love versus in-lust, whats the difference?


If a guy is looking you in the eyes, holding your hand, and worshiping the ground you walk on, he is in love. If he is humping air at the sight of you, he is in lust. Sarcastic? Perhaps, but I'm sure you understand my point.

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There is no definitive answer to that question.Obviously if a guy asks you out he is interested but reading the shy guy can be difficult.Shy people usually freeze whenever they are around someone they are attracted to,so what looks like disinterest is really fear.If you are dealing with a shy guy I suggest initiating the conversation yourself and trying to make him feel as comfortable as you can.Once comfortable most shy guys will likely become more assertive or confident around you.

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