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Who believes in spiritual healing?

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Yes I believe in it. I went to a reiki healing session once and she came up with things about me that I had not shared with her. I had a major blood clot and she knew where it occurred (for example). I did notice energies occurring and really would like to do it again. My dad tried accupuncture and a few other natural forms of healing but I don't think he tried this, perhaps he could have been with us longer.

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I don't believe that spiritual healing would work for me because I'm not even the slightest bit spiritual. However, I do think that lots of people derive strength from spiritual healing and may even be able to heal themselves or others. In my opinion, this is just coincidental but if it makes you happy, then who cares what I think?

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Two words: placebo effect.


Two more, for those who remember the tragedy: Andy Kaufman.


Don't get me wrong, I honestly think it's cool that you have something that interests you. I just hope you don't kill anyone who needs real medical attention and chooses to go to a faith healer instead - like Andy Kaufman, who might still be here otherwise.

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You don't have to be spiritual in order for the healing to work. It's like more the healer giving you love from within.


What I'm trying to say is, if I believe in spiritual healing and a healer tries to heal me, then I will believe that it was the healer who did it if I am cured. As a cynic, if I was healed it would be a coincidence or as somebloke said, a placebo effect.


I'm willing to bet that for every cancer patient that is "healed" by a spiritual healer, 1000's are not. The track record for modern medicine is far better than anything a healer can provide. If everything else fails and you happen to be spiritual, then by all means give it a try. I wouldn't put my life in the hands of one of these people without a real doctor's treatment first.

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Somebloke - at what point did anyone in this thread say spiritual healing was preferable to traditional western medicine?


Andy Kaufman died because the lung cancer he had was too advanced for the radiotherapy to kill off. The faith healing was first complimentary, and then a last shot.


And besides, that's only if he's dead.

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  • 4 months later...

I just started seeing a Reiki master and all I can say is that I now believe we are all a magnetic field.


When I let the energy flow it takes over and I feel like weed is being pulled out as much as my body is fighting not to let it be it all of the sudden feels like she is pulling weed. It is very strange, it feels like a magnet pulling a magnet.


Maybe letting go and trusting someone so much as to let them take over your energy is the therapy.


What ever it is, I feel peaceful after going to my therapist.

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I just started seeing a Reiki master and all I can say is that I now believe we are all a magnetic field.


When I let the energy flow it takes over and I feel like weed is being pulled out as much as my body is fighting not to let it be it all of the sudden feels like she is pulling weed. It is very strange, it feels like a magnet pulling a magnet.


Maybe letting go and trusting someone so much as to let them take over your energy is the therapy.


What ever it is, I feel peaceful after going to my therapist.


Awww glad you got something out of it. I know what you mean about the magnet puilling thing i felt that alot when people practice on me. I just finished my intermidiate healing course pretty interesting stuff! Will you see her again?

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I don't think it can hurt unless it's used in place of taking positive action on your own. I do believe it can be harmful if it's done in an obsessive way or if you find yourself being preachy to other people about it.

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I believe in healing yourself spiritually but not in spiritual healing. In other words, I think that you can heal the gaping wound in your psyche you didn't even realize was there by becoming more self-aware, less self-deceiving, and more responsible, thereby alleviating many stress-caused illnesses.


I also think acupuncture and yoga are beneficial since they have been scientifically proved to be so.


As for all that other crystal-healing good vibe flower power divine intervention hocus pocus...don't think so.


God helps those who help themselves. (If he exists and takes an interest in our insignificant little lives)

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Great post, Cimmie. I pretty much am on board with all of what you said.


I don't believe that unless you are a HIGHLY suggestible person, passive spiritual healing often takes place where only the healer is involved in activating an outcome. I think it CAN happen and has. The mind is so very powerful that even a placebo effect can become a "cure". Also, people can by put under hypnosis when in the ICU for 3rd degree burns, and guided through images of cool ice and cooling the burn, and within days their skin does not scar from the terrible injury. It heals normally. I have seen this with my own eyes on a video of it being done. This to me is truly amazing as a testament to what our unconscious can manifest, on the physical plane.


I do believe though in chakras and energy centers and fields in the body. There are energy pathways in acupuncture, called meridians. Those are known to exist. The chakras are another ancient system, and I have really found in studying them that there is a very high correlation to physical problems in those areas corresponding to emtional and spiritual obstacles and 'blockage.'


I believe the body is pure poetry. We are a manifestation of a divine poetic intricacy. Take the "broken heart." A lot of us here have born witness to the feelings of chest pain, heart palpitations, and so forth with those emotions. I believe if the spirit can make us sick, it can make us well, too, but skilled practitioners are often needed to bring that back on track. I believe many people are gifted in these ways and have some real knowledge and are tapped into something that exists. But the trick is to find one that is the real thing.


After all, physics tells us without a shred of a doubt that we are absolutely nothing but electrical fields. From a sub-atomic perspective, just clouds of electrons and magnetic attraction. We are a battery called "human being" and our nervous system is the electrical power. When that electricity is cut off, we die. For anyone interested, a fascinating book is, "The Body Electric."


So it makes sense that we can be polarized to touch, energy coming from someone else in the form of even thoughts, in my opinion. How this can be validated scientifically I don't know, but I see empirically that it is true. And I am a die-hard skeptic!

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