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I'm all about loving your mother and all

but today, my 20 year old boyfriend I've been dating for over a little year now was brushing with his moms toothbrush because it "works better".


Does anyone else find this completely strange?

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Hmm. Maybe he thinks it's magic. (?) I know my son used to say that my soda tasted better than his. Sounds psychological...I wouldn't worry too much, unless there are other weird signs. If he starts wearing her dresses and mimicking her voice however....(like the Bates Hotel kinda thing) (joke there...) I wonder if his mom is aware that he is using HER toothbrush...not very sanitary.

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I wouldn't worry too much, unless there are other weird signs. If he starts wearing her dresses and mimicking her voice however....(like the Bates Hotel kinda thing) (joke there...) I wonder if his mom is aware that he is using HER toothbrush...not very sanitary.


I agree.

I wouldn't worry too much, unless thier are other weird signs.

If it really bothers you & you find it disgusting. Maybe you could buy him HIS OWN tooth brush, just like hers.

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