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In your teens? Why you dyin

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I can tell you this from experience:


If you think at 15 and 17 that your only way out is to kill yourself you have no willpower at all.


I've gone through everything around that age and tried to kill myself, and I can tell you this: If you just suck it up and really DECIDE that you need to change your life: you can. And it'll make you so much stronger knowing that you went through this and survived.


I know how hard it is. And if you're REALLY depressed, than I know exactly what it feels like to not want to move...all you want to do is lie there and wait until you stop breathing, always upset and dragged down and you don't even know why.


If your friends are "emo" and also fake depressed about the big bad life, it's time to change your friends. Hang out with someone that isn't going to hang out in a dark place talking about how everything blows. Change the way you dress. Change the music you listen to, here's a hint: if you're listening to sad music that makes you feel even worse, you're not getting any better.


Just DECIDE to change. If you decide you're going to do everything in your power to make sure you never feel the same way again you can do it.


Writing way my biggest therapy...if you write everytime you feel bad, you're not harboring the feelings anymore, they leave you. Surround yourself with great friends, or go out and meet people. Listen to something goofy. Take up a hobby...I'm taking martial arts right now, it made me feel so much better, so much stronger, able to deal with anything. Just try it.


No one is going to do it for you.


If you beat this there's nothing in your life that will ever be as hard. When people ask me how i can go through stressful situations with a light heart, I just smile to myself and remember how much torture I went through...all I think is: The hardest decision you can ever make is whether to live or die. Once you decide to live, that's all...you're already on your way out of that dark hole you're in.


There is no reason to kill yourself. Everything is only temporary. Don't be melodramatic, look at the problem you're in and make changes to fix it. I know you don't want to do anything, lying around crying listening to sad music, maybe thinking of all the problems you have in your life (real problems: abuse, neglect, body issues, etc) you think, sometimes it's not worth it.


It can be, if you just start changin your life. There's no reason to just give in.


Also, as a teen, everything is just that much more intense...everyday is live or die. You're not alone in this. Vent, write, get a physically active hobby...change yourself.


Everyone can do it.


I still, about once a month or two, get a day where i feel my depression come back. And the whole night all i do is act the way i did when i was in my little hell. BUT, I know I feel like it because of depression, and instead of thinking of somethign dramatic i write an entry on "it's back, i feel like...." . I just let it happen, realize what it is, don't let it consume me.


Don't just give up.



Also as a side note:


No other person is worth your life. And if you're alone: change who you are inside before you start thinking about getting a relationship. Fix yourself first. People are not out there to fix you...they want to share their life with you, not treat you like a puppy they need to fix. Once you're strong enough to stand on your own, you'll find someone to care about who will love you back.

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i have a problem with the listening to sad music makes u feel worse



It makes me feel better... It helps me write my feelings down, so i can just forget them till alater date..

Ok so maybe thats just me, but I've been through alot, and have basically been depressed all my life, tho before the last 2 years it was mainly physical... Choronic pain caused it...


sorry I only read to there.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I somewhat agree sad music does make it feel better sometimes but it doesnt make it go away. The best way I have found is thinking about what you have to live for and what makes you feel the happiest like talking to friends laughing or writing in my journal always helps.


Depression though is mostly a health problem. Excercise and eating better will make it go away for good. I have found that my depression is triggered by foods that i am sensitive to. when ever i eat them they make me feel like looking on the negatives in life and i start feeling in the dumps.

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Agree'd I felt the same way last year but I decided to say f everyone who has ever made me depressed and I'm just going to enjoy the next 80 years of my life.\


talking to friends laughing or writing in my journal always helps.

I write in a notepad journal and I feel incredibly relieved after writing all the things I want to say. Think it mainly works for people who repress their emotions though.

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I agree to a certain point but i know many people (myself included) who have set out to change, changed their clothes, their friends all those things that you said but it just doesn't work. I write poetry and keep a journal, but still sometimes things don't change, no matter how hard you try the crappy feelings just don't go away.


I do agree though, you can't start to feel better without making the change, but what happens when the change isn't enough?

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I agree to a certain point but i know many people (myself included) who have set out to change, changed their clothes, their friends all those things that you said but it just doesn't work. I write poetry and keep a journal, but still sometimes things don't change, no matter how hard you try the crappy feelings just don't go away.


I do agree though, you can't start to feel better without making the change, but what happens when the change isn't enough?


You don't change your friends or your clothes, you change the way you think. Life doesn't have a fluffy cloud on which we can glide upon, it's very often a journey crawling into hell and back, a journey of growth and learning which makes us strong and wise and we stick it out to the end DESPITE the crap and crappy feelings we endure on the way. It's what makes us who we are.


Life is never an easy ride but a ride very much worthwhile.

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I don't understand why anyone would want to die before they've even lived their life.


Cuz there lifes just get so hard the pain just hurts so much inside and they just cant handle it, and it seems like the only anwser is suicide at the time

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