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So I'm trying to find out how I can attract more girls

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metabolism is bs. you can always eat a bunch. and i'm not talking packing down crisco.




I'm confused. Do you mean...? I don't know what you mean, to be honest. lol


In any event, yeah, I can eat whatever I like and don't gain a pound. It's kinda nice, actually.

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I can't gain any weight. I don't watch what I eat, and I eat a ton of food. I really don't exercise all that much either - about four hours a week. I do Tae Kwon Do four days a week. I've always been thin, so unless I start eating fat by the bucket, I don't think I'll gain any weight anytime soon.


Anyway, I don't think I look all that bad. I've definitely gained muscle from all the TKD, so overall I think I look good.

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For me I've been at 6'2", 170 pounds for ages and it sucks. I wouldn't mind shooting up to 200 pounds. I hear that height + weight (consisting of muscle of course) can dramatically improve your chances with women.


Since you prefer to be approached Wil, perhaps this is the direction to take?

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i used to be a twig. then i did bodybuilding for 3 months. that diet sucks. so now i just work out at my own pace and eat well. you just need to eat more. i'm not talking stuff your face, but eat some semi large portioned meals, 5-6 times a day and lift weights. you will gain something. i'm tired of skinny people telling me they can't gain weight. there is no metabolism too high to not gain weight. i know a skinny guy that i tried to train for a week. he quit because he has no drive to do so.

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