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Is it a good idea to ask my friend out in French?

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This girl I kind of like really likes French. So, I was thinking of pretending to not know what a certain phrase in French is, like "Will you go out with me?" and asking her to translate it. Do you think this might be better than the traditional English way for me?

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Why not? It's a creative attempt. I'm sure she'll be caught off guard...in a good way. Hopefully, she says yes. That part is the chance you are taking. If she likes you back, how you ask it won't affect her decision. So make it memorable even if she rejects you.

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well, so long as you don't make a mistake and say 'voulez vous couchez avec moi, ce soir'. Ah, Lady Marmalade...


Erm, sounds cute, could go wrong. You could ask her out for un petit cafe avec moi or something...


Good luck!


I just laughed so hard at the "Voulez-vous couchez avec moi..."


I think it would be a really sweet gesture.

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I'll admit it's cute and clever and everything BUT.....I can probably tell you for sure that even after translating it she won't interpret it as you asking her out on a date...


In that case, do you have a plan? If your plan in that case is just to ask her again in english (or worse, get embarrassed and not say anything further), then you're better off doing it in english.

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Do not do this. If you try getting a woman to go out with you by doing special thigns for her, kissing up to ehr or buying her gifts, you are setting yourself up for rejection. Get her to go out with you, then after a couple dates pull out the french.

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Do not do this. If you try getting a woman to go out with you by doing special thigns for her, kissing up to ehr or buying her gifts, you are setting yourself up for rejection. Get her to go out with you, then after a couple dates pull out the french.


I agree. I was going to post this earlier but felt like it was useless and didn't feel like arguing with people who would encourage this because it's "sweet".

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Do what the moment calls for. Sometimes, when it comes to dating and love, I wish to tell hesitent people to just plunge ahead and see what happens.


Have fun with life. Give it a try. Laugh if she doesn't understand then write down the translation and slide it over, smiling all the while. If she says no, you could say, "Well, I was hoping for a Wei Wei! Whoever you choose is a very lucky guy." And that could be the basic ending dialog

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I'm more with Beec and Diggity (maybe not for the same reasons): I am French, and I would find this wayyyyy cheesy. For me at least, total turn-off. However, you have a better idea of who she is, so if you think she'll like it, I don't think it would have disastrous consequences.


I don't think she would interpret you asking to translate the phrase as asking her out. I know I wouldn't. Honestly my advice would be to just go for it and ask her out in plain English. Simplest and fastest way to get a plain answer.

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I definitely like foreign languages, but if a guy tried to ask me out in one of the languages that I'm learning, yes, it would make him look kind of dorky, and not in a good way. Sorry.


However, I would be more likely to respond positively if instead of busting out the French right away, you said the phrase in English first, asking me to translate it into French...and once I do translate it, repeat it in French for emphasis, in case she didn't get the innuendo the first time.

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you should do this. instead of just asking her out in french, say something like "i think you are very hot". then say your friend told you to tell her. then this looks like you were talking about her to a friend. plus it will flatter her at the same time. she should blush. then ask her out.

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