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Is he abusing my dog?

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I feel like a horrible dog mommy, so I changed my Avatar so everyone can see the little demon dog I love so much.


Thanks again everyone, I feel horrible, but atleast I know how to handle it now.


It would be so sad to see such an adorable dog become miserable and fearful. Now, you won't let that happen, will you?


Listen, my dogs are both a little on the wild side, too. They get into their share of trouble, that's for sure. One of my pooches loves to get into the garbage, and my other dog practically knocks down anyone who walks through the door in his excitement to say hello to them. As young dogs, they also destroyed their fair share of my possessions. But that wouldn't have made it right for me to have inflicted harm on them, to be mean, impatient, and to isolate them to a lonely part of the house. Today, they are as sweet as can be. Still wild, but they don't have a mean bone in their bodies towards humans, and I plan to keep it that way.


It's true, dogs become aggressive to humans out of fear. And dogs are more intuitive than people realize, they know which humans are fearful.


My mother gave me a great piece of advice once, which may sound deceptively simple to some, but here it was: "Pick a guy whose good to his mom and kind to animals." One of the reasons why I fell in love with my boyfriend was how good he was to my dogs. He's so loving, and he's just like a dog himself around them, lol. Every night when he gets home, he gets on the ground and wrestles and plays with them both. He had no objection to my dogs sleeping on the bed, in fact, he said, "Well, of course I don't mind! That's where they've always slept and way before I came around!" He also spoils them with toys and treats...he truly loves my dogs! And in turn, that is one of the reasons why I love him so deeply.

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I just mean that abusing a dog and abusing a child are defined differently. Jerking a kid around by their shirt is one thing, but grabbing a dog by the collar.. come on. Spanking the dog...??


Why is discipline, in general, always frowned upon? I DO UNDERSTAND there is a fine line between abuse and discipline, and if someone was doing that to my CHILD I would have their head. But a dog...I guess I fail to see how one can be so connected to a dog.

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I guess I fail to see how one can be so connected to a dog.


And I can't explain to you how, people either do or don't have compassion for animals. Some people feel animals are of little importance, and have zero rights. I remember reading on a message board about the Moulder brothers arrest (the two brothers that threw a live puppy in a 500 degree oven and essentially cooked it to death). Most people were outraged and said they should be taken off the streets forever. Others expressed similar opinions that you seem to feel about animals...it's just a dog, so what's the big deal?

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I just mean that abusing a dog and abusing a child are defined differently. Jerking a kid around by their shirt is one thing, but grabbing a dog by the collar.. come on. Spanking the dog...??


Why is discipline, in general, always frowned upon? I DO UNDERSTAND there is a fine line between abuse and discipline, and if someone was doing that to my CHILD I would have their head. But a dog...I guess I fail to see how one can be so connected to a dog.


I guess I don't see the difference between abusing a child and a dog. I don't think it's wrong to do one thing, and no big deal to do the other, just because one is human and one is not. What I do believe is we have an obligation to treat with kindness and fairness any being less powerful than we are. That's just a code of honor, plain and simple.


Also, he didn't just grab the dog by his collar. I've grabbed my dogs by the collar, when they were about to run into the street or something. He grabbed this dog's choke chain, and pulled it very tight...because the dog was throwing up. That's not discipline, that's punishment for the poor dog being sick! It was also stupid and senseless and cruel. Discipline is about control and teaching an animal (or child) to behave. This guy appears to not even be able to control his anger towards a small dog about a tenth of his size, and all he's teaching the poor dog to do is to hate him and become fearful and aggressive.


And anyone who owns a dog should also know that if you hit them for doing something hours ago, they will have no idea what the hell you are hitting them for.


I get the feeling you don't own a dog.

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No, that is ridiculous and I would love to see people who commit such atrocious acts be taken off the streets. THAT is wrong. But I don't understand how people take a dog in like its a person...dogs are dogs, not people.


BTW, my mom is one of these people and I give her a TON of crap about it. I am not AGAINST people who are this way, I just don't understand it.


That said, I re-read the OP. I must apologize as I overlooked the part in the OP where she stated she could never have children. I am sorry, and in your case, it is more pheasable (at least to me) that one would be attached in that way to their dog.

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But I don't understand how people take a dog in like its a person...dogs are dogs, not people.


No, they are not people, that's for sure. There are many differences. Dogs are generally more trusting than people, more able to give unconditional love, and do not ask for much. That's why it's so sad to me when they are mistreated. There is something so innocent about dogs...they really do live in the moment, and are fascinated with the tiniest little details of their surroundings. They could teach us humans a thing or two about attaining happiness if we really observed them.


How in the world did your mom raise a kid who's not into dogs like she is?

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Actually, have had dogs since I was a child. And they respect me, and do not cower down to me. My dogs are very well disciplined, healthy loving animals. They are not annoying, and they are not the kind of dogs that make people think twice about coming to my house.


I do not shower them with oodles of love and affection though, as that is not me. Maybe this issue could be better argued as the difference between men and women, or a small aspect of the differences.

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Honestly if someone was jerking my pet around, causing them to choke, or spanking my pet, it would take every last ounce of control in me not to choke them. I would be unable to date someone that mistreated animals in any way, shape, or form.


It sounds like Riley needs structure and needs to be trained PROPERLY.


Abusing the dog will never help.


Your BF needs to be told sternly by you not to touch your dog. It's not his place to do those things. This is no different than if it was your child.


Yes, Riley has some behavior issues- but Riley is not dumb. Of course the dog is going to be aggressive and pee on your BF's things- when it's being abused by him. That's no coincidence... I can't say I blame the poor dog.


One day Riley might be pushed the the brink and bite and cause some real damage. An intervention is needed immediately.



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1. I think you would be well advised to get your dog some good obediance training.


2. I would have a serious talk to your boyfriend, you caught him red handed spanking your dog and that is not productive to training him, And it is not his place to be doing that. I would tell him if it ever happened again I was leaving him.

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You can tell if a person is decent by the way they treat animals and kids, if they are cruel to either........run for you life.

If that dog is your baby then your boyfriend needs to respect your feelings and your pet.

If he's going to hurt something that's so close to you then you need to let him go because I'm sure there are more horrible things to come.

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Perhaps your dog peed because he was frightened?


I see several red flags here.


1) A man who'd abuse a little dog is capable of anything, including abusing you, or kids. I would not associate with someone like that. As Scout suggested, leave him.


2) The breed of dog tells a lot about the dog owner. Men who own dogs bred for fighting are giving a plain clue to their personality. He likes dogs with violent capabilities and tendencies. That's psychological projection. i.e. - he has violent capabilities and tendencies himself. He likes violence, and that's why he is attracted to owning a Rottweiler.


3) His behavior is disrespectful to you.


If you don't leave, this guy will eventually start beating you, or his dog will bites you. At least find a good home for your dog, if you won't save yourself.


Why didn't you go downstairs and immediately investigate and confront him when you came back for cell phone and heard him abusing your dog? I'll tell you why. Because deep down in your emotions, and instincts, in the back of your subconsicious mind, you know this guy is dangerous and you were afraid to go down there and investigate and confront him.


Please wise up. If your dog is your child, then protect your child and yourself and get out now. Obviously he is abusing your dog and doing God knows what to him when you aren't home.


Take your dog to vet right away and have him examined for abuse and injuries. If you stay with this man, I predict it's only a matter of time before he starts abusing you.

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Let me add that many people who own pit bulls and Rottweilers are notorious for certain behaviors.


1) Intentionally abusing dog to make dog mean


2) Encouraging their dog to attack smaller or weaker dogs called bait dogs to teach their killer to kill. Your dog is in danger, from his dog as well as him.


3) Those type dog owners are notorious for being violent to other people.


This guy has so many red flags that he's like a quilt made of red flags.


Your dog does need obediance school, but that is a separate issue from the abuse. Your BF is a dangerous scumbag with violent tendencies that most everyone else in this thread can plainly see, except you. Open your eyes and use your feet while you still can.


If nothing else, get your dog a new home. That way you'll be the only one getting abused, cause I guarantee this guy will start in on you eventually.

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Just to make myself very plain on this point. I agree with Scout. Kindness cannot be taught, at least not to an adult.


Cruel adults are not reformable. Better to be single than with this man. Your feet were made for walkin, and walkin's what they should be doing.


Do still get your dog obediance training, but later. Right now, just get out.

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