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"should old aquaintance be forgot...

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and never brought to mind?"


well i celebrated my birthday by myself by going to an asian restuarant, remembering my mom's food and where i came from. the music was making me depressed; i started reflecting back the past few years and the people who came and went in my life, specifically old roomates from school


does anybody ever wonder about old acquaintances, whether or not to keep in touch, if they were good enough friends shouldn't they call or text??? or because i was the reserved introverted type they take that wrong and don't keep in contact with me.


these guys were my roomates for 6 months. we went out for drinks, and clubbing a few times. i moved out unexpectantly and didn't leave a number, heard they were upset because i didn't leave a number. I always feel like i'm not really close with anyone but few people because i'm the quiet introverted type. a month later i ran into them and again and exchanged numbers, wished them well; after a year we haven't really spoken...i think about them and what they're doing once in a while...

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You shoud contact them and say hi or something.


Regardless, even if you don't talk to them again, you would be surprised at how old friendships from long ago suddenly spark up again after years of not seeing eachother.


Personally, I think you should make it a point to work on over coming this introverted victim mentality. Yes its hard to open up and be yourself around different people, especially if that's not how you typically work, but it sounds more like your using that as an excuse than actually putting yourself on the line.


Either way, hope the best. I know how hard it can be to suddenly be alone in your day to day life.

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My experience is no so i just move on


how old are you quietgrl? i'm a few years beyond college, most people my age are married so there's not a whole lot of people i socialize with, no one from high school, i keep up with one person from college. so as i get older and move from job to job, i don't think i'll have that many opportunities to socialize with anyone. not only that being quiet, shy its difficult to know people from work, especially for a guy. so i wonder if i'll ever be in another situation to get to know people beyond work.


that's just my perspective on things right now.

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