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Almost over my ex, but theres just one main thing that bothers me now...

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Its been about a month since we broke up, and im feeling alot better. I havent spoken to her in person for like 2 weeks, only a text here or there from her, and i respond because i dont want to leave her hanging. I guess its my own little version of NC . But anyway back to my point, neither of us have spoken to each other in person so ive been trying to avoid her really, but when I do see her theres just one thing that makes my heart sink and it drives me crazy. She looks so good! And I cant get over her being so pretty. I once had the most beautiful girl in my eyes and now I dont. How do I get over someone so good looking. Her face, her clothes, her body, the way she wears her hair, its just so perfect to me; how can I make it so that when I look at her i dont feel sad. My heart sinks and my stomache flutters when I take a glance at her.

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I really don't know how to make you change that view but I also feel like that about my ex. She is pretty but I just think of it like "i've dated a really good looking girl and now that we are not together, I'll just find another hottie". Just gotta keep moving on man. Theres a lot of attractive people out there. if you got one hot one, you'll get another. Don't stress it man.

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I am dreading seeing my ex for the first time. I don't know when it will be, but it's bound to happen. He isn't what most people would class as attractive, but I don't know if I could have really fancied him much more. I loved looking at him. As always it's the eyes that ropes you in, and I hate having conversations with people without looking them in the eye, but I doubt I could physically do it if I saw him. Am currently trying remember each of the ways he hurt me and associating it with something about his features that I loved. It's difficult, but it may help. I've decided that him lying to me will be his eyes.


If this girl was absolutely flawless, then just try and remember the sadness you felt when you see her, and remember it was her that caused it.

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if you think she is flawless, that just means you didn't get to know her well enough!


also, it sounds like you were still in the infatuation/physical attraction phase when you broke up, and your hormones are talking...


if she was perfect, and perfect for you, you wouldn't have broken up... so hang in there, you'll meet someone else, who might look totally different, and if she's perfect for you, you'll think she just as great.

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There were probably alot of things I didnt know about her, simply because she kept a few secrets...but she told me alot of things that in the end Id rather not want to hear, but i asked her about it for the sake of knowing.


No it wasnt her looks that was the only thing that attracted me. Her personality is so good when she is happy. I didnt date her just so I could say i had a hot gf, thats wrong to me, i liked her for who she was. Now that im kinda over that part, im not over phase 2, being her physical appearance to me.


Another thing, we were perfect, i would have called it a match made in heaven but of course i cant because we broke up and that wouldnt make sense...


Anyway, i hope i can find a girl like her, or even better. I really dont care much if she finds someone else (except for the whole seeing them together in school). For all I care, she can go find another guy and find out hes an * * * * * * * just like her exes before me.

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I dated a girl in HS who I thought was the most gorgeous woman ever. Now I'm friends with her and have no attraction whatsoever. I also dated a girl last year whom I thought was gorgeous. Now I see her and I wonder what I was thinking.


2 weeks isn't long, but you'd be surprised as to how much your perception of someone can change with time.


Even the girl I've been posting about...I saw a picture of her, she changed her hair. Still pretty...but not what she looked like when I was seeing her, and I'm not as attracted.

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