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If your bf/gf has no desire to meet your parents ...

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... is that a bad sign for the relationship? I mean, if they don't care about meeting them either way, and are mostly indifferent about the prospect of meeting your parents, would you be put off by that? Does it mean they don't want the relationship to become more serious?

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Maybe they're not ready to take the relationship to that next level. I know people (myself included) who would not introduce a bf/gf to their parents unless marriage was in the foreseeable future.


How serious are you?

How far away are your parents?

Do you live with your parents?

How old are the two of you?

What things have you told him about your parents?

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One other question to add to hazey amber's:


How close to their own family is s/he?


Some families aren't close, so it's not that important to them. They could be very serious about a relationship with you, but if they're not close to their own family and you are close to yours, they may not be able to wrap their mind around the importance of meeting your family.


Niether I or my husband are close to our respective families...so meeting the parents was pretty much a non-issue/not a big deal for either of us.

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I think maybe people should stop looking out for these cliché "omens" within their relationships, I would think it means absolutely nothing on it's own. You might as well be worrying about her being a fire sign and you being an earth sign (not that I know if they are supposed to be opposed or compatible or whatever, but you know what I mean)

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I agree with the posters in finding out how close he is to his family before you worry too much.


And the other question is, how long have you been with him? Some people are not gung ho to meet the parents until they themselves feel certain that the relationship is going somewhere.....

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I think it could become an issue later in the relationship if one partner is close with their family and the other isn't.


The one who isn't as family-oriented may not want to do things with the other partner's family members or may dislike family members' involvement with the couple. While the more family-oriented partner may feel they're being put in a postion where they have to choose between their family and their SO.


This is the case with any differing values between partners. You need to evaluate how far apart your views are, how much each of you is willing to compromise, what each of you is not willing to give up and if a compromise is even possible.

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Maybe they want to be with you a while before meeting the folks.

It could be seen as a precursor to a serious relationship, and he might want to be careful.


Some guys will do anything to impress you, and give it no thought.

Not a good sign either.

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Just because they don't want to meet your parents doesn't mean they don't see a future.


My bf met my parents very early on. He wanted to and I spend lots of time with my family so I introduced them.


Early on he told me his mom asked him if she'd get to meet me before he ended things with me. He explained that normally he never introduces anyone to his parents. However, he asked me several times to meet them. I declined because I wasn't sure about our future and felt it would be tacky for us to meet due to certain circumstances.


Anyhow, this past Sunday, I met his mom (after 6 months of dating.) Even though I'm not sure I want a future with him. I just got to the point that I'd really like to meet his mom and the opportunity arose. He figured I'd decline but I was all for it.


So there ya go. Can really go either way. They may see a future with you but don't care to meet them or they may not see a future and be willing to meet them. Just depends on the person I guess.

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