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Well, ex and I been split for about 13 weeks now, I've held NC, as hard as thats been.. Seeing a new girl now, but finding those old letters really tore me up. And she's not the same..


Was also a card from last valentines day, and everything was like "I'll love you forever, you will always be with me" etc.


Funny how things change, I didn't cry, more numb than anything. I almost texted her, just saying hi, and how I found the old letters..I feel like mailing them back to her, as immature as that is. She may be seeing someone now, sigh.. I hope shes happy. (We dated for 4 years.. thought she was the one)..sappy I know.

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dont blow your 13 weeks dude!


you hit a rough spot. it happens.


when you are driving and hit a patch of ice, start to skid........what do you do?


you turn into it, face it, and straighten yourself out.


get throu gh this and i think it will be a big step for your healing.


as far as the other girl is concerned......dont write her off. give her a chance. but, dont expect to find a perfect match only 13 weeks after the breakup.


the way it goes is that a new love interest will suddenly appear...RIGHT WHEN YOU LET GO OF YOUR EX. so hurry up and put her behind you!




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Holy crap, those old letters are the worst thing you can ever read. I once read some old letters a few weeks after breaking up and I could not function for a few hours. I say keep them in a sealed box and then in a few years you can either read them and get a good laugh out of them or just throw them away.

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I shipped all the reminders from my last relationship to my father's place. There are things that I would want to have eventually, but not in the near future. Still not there yet.


Get rid of everything that reminds you of your exes or you will be sorry. I assure you.




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Ugh, I dont have the power to toss them. They meant a lot at the time, and I cant believe how much has changed. She sounded so sincere in these letters, crazy.. like we were gonna be together.. its amazing how fast a woman can change. I have been contemplating all day texting her, when i know its the WRONG decision.

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Keep finding letter from my ex all over the place. I don't read them, just put them straight in the trash. Even the card that i still recall says inside "my love, my life, my everything. The caretaker of my dreams" She never wants to hear form me again. Why should i give her the satisfaction of returning things that she will know cause me pain?

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