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Hey everybody, this weekend my girlfriend of 1 year broke up with me. She lives accross the street from me. She told me she thought we needed to maintain a friendship before we could start dating again. I called her that day a lot trying to get it back together because I didn't understand. But school has started and she's involved in a lot so I think she's just stressed. I gave her a couple of days and she called me last night and she told me she loved me and she missed me. I don't understand this because she knows it hurts me to hear that when I can't be with her. Is there any hope for this relationship? Or do I just need to give her time?

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If she doesn't want to get back into a relationship with you, DO NOT let her say those things to you. It confuses you and just causes more problems. After all, how can you be friends with someone who tells you I love you (and isn't been stupid ). She wants friends, she gets friends. She wants a relationship, she gets that...no in-betweens aloud!!!!!

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You didn't mention how old you are, but when I was in H.S. my long-time boyfriend (who coincidentally lived accross the street like your gf!) broke up with me and changed his mind later on. It's part of getting older, needing to see what else might be out there and she may also just need some time alone so she can focus on school and her activities. It's probably a confusing time for her, as for you. I doubt she is trying to hurt you by saying she still loves you, etc. I would not doubt that she is telling you the truth. It can be hard to be apart when you are still carrying feelings, even though the person feels their decision was the right one. I wish she would talk to you and further explain her reasoning for the breakup. In time, she may do that. For now, I think you should give her room (I know how hard that is, but you've got to). And I know it sounds trite, but if you are supposed to hook back up, you will. Try staying involved in school, or keep up with studying, or spend more time with friends, family, etc.. . or date someone new. Whatever you do, don't try to force anything. It sucks to wait, but hopefully things will all pan out for the best. I know they will. Hang in there!

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