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reassurance from those with EXPERIENCE

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I'm feeling a bit down today... it's been about four months into my break-up. My ex got a new girlfriend about 1 month after we broke up. I'm not going into details with anything, but the point is... I see them both every single day at school and it hurts but I've been coping.


Onto my problem... I am SEVENTEEN years old and I feel as if I won't find ANYONE else! I hope he's not my "first love" because this just resulted in a bad bad heartbreak for me.


Can people who are older (which most, if not all, of you are) please ASSURE me that there actually ARE plenty of people out there? Stories would help... especially those that thought you were never going to find someone else, but later on you did? Please assure me that I'm being stupid... and that I'm freakishly young and I have a whole lifetime of relationships ahead of me?


I just need to hear some words of assurance...


I have a very irrational fear that nobody else will even come close to what we had... and I'll end up in college alone and single... not that there's anything wrong with being single. I've practically been single my whole life until my ex.


I just need to be comforted into knowing he's not the only good thing that'll come into my life... even better, that I'll be experiencing even MORE heartbreak... I fear this will be the only one I'll have to endure!! Crazy, I know.

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ok Yes, you WILL find love again. I guarantee it! I will personally send you $50 if you don't find yourself in a relationship within the next 5 years! LOL. Colleges are filled with single people, and everyone is looking to connect (in one way or another). You have plenty of men in your future, no worries. Just focus on having fun right now, going out, and studying, and a guy will be by soon enough.


My story: I had a bad breakup in high school and I felt the same way as you do now. I was on an airplane, people were boarding, and I was thinking how I wouldn't find love again. Wouldn't you know it, at that moment a gorgeous guy walked onto the plane and took the seat next to me! we talked the whole flight and kissed me at the end. The universe really delivered for me that day! I knew then and there that my ex wasn't the only man in the world.


good luck!

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I've practically been single my whole life until my ex.


SpeedingCars, in a couple of years, you'll be saying " what was I thinking"..


We, most of us, at one time , experienced a broken heart, part of life, but if you don't venture on, how can you appreciate life...


You're young, have fun, don't take your life too serious, finish school, let faith guide you....

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Thanks... my motivation right now is just getting into this college I've been dying to go to. It really helps take my mind off of things. Although it's not out-of-state or out-of-city, I'll still be able to leave this behind me.


And cute story, Annie! That's like something out of a MOVIE! =)

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You will find love, you will grow as a person and you will find a relationship better than this one.

Here's my story, I was 18 and freshman in college. I met this girl in one of my classes and it took me a few months but eventually we started dating. Things were wonderful, we had great times and shared everything. We dated for almost 5 years, talked about getting married, starting a family and our lives together. We were almost ready to buy a house together, had been seriously looking and getting everything in order. But then one day she decided she just didn't love me anymore and didn't feel the same way she once did about me.

I was crushed, i put my entire existence into that relationship and I thought that she was definitely "the one." I felt very much like you do now and thought that I would spend the rest of my life single and alone. Fast forward a few years and a couple meaningless relationships I had almost given up hope on finding someone. But when I had all but given up wanting/needing to be in a relationship and was least expecting it. Someone wonderful came into my life and showed me that yes I could love again. We had an amazing relationship, shared even more than I did with the one I spent 5 years with.


So the answer to your question is yes, there is a life for you after a breakup even though it doesn't seem like it at the moment. The pain will subside, you will let go, you will move on to bigger and better things. Don't let it run your life, don't let it ruin your life. Just go back to being you and let things happen, life will run its course.

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Oh, hon. I'm sorry you were hurt, and our stories aren't exact parallels, but after a high school love that really was love, I went to college and was basically hunted like an animal by guys... No one was more surprised than I was. So hold on. You might not be looking for another guy, but they are sure looking for you.

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At 17 years of age, you have your whole life ahead of you! I wish I was 17 years old again and knowing what I know. I could have probably taken over the world

But seriously, yes your pain is real but once you get to college, let the good times roll! You will see and experience things that will significantly diminish the pain your going through right now. In the meantime, work on yourself, hang with friends and if all else fails, go to the gym and punish your body (no other feeling like making your body ache like it wrestled a 800 pound gorilla all night).

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Thanks, guys


WishIKnew- Hmm... 5 year relationship and you found someone who you shared even MORE with? That gives me a lot of hope that I'm not totally doomed....

Juliana- WOW, I can't wait to go to college now and be chased by guys! How fun is that?

Sword- I'm actually enrolled in the local gym and it sure does feel GOOD when your body feels BAD from a workout!... it really takes your mind off things.


I sure WILL "live it up" to the best of my ability. Everybody says to take advantage of the time that I have while I'm single... I don't see what's so great about it though. Maybe in time I'll realize that being single really isn't bad... but for now, it kinda sucks!!

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